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worried about my dog

Ken Thomas

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Jasper is 14 years old, but he has very bad joint often limps, still has 2 walks a day (his idea not mine) but getting shorter, spends most of the day in the corner, he has red eye and Catterick's, not interested in dog food but still licks his treats, his on yumove + pain killers and gabitrone, but has lost that sparkle in his eyes, now wondering if its all getting to much for him, should I let go on suffering or let him go.
Sorry to hear this ...but just you asking the question you may already know ....
I always see if the good days outweigh the bad and when there are more bad days then it's most probably time to say goodbye xx
I'm assuming gabitrone is gabapentin - is that right? That really helped my Jasper's anxiety for a good time, so I would ask your vet if you could try upping the dose.

With my Jasper I tried to put myself in his shoes. It's hard to watch your dog limp and stagger, but if he's still keen to go for a walk then he must still be getting something out of life. Whether he's content enough the rest of the time to make this worthwhile... you know your dog, only you can judge.

This is the time to spoil him rotten. I regret not giving my Jasper a whole Magnum ice cream, pot of coleslaw, and so on in his last day or two... though in fairness, I also didn't want him to have to suffer an upset tummy on top of everything else.

Our thoughts will be with you, and we'll be here for all the support you need xx
I had to have Lottie put to sleep in January at almost 14 years old. I came downstairs one morning and she was unable to get up to greet me as normal
When I got up I notice she was laying in a pool of wee. When she looked at me, I knew it was time to call the vet. I didn't ask the vet's opinion because I knew my dog and couldnt see her suffering.
I called a vet out to the house that day, and it was a much better experience than going to the surgery.
I had to have Lottie put to sleep in January at almost 14 years old. I came downstairs one morning and she was unable to get up to greet me as normal
When I got up I notice she was laying in a pool of wee. When she looked at me, I knew it was time to call the vet. I didn't ask the vet's opinion because I knew my dog and couldnt see her suffering.
I called a vet out to the house that day, and it was a much better experience than going to the surgery.

yea not as bad as that if he was I would let him go, don't you wish they could talk.
let him go today, hurts but think i done right, vet agreed first time he has looked peaceful for ages and think he wanted to go.
I'm so sorry for your loss, Ken.
It's never easy even when you know it was the right timexxx
Such a difficult time for you, but you know you made the right decision.
I'm very sorry to heat that.
let him go today, hurts but think i done right, vet agreed first time he has looked peaceful for ages and think he wanted to go.
Good for you, Ken. You put your dog’s well-being and quality of life first. THAT’S love. Hope things will settle soon for you.
yea first morning without him, it hurts and I miss him know I did the right thing but dose not make me feel better.
So sorry for your loss... Run free Jasper... xx
one is a Jack Russell cross Chihuahua. the other I don't know what it is, seeing today.


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Good for you, Ken. Hope it all works well.