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How often do you walk your dog?

I got 3 American Akitas I walk them 1 hr at 9am and 1 hr at 6pm 2 can go off lead the boy can not as he can be funny with dogs he don't know and he the size of a bear and his name called bear
My dogs have an early morning walk, a quick walk before I go to work and another when I get home. In total, it works out around two hours in the winter and more in summer.

At the weekend they get 2-3 walks but at various times depending on my plans for the day.
Four times. Short early morning. Long mid morning. Long Late afternoon. Short evening. This schedule is subject to alteration without prior notice (bit like Northern Rail) thanks to a hyperactive young cocker who may decide half way through Newsnight that: 'Guess what? Need a last look for rabbits!' There's no right of appeal.:mad:
Twice a day - at least an hour in the morning and half an hour in the afternoon.
Twice a day. Off lead in the morning for at least an hour. Then we go and visit the collie we see every day. They both play in the garden. Afternoon/early evening an hour. That doesn't include coffee mornings, lunch outings and visits he does with me. Given that he is a small dog that seems to suit him. He does like a nap between 1 and 3 if we are in.
Likes a play between 7 and 9 but he tends to be flexible about that.
Today we had hour and a half this morning and two hours this afternoon because the weather was just right and we needed to avoid OH watching Rugby
According to a survey published in the Daily Mail 45% of dogs never get walked
Agree. And it’s such a bonding activity, why wouldn’t you want to do it?
Confession... when I was young we had two dogs, a rough collie who came to us when I was 4, and a Yorkie when I was 10. They hardly ever got walked, and the Yorkie hated on-lead walks along the road :oops: But as children we played with them, they pootled round the house and the garden, and seemed happy with their lot. They weren't shut down or frustrated with unreleased energy - they weren't ever told off, and were remarkably problem free considering their training never went beyond 'sit' (taught by pushing on their bums) and the three-second stay.

I'm not saying that that is all right AT ALL, and those dogs could have got so much more out of life, but I honestly don't believe they were suffering in any way - they were happy dogs.

But now - we know better, and it's our responsibility to give our dogs the best life possible.

I'd love to have a dog where I could skip a walk occasionally. Even delaying it by an hour would be too painful to contemplate, he'd get in a right state!
I wonder how many of the dogs that are not taken for walks /given exercise. also spend a vast amount of their lives in cages too.
When I was young there was no such thing as the modern day convenient crates/cages. A puppy grew up with freedom to move and socialize with the family and have freedom in the garden when needed. As Judy has mentioned the command "Sit" and the dogs name was probably the only training given.
These days our lot get a couple of hours in the morning, which includes 1/2 hour free time in our field and then a 1 to 1.5 hr off lead walk on the Downs, (depending on the weather too). Teatime/evening 1/2 hr free time in our field. Access to our garden is always available.
Three times a day we are out on the moors. I'll often pick a good spot,sit down and let her do what she likes doing best...that's being a terrier.
I'm exhausted daily with all the walks I have to do as a dog walker/boarder. More people should hire them if your going to be away from your dogs