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  1. L


    Thank you all for your advice and condolences. I might have been over emphasising Monty's nervousness. He is not too bad. He loves other dogs and is quite happy to meet people, its just that when Cleo was here she would rush to greet everyone and because he was the more apparently dominant of...
  2. L


    Hi, I’m wondering if anyone on here can give me some advice. I have an 18 month boy whippet whose sister was tragically kicked by a friend’s horse a month ago and killed. As you can imagine we are all devastated. She was the kindest, sweetest, most mischievous little girl I’ve ever had the...
  3. L

    Advise About Small Size Whippets.

    Hi Len I'm no expert having only been a lucky whippet owner since last December, but when I was looking it seemed that it was the show whips that were much smaller than the racing ones. It has certainly turned out that way for me. My two have more racing dogs in their pedigrees and they are...
  4. L

    Are All Whippets Wimps?

    My boy certainly is. My two whips come out with me when I ride the horse. We had just got onto the forest when I saw them both running through the heather then heard a twack as poor Monty hit his foot on a tree stump. Needless to say he immediately started crying. Things like this often happen...
  5. L


    I had a dog once that didn't like Metacam so since then i've always had Rimadyl palatable tablets for pain relief- dogs think they are smarties and will eat them like treats. Worth a thought if you do have a problem with the Metacam. Laura
  6. L

    Hey there, so sorry only just seen your message, will pm you, Sonia x

    Hey there, so sorry only just seen your message, will pm you, Sonia x
  7. L

    Dont You Love Meeting Other Dog Lovers

    I've lost count of the number of times my poor whips have been chased by bigger dogs. I don't understand why owners don't put their dogs on leads or call them back if they do this kind of thing. The boy especially is now really nervous about meeting other dogs and he starts cowering and...
  8. L

    Urgent Advice Please

    Hi everyone, thanks for the reassuring replies and all your amusing stories. People had warned me that whippets stole but i assumed they meant food- not anything and everything that isn't locked away, and even then i think my bitch would work out the combination or crack the safe open!! Anyway...
  9. L

    Hi there, just wondered whereabouts in the New Forest you lived ? as we live on the edge of it...

    Hi there, just wondered whereabouts in the New Forest you lived ? as we live on the edge of it, and have 2 whippets also :- ) Sonia x
  10. L

    Urgent Advice Please

    Thanks Dr B. I phoned the vet and she said much the same thing- just keep an eye on them. She phoned the poisons centre because there was a query about the vitamin D levels or something but that was ok in the end. Fingers crossed.
  11. L

    Urgent Advice Please

    We have just discovered two newly bought but now empty 30 capsule omega 3 fish oil containers on the sitting room floor . Obviously stolen by the thieving whippets- two 9 month olds. They have managed to chew through the plastic containers and I can't find any pills anywhere so I presume they...
  12. L

    Swhippets Like To Snuggle......

    Ahh, so that's the collective noun for a group of whippets!! :D
  13. L

    Introducing Dash

    What a lucky boy with that amazing walled garden to run around in! Good luck with Dash- he looks like he's already feeling right at home :thumbsup:
  14. L

    Fur Loss

    Could he have just grazed it enough to cause hair loss and it's taking a long time to grow back? How long has he had it? It sounds like a very small patch so as long as it isn't getting bigger or anywhere else or changing texture at all I wouldn't worry too much. However I'm not a vet!! I once...
  15. L

    Urgent Advice Required Injury

    Your poor dog. What is it with whippets that cause other dogs to take a dislike to them? My poor boy and girl are the meekest dogs on the planet and they keep getting set upon by others so they are getting really nervous about meeting other dogs now- the boy especially. With regards to the...
  16. L

    Whippets Don't Like Cats!

    Awww. How cute!! Mae is absolutely gorgeous. :wub: Paper shredding was a favourite of my two when they were younger aswell- it's amazing how far one magazine can spread when it's torn up into microscopic pieces isn't it?!
  17. L

    Hello From A Very Excited New Whippet Mummy!

    Hi Paula I am also a new whippet owner (well, december) and I was really worried about the cat thing too having heard horror stories about whippets eating the family moggie etc etc. However, as you can see my two little whips get on fine with my 3 cats! They occasionally have little...
  18. L

    Toe Amputation

    Hi. I can also not offer any advice having no experience of toe amputations at all- we're not being very helpful are we! Except to say that animals never cease to amaze me.They always seem to cope wonderfully with missing or wonky bits that we humans would struggle with so i'm sure your boy...
  19. L

    Caught On Camera

    Rumbled!! A naughty little whip caught up on the side trying to get to the cat food! With her envious brother trying to figure out how to join her.
  20. L

    Natural Complete Dry Dog Food

    I'll second the James Wellbeloved- one of my pups had a really sensitive tummy when we got him. We tried everything including chicken/fish and rice cooked fresh every day. After sending off poo samples etc to make sure there was nothing seriously wrong we put him onto JW turkey and rice and...