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Lisa S

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Hi, I have never used this before and wondered what the best way to administer is? Is it best to put it into food or try to get it straight into his mouth via the syringe? Does it matter from an effectiveness point of view whether they get in food or directly into the mouth?

Also, can you use this at any time if you think your dog is in pain?

If I remember rightly it is supposed to be given with food. It should say on the packaging anyway. :thumbsup:

It's probably best to stick with the guide for administration because some drugs can cause problems to the stomach if they're not accompanied by food. With regards to doseage, again stick to the prescription. If adequate pain relief isn't being obtained get the dog back to the vet because overdosing could be lethal. If your considering it for a dog in pain that hasn't seen the vet I would consult with them first. My own vet has been quite reasonable in the past and asked me what's available in the medicine cupboard if he hasn't been able to see mine so don't think your being unreasonable by giving them a bell.
My old greyhound was on Metacam for her last few years to help with her arthritis and it was very effective. I used to put it in her food.

I usually have some in the cupboard here and would give it to a dog as a one-off painkiller if needed, but wouldn't give it on a regular basis without the vet's say-so, it can cause stomach problems used longer term and doesn't suit all dogs.

I don't like the way the dosages of Metacam are worked out - the dosage syringe is measured by your dog's weight in kilos. I've heard of at least two people who misunderstood this and gave (eg) 20 mg instead of the dose for a 20kg dog, which was a massive overdose and in one case the dog nearly died.
thanks for the replies. sorry i did not explain it very well but i did get it prescribed by the vet but wondered if dogs take it OK straight into the mouth or whether they do not like the taste. he has antibiotics as well at the moment which are going into his food so i was thinking his food would seem awful with so much horrible stuff in it and then he may not eat it :wacko:

poor little lad had something in his pad and was limping really badly so i took him into the vet yesterday and he had a good poke about in his pad and did find what he thinks was a thorn or bit of wood in there but he now has a sore hole in his pad which looks really painful.
I suspect it probably tastes ok, got a few pill dodgers here and metacam's never been an issue. :thumbsup:
I use the syringe and put this in at the side of the mouth and squirt. Then hold the mouth shut for a few seconds and give something tasty! Metacam should be given with food so I give it after the main meal.
I had a dog once that didn't like Metacam so since then i've always had Rimadyl palatable tablets for pain relief- dogs think they are smarties and will eat them like treats. Worth a thought if you do have a problem with the Metacam.

My old geyhound was on this for quite awhile, I used to put it on little squares of bread and made metacam sandwiches for her to have with her dinner
Metacam, as I understand it, is an anti-inflammatory, not just pain relief.

It should not be given for just any sort of pain, like humans use aspirin or panadol. It is for ailments where there is inflammation - sprains, bumps and bruises, cuts etc.

I have always just squirted it down their throat with a syringe.
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I use the dosing syringe supplied with the bottle and draw up some water to mix with the metacam and make it easier to adminster.

Take care to squirt into side of mouth as it can "go the wrong way" if you just shoot it into an open mouth.

A bonio biscuit or tripe stick afterwards takes care of the "with food" requirement :thumbsup:
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My Chip was on Metacam after his dog attack in 2004....I remember spooning it into his mouth too...after meals

and then followed by a nice piece of cheese.