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Fur Loss


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Hello all, I hope some one has an idea what the fur loss is on Jovi's ear, we have been to the vet and he gave us some Fuciderm Gel

wich has'nt helped he said he would take a sample of fur and grow a culture if the patch did'nt grow back. as the patch has'nt changed in any way I havent been back to the vet yet I just thought someone may have an idea The patch is

about half the size of a little finger nail and is on the bit of ear that attatches to the front of his head and rotates

the ear up and down etc it is'nt scalyand it is almost V shaped. thank you for reading this, Wellibob
Lilly has something similar. It is most noticible in the Summer when the weather is warm and goes away in the Winter months. She has very fine ears with thin fur and they are prone to dryness. I put vasiline on the insides 2 times a week.

This info probably does not help much as Jovi's condition sounds slightly different.
Could he have just grazed it enough to cause hair loss and it's taking a long time to grow back? How long has he had it? It sounds like a very small patch so as long as it isn't getting bigger or anywhere else or changing texture at all I wouldn't worry too much. However I'm not a vet!!

I once had a Great Dane who developed seasonal alopecia and used to lose half his hair every winter poor boy then it would regrow in the spring. He looked most odd. Not that i'm suggesting Jovi has the same thing!

Good luck

One of my whippets has nearly bald ears, I have mentioned it to the vet several times but he always puts it down to her being a baldy blue whippet. As she is blue and the skin is dark its not that noticable , they tend to be on the dry side so I do moisturise and put sun cream on them.
You could try some Coconut Oil (although be cautious if you are going out in the sun). We used to use this on horses after an injury had healed, it seems to promote the hair growth and the hair grows back the same colour rather than white as often happens after an injury.
Thank you for your suggestions I wll take them on board and if their is no inprovement I will go back to the vet


Thank you for your suggestions I wll take them on board and if their is no inprovement I will go back to the vetwellybob
Hi there

I noticed a few years ago one of my whippets had dry patches on his ears and the hair came out. I took him to the vet and they did all sorts of tests but nothing showed up.

The only thing they suggested then was an alergy to the sunlight. They recommened that I use P20 which is a total sun block and keep him out of the sun, but he loves sunbathing.

My daughter then advised that she had read somewhere that something contained in the P20 can contribute to Alziheimers !!!

I tried it on my whippets ears and yes the condition improved and the hair grew back.
