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  1. J

    Loverly Greyhound Site

    Larkhill Joe and a few dogs from the Droopsy blood lines have put a few quid in my pocket at the Bookies! nice site i did not know was out there
  2. J

    Hunting In Packs

    I runt two Deerhound Xs togeather and have no problems but ther is 12 months differance in age'they both hunt v-well but i never run two dogs to one Rabbit. I would advise you to wait until your dog is 12 to 18 months old before geting an other as traing two dogs at the same time can be...
  3. J

    Pc & Partner Admit Dog Neglect

    And these are the people who insist on chaseing me and my well feed dogs around the Fens during the winter
  4. J

    Advice Needed Please

    Firstly Dont Worry Lurchers are hardy dogs and mostly seam to miss out on the usual puppy mallodies, its been my exspereance that dry food contains far too much protein most being around 22 to 25% and this can lead to growth deformitys in puppys and almost certanly stresses the kidneys it is...
  5. J

    Barf Diet

    Have you tried giving her live yougart? I know it sounds mad but it works wonders for the digestion particually if the dog has just had a course of antibiotics or other drugs from the vet but it also works as a tonic.also its just my opion but i dont give Marrow type bones to my dogs as i find...
  6. J

    Rear Leg Limp Border Collie

    As was pointed out if you are not happy then go back to your vet but if there is some soft tissue damage it is very hard to find I myself was not a great belivever in so called "Herbal Remadies" but a friend introdused me to "Echinacea-Purple Cornflower" which is a fantastic Anti-inflammatory...
  7. J

    Coursing Pup Wanted

    I may be wrong but i think the answears in your own post "No Time Wasters Please"
  8. J

    Please Any Advise?

    Sorry for your troubles All I can say without seeing the dog is that Muscle wastage itself is not a diagnosis Your Vet Should be aiming to find what has been causing the muscles to atrophy in the first place.A lot of the more comman muscle diseases are breed Specific and Whippets are not among...