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Woody Facing Major


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Woody is facing major surgery next week to his neck and spinal cord (w00t) Hes been a bit wobbly on his legs for a short time and we ( me and vet ) hoped it was arthritis ( although hes not 11 till Jan his mum died young from back problems :( He picked up when given PLT tablets , but last weekend he was really wobbly on all four legs and fell down the bottom half of the stairs (w00t) , He is feeling no pain at all , just has difficulty standing and walking , he can still manage to get on the chairs and settee fortunately ;) Hes still eating well and demanding extra sweeties off his dad :huggles:

Any how I took him to a top orthopedic vet who took x rays and put dye down his spinal cord and he has type 2 prolapse of the 6-7 vertebrae .

As Ive said hes in no pain whatsoever :luck: but were I not to let him have this op. he would very soon be quadriplegic :eek: :( . The out look is a good as can be and I was more than relived he hadn't got a tumour as we all thought .

In all his 10 years here, he has cost me nothing , but given unconditional love as do all whippets . Ive attached a copy of his xray for you to see if you can spot the prolapse :wacko:

Hes going in next Tuesday for his op . ( but I havnt told him yet )
Poor Woody, thinking of him ( and you) and hoping for a great outcome and many more years of fun and pleasure with your boy. :huggles: :luck: :huggles:
Poor Woody, I will be thinking of you both next Tuesday :luck: :luck: :luck:
Poor Woody, he deserves the best chance so here's hoping his op is a success and he can give and receive many more years of love :luck: :luck: :huggles:
Ooh ouch poor Woody - been there done that. Had a massive prolapse myself a few years back and had the surgery.

Sending lots of hugs your way and you'll feel MUCH better Mr Woody when it's all over.

poor you and poor woody :(

at least the outcome looks good and hopefully all will be back to normal soon :)

good luck for tuesday :luck: :huggles: :luck:
Poor Woody :(

Good Luck for Tuesday :luck: :luck: :huggles:
aww poor woody,bless him,hope he sails through his surgery and he can enjoy life to the full again.

good luck to all :luck: :luck: :luck:
:huggles: Sorry to hear about Woody Jax, i will be keeping my fingers crossed for him, he's a lovely boy :luck:
Also had the op 10 years ago. Was in agony for quite a long time before I had it and still have weakness in one leg as the op wasn't done soon enough. Glad Woody is in no pain, but sure he will be 100% again after he's had it. Good luck :luck:
:luck: for Woody.

Cant spot it on the x-ray, put us out of our misery please! :b
:luck: and :huggles: to both of you
Poor Woody - Lots of luck and well wishes to him on Tuesday :luck:
Poor poor Woody and you. Is the prolapse where the vertebrae overlap rather than have a gap between them.

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Go along what looks like a long sausage ( thats his spinal cord ) If you look to the left of the x ray just before the shoulder blade ( where its brighter) you will see there is a break in the sausage , that is where his discs are pressing and stopping the flow of feeling down his body :(
OEH said:
Poor poor Woody and you.  Is the prolapse where the vertebrae overlap rather than have a gap between them.

Youve got it 8) , its the one on the far left , can you see the `break ?
Oh poor Woody! :eek: Fingers crossed for his op :luck: :luck: :luck: and lots of :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: for you!
poor woody hope everything goes well on tuesday we will bethinking of you both :luck:
thinking of you both , good luck woody! :huggles: :luck: