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Why Lurchers? Can You Explain...


UNIQUE~same as everyone else!
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Someone asked me this many moons ago and I dont know that I have a definitive answer. Do you?

I dont know if it is buried so deep in the psyche as to be hard to quantify but would love your input on this.

Thanks in anticipation of your response. :thumbsup:
When I was training the vet school had greyhounds. These were retired racers who spent a year as blood donors and ultrasound demo dogs, and helped in anatomy classes, before going to pet homes (usually with staff members who'd got attached to them!). We all had to take turns walking the dogs, and although they were never a breed I had taken much notice of before, their fantastic temperaments and real grace had me besotted in no time!

Next thing I knew I was pulling out of an SSPCA welfare centre with an emaciated, infected, frightened lurcher who has become my best friend. :huggles:
I don't know why :D :D :D

But as I type this there is a faithful workmate lying at my feet who isn't asking me for anything she isn't moaning at me to paint the fence or mow the lawn and she would quite happily sit there all day until I pick her lead up and possibly the lamp and that's when she repays me ten fold.

I couldn't imagine life without Lurchers :)
I choose my lurcher for her looks firstly, I'd simply fell in love with her, thats still true now but I also have other things added to my love for her, :wub:

I adore the way she's so loyal to me, she brightens my whole life, she's happy to lounge around all day with me and never whines if I'm a bit late with her walk or dinner,

she knows when I'm feeling down and puts her head on my lap, she makes me smile, she entertains my other dogs, she mothers them and the kids, she's so placid, she's always happy to see me even if I've only nipped to the shop and back,

she loves life and people and is my special girl, I just love her to bits :wub: :wub: and the love I get back as Levs said is ten-fold :wub: Chance your one in a million :wub:

(I have this special bond with my whippet Binx also, but not with my yorkie Indi, it must be a sighthound thing, Indi prefers my mum!! :thumbsup: )
Well my first choice was for a whippet, but my husband didn't fancy one, so we compromised on a lurcher instead! I'm so glad we did. Gercha is such a people dog, faithful to her family, good with our daughter and friendly to strangers. She's very quick and willing to learn. She loves a good run but is also happy to kip quietly on the sofa.

Definitely would have another one.
Easiest question, but the most difficult answer, its like loving someone, you can say all the obvious outward things about them, but how do you explain just why you love them without saying their looks, their smile, the way they say or do things, you just love them and thats that....

Easiest question, but the most difficult answer, its like loving someone, you can say all the obvious outward things about them, but how do you explain just why you love them without saying their looks, their smile, the way they say or do things, you just love them and thats that....;)

As always, Dox, very poetic and perfectly apt. :thumbsup:
mines a very sensabel reson i am alrgic to most breeds of dog alstions and speanles make me realy ill and most breeds afect me in some way put greyhounds whippets and smothe coated lurchers i dont have the slightest problem with and luckly I love them to bits so it does help

No two lurchers are the same, even if they are of similar mix!! (w00t) You never know what you're going to get. :wub: :wub: Greyhounds and whippets have individual characteristics but they're not as diverse as the lurcher. :wub: DSCF0013.jpg
I love my lurcher because he is always happy! He doesn't ask for much and when I'm busy & my older dog can't be bothered, he will go off & play by himself in the garden with a big lurchery grin on his face! It just makes me smile when I look at him!

..........oh and he came first at an Agility Show at the weekend, so that always helps!!!
for work, end of..... could ya see any other breed have the power an grace of a sight hound in the open field, the ability to box a hare off cover just before it reaches home, the instinct to determine which way its quarry will turn before it knows itself! NO...... literaly, a lurcher is poetry in motion.
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I have two whippet-greyhound and they are so layed back and friendly :D
Such good honest responses, many, many thanks to you all 8)

Doxhope gave the respose I gave and still do.

I cannot explain, much as I'v tried. Its just :wub: :wub: :wub:
Nothing!! :))

I got a greyhound and I guess I'm on the wrong site!!! :oops:

I just realised after registering!!

I thought it was for all dogs not just Lurchers! Oooops!


BTW Our last dog was a Lurcher. Fizz had severe seperation anxiety...but thats another (sorry) story!
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Dont run away, "WHAT YOU GONNA DO NOW TC", so you have greyhounds, why greyhounds, can you explain? :cheers:
Yes, I'm always facinated by what attracts to a type, and if it can be quantified. :wacko:

The original post I made only stated lurchers, however that lurcher/longdog tag can have some pretty wide perimeters, and think it's only been oliverpliers that picked up on that one.

Would be very interested to find why you have now opted for a greyhound Tc2, and why you previously had a lurcher - the question really is about what initially attracts (in that oten asked of Debbie McGee question..."what first attracted you to the Millionaire Paul Daniels?" :lol: ), and if it can be explained.

So do tell... :))
I got my first lurcher completely by accident. we have allways had dogs we wer'nt fussy as long as it wagged its tail and went woof. we had just lost our trusty mongrel Sam(kidney failure) and the empty house was driving us mad. My wife said its no good we must have another dog,there was only one in the paper it was a deerhound/collie greyhound cross and he was gorgeous I had not realised lurchers could be so good looking.Well he set the ball rolling within a year we were the proud owners of an irish wolfhound as well. You see its not just lurchers its the whole sighthound clan.Unfortunately my wolfhound died last year and Tris my lurcher misses him terribly so next week I'm off to look at a borzoi pup just to put a smile back on his face.And whats more I don't think its going to stop there.After a sighthound normal dogs seem very ordinary. all the best TerryC
Ive always fancied a rough coated Lurcher and years ago saw a beautiful blue merle bitch at Bawtry RSPCA , but my husband ( of the time ) said if I took any more dogs home he`d leave :- " So I didnt take her :( , (Id already got 4 retired GH and 2 whippets ) How I wished Id taken her , cos he left me for a younger woman a few years later any way :oops: .

Ive often looked in the paper for one similar to the bitch Id seen , but now have 8 Whippets ( a new husband who loves them almost as much as I do :cheers: )

Ive always loved sighthounds , I dont know what it is about them , I think some of it is the way they move , so graceful and to see them in `full flight` :wub: To me nothing is more beautful and natural :wub:
Hey JAX, hindsight is a wonderful thing. :lol: :lol: :lol:
I've got 2 greyhounds (both ex-racers), 1 whippet, and 2 lurchers: Oliver is a JRT/whippet and Arthur is a saluki/anybody's guess! :- " The greyhounds are gentle, laidback, loving, lazy and wonderful companions. The whippet is cheeky, intelligent, laidback, loving and absoutely convinced that I'm his companion and not the other way around! :lol:

Oliver and Arthur are complete opposites to each other. Although at least half whippet, Oliver's terrier traits are very apparent. He is much more of a barker (and that incessant terrier yapping at that! :blink: ) than the others but equally more faithful and more of a sidekick than any of them. He is submissive to the point of not existing :rolleyes: but will play the role of the bully if the victim is out-numbered enough. He's a lovely boy though. :wub:



Arthur is very saluki in looks, bless him. He's my problem child in that he had a rough start in life and came to me at a year old with fear and food aggression. He's calmed down a lot in the 8 months that he's been here and I love him to bits. He's quirky, energetic, loving, soulful, protective, funny, charming, laidback, lazy (yes, lazy and energetic as only a lurcher can be! :teehee: ) and lots more besides.

Arthur: :wub:


Arthur and Albie (the whippet):


My mate Lynda has 6 lurchers, all of them different, in size, looks, temperament, everything, but all equally lovely! :wub: :wub: