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I don't show as most of you know but if any judge looks at the whiskers & judges the dog because of them i don't think they should be in ther ring.
Bizzybabe,none of us come on here to judge anyone,dog or human.We come here to exchange ideas,talk about our dogs, make friends etc.

Apologies if when you posted that pic of yourself,I hit on a raw nerve by saying you were slim,that was my first response.

By calling me a hardnut nerd in your reply to Jax,you've made my day :D , made me laugh.

I do think you were being extrememly rude to Jax,and I stand by everything I said in my previous post.

The anorexic's that I used to know,never got that rude and aggresive,with other peeps.Only Drs. trying to treat their anorexea.

If you are like this to peeps all the time,you will end up very sad and lonely,anorexia is no excuse for being so hostile and volatile.

Re read Jax's post again,it does not justify your response,in my honest opinion.

:) Lydia, for ya information my whippet dont have thick horrendous whiskas. I leave them on when Im not in the ring if they grow back.

And oh yeah I can spot people who pluck their eyebrows only because it looks tidy - some people can get a way with not plucking.

I think yuo are thinking of some weirdo s who shave their brows - they are the ones I notice, cause they cant hide their hair... eww its gross.

I have never regretted plucking my eye brows, anyways I had to do it for modelling. Cause my eyebrows have to be shaped.

No Jax never has sworn at me, I never said she did. I just get f**ked off with people who criticise - its like what did I ever do to her. Every topic I post or reply to she has some caty comment.

So tough $hit.

And anyways whats wrong with the word f**k I think its a great word - after all its in the dictionary :b

I dont always have to be right - you guys are the ones who are saying a load of shit cause i clip my dogs whiskas, or because my dog is registered as a red brindle, or because I happen to take advice from Bo Bengtson and other whippet people as such. In my opinion it was nothing to criticise in the first place.

Some people on here are like my nana - always got some remark.

OK Sorry, I thought you meant you forced your horses head to touch the electric fence lol :) But I getcha now ..... :- )
Lyd. :clown: Yep thats me in the pic.The male on the right. I have been told I am over weight. Pic shows that. But I am just big boned, & too short for my height. Blonde, yep 100% bottle. The week befor it was a nice red. I tell people I have been dying it grey & am letting the "natural" colour to grow through.

Now those tickets.........sent......"they are in the mail".

Hostile ? ughhh rite...

Well I dont get angry with my doctors or anything because that is disasterous - instead I just agree with them and tell them what they want to hear. Because at the end of the day who are they to tell me what I should be eating, I should be able to do what I want.

Sometimes I know I can react to things, I am sure most Ana would cause I am always on edge from living off oxygen - you know lack of food makes anyone moody after a while.

I am not lonely. I have a boyfriend who wont get enough of me, he sees me far too much to the point I get annoyed. And my other friends, well everyone these days uses the F word - its just everyday vocab for us. Also I do alot of clubbing, and I have met millions of people clubbing. CLUBBING IS SOOOOOO MUCH FUN!!!

I use f**k in every sentence when I talk to my parents even, I just dont even realise im doing it.
Buzzygirl. Please give up on the ANA, I have a 14 year old still in Hospital with it. :D

Lyd. WOW how a topic can change midstream.
can we have chill out time please 8) .....its a bit early in the day to start insulting other forum members.

I dont think using the f-word is acceptable behaviour on a forum.

I dont think discussing the anorexia issue is approapriate on a whippet forum (maybe stick to chit chat zone)

I can accept you have problems but i dont there is any need to take it out on other members.

finally.........personally i like whiskers.....i think any animal would look daft without them.
Well said Michelle and Daledogs :thumbsup: .......Miya has lovely long white whiskers that make her look even more beautiful :b
This is one of my favourite photos. It's Nette by the window.


I wonder how stupid Nette would look like without her whiskers, she would have only dark holes on her nose. :x I think she looks beuatiful with her whiskers, they make her look cute. :p
Well didn't I open a can off worms, by posting this topic..... :oops:

A judge shoudn't judge if a whippet has whiskers or not, the trimming of the whiskers is only done to give the whippet a cleaner expression, a whippet with whiskers doesn't have that clean look. IMO :)

Cats have scent glads in their whiskers and they use them for determing if they are going to fit or not their whiskers are longer in width compered to their body and also their way of also leaving their scent on objects, ~ to trim their whiskers would be CRUEL. But dogs don't use their whiskers as cats do, as they don't have those scent glands.

If you want a natural dog don't vaccinate, don't feed it let them find food for themselves, don't confine them in your property let them be natural...
Well this is another topic that's gone belly up. :- "

Nothing gets a person quite so riled up as feeling that that others are saying what they do with their dogs is cruel. Then bingo before we know what's happened the topic has gone to hell and it's all nastiness all round.

Bizzybabe why don't you try typing out your response to folks and then deleting it instead of posting it. Do this until you calm down and can reply in a more rational polite manner. Shouting and swearing at folks isn't going to work. If you are wanting to have people actually listen to your opinions then you'll have to stop over-reacting. Also stop blaming your over reaction on your physical state you really don't need to click on the add reply button. If you carry on like this people will stop responding to any post that you send in.

You claim to admire Bo Bengston. Well then why don't you try to act more like him. From what I can remember of him he's very polite.
If you want a natural dog don't vaccinate, don't feed it let them find food for themselves, don't confine them in your property let them be natural...
Mmmm hardly the same as trimming whiskers though
Well then it is not unnatural to trim whiskers, if someone wants to trim their whippets whiskers for that added presentation then they should be able to.
I think that Nette looks beautiful,whiskers an all!! :D
Hey Cartman, sorry to hear your daughter is Ana :(

I hope she gets better soon :) and comes outta hospital!

I have trouble keeping quiet about it though... cause I am ana-obssessed and so I just end up talking about it constantly.... ana....ana...ana.... i love that name!
You are correct that is a lovely photo of Nette. And yes she does look beautiful with her white whiskers. Thanks for sharing that.

Can I just say that we are talking about whiskers here folks on supposed hunting hounds. Can't believe that people can fall out over such a stupid thing.

Luckily in the UK we still have judges who believe that whippets are hunting dogs and so will even over look the odd batttlescar. Can't imagine those judges getting into a knicker fit over some whiskers. Unless maybe it was because they were missing. :- "

If people want to primp their show dogs then why not get a poodle. Just my opinion of course. LOL!

One of the joys of owning a whippet is that you can still have a working dog that can go into a ring and win. If the breed ever gets to the stage where this can't happen then it's in serious trouble. Again just IMO. are totally off topic and seem to have no regard to other peoples feelings at all.

whiskers have buggerall to do with an eating disorder.