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I think its very cruel and pointless :angry:

I sat leave well alone :thumbsup:
Never have and never will.

I think whiskers are cute, they are part of my whippets, and they really do use them.

When I had welsh springer spaniel I used to trim her whiskers when I take her to shows, but I never liked to trim them. She looked bold without them.
I dont and I cant think of a judge who would even notice from a couple of feet away in a line up weather any of them had been trimmed or not. I did have a bitch under my once who had been clipped out all up the neck and haunches. I assumed she had an incorrect coat and dropped her down a place or two!!
bizzybabe Posted on Mar 23 2004, 02:00 AM   I clip all my dogs whiskas.

I think whiskas look untidy - whippets look far more elegant without them

I wonder if BO BENGSTON does !!!!!!!! :oops:

I must ask him next time I see him ;)

No, leave them on !! i`ts CRUEL to take them off. Poor dogs !!
o:) Trim flanks & maybe some on the neck. Dremel, Grecian,powder, chalk, vasaline nose & even coloured chalk. BUT never trim wiskers.
CRUEL ? thats pathetic... I mean all women pluck their eyebrows (atleast I hope they do) is that cruel ? Guys shave their face hair.... really cutting whiskas is no different. And I am sure you ALL have dewclaws removed - and there is NO way cutting whiskas is as cruel as that (if that could even be considered cruel).

In my opinion the only thing to be removed that I find cruel, is cropping ears...

Dogs dont use their whiskas - that is cats that do that.... ;)

Anyways I dont think any judge finds whiskas Important, but I know and EVERYONE knows that ALOT of judges (who dont know much about the breed) will choose on "beauty".

Seeing as a whippets are elegant dogs and their suppose to have all smooth lines - trimming off extra hair and whiskas adds to that smooth look - it has the same smooth effect as de-clawing on the legs.

Whippets with whiskas look scruffy like they need to shave..... I HATE SCRUFFINESS!!!!!! People and dogs who show should look tidy :- ) and well groomed
I will have to agree that shaving the whiskers does make the whippets have a smoother leaner look to them. Makes them look more tidy for the show ring.

It aint cruel !! They don't stuggle whimper etc.. when they are getting them trimmed.
bizzybabe said:
And I am sure you ALL have dewclaws removed - and there is NO way cutting whiskas is as cruel as that (if that could even be considered cruel).
Dogs dont use their whiskas - that is cats that do that....  ;)
I don't remove dewclaws from my whippets, all my dogs have them. In Denmark you can't even do that, it's against the law. And I don't care if everyone else do it, I don't, because it's cruel. I don't see why whippet without them looks any better, they just have suffered more pain when they were babies. I have lure coursed with my whippets and they have never hurt their dewclaws doing that, so I see no point taking them off.

If you trim the whiskers of your whippets how could you know would they use them or not?! My whippets use them, and I can see it everyday.

No judge ever told me to tidy up my whippets, even tough they have dewclaws and whiskers...
Dogs use their whiskers as their 1st sense of touch,therefore i think it's cruel to trim them! same with horses.

I used to have a horse who,when turned out 1st thing would test to see if the electric fence was turned on by gently touching it with her whiskers! I think that proves a point to how animals use their whiskers

I certainly don't consider my dogs to be scruffy when i show them just because they haven't had their beautiful whiskers chopped of!!! :angry:
We do our eyebrows `cos WE want to as do men shave cos THEY want to .

Ok so maybe it dosn`t hurt them too much but the one and only time I did one of my dogs he flinched next time I went near his whiskas :eek:

know and EVERYONE knows that ALOT of judges (who dont know much about the breed) will choose on "beauty".

It takes an awful lot to make a whippet` scruffy`

You must have some strange Judges out there , :oops: and who would enter under some one who(dont know much about the breed!!!!!!!!) :eek:

You are really showing how little you know about whippets and judging whippets BUZYBABE. (although I think you think you know it all :oops: )

I think at times you try to run before you can walk .

You cant learn and know everything about Whippets in a few short years, Ive had them over 20years and Im learning all the time !!! :thumbsup:
Jax why dont you get your head out of your arse....

I am sick of your f**kin criticism for everything I say on this board even when I am only stating my opinion - ie. the colour of Isabel (well f**k it cause shes a red brindle in my eyes).

Do you get enjoyment out of harrassing junior handlers ? Well I am only a junior handler I think it is so stupid when adults try to discourage juniours.

I dont give a f**k what you think of me for saying this to you but Im only trying to learn and in my opinion whippets look scruffy and mousey with whiskas so why dont you just get over it. Its the same with guys - I think guys with hair on their face look gross and dont appeal to me.... I like guys to be smooth too.... :p

Also I dont enter under judges who know little about whippets - whether you want to accept it or not but it just so happens that there are alot of bad judges out there. There are judges who pick dogs by the head or stack... I think it should be part of it - but not the entire deciding factor....

Oh and btw I dont know every person I judge under like some people - so therefore I dont actually know how much or little they know about the breed... unless of course you show under your friends - then ya you would know a bit about what goes on in their head..... I dont think showing under friends or peopel you know is ethical.

What is wrong with adding a bit of glam to your whippet to enhance the beauty ? I believe clipping whiskas enhances the beauty - its not the most important thing in the whole wide world... but i hate seeing people in the ring with these whippets with hairy tails and long whiskas - and stray hairs on the back legs etc.... it just looks yuk.................................. I mean how long would it take to clip it off just to add a bit of extra showiness - instead of walking in showing a dog that looks like you just grabbed it out of your garden and throw it on a lead and turn up in the ring..... ???? A show dog should be groomed like one, not turn up looking like a pet.

Also there is dress codes for people showing at shows, saying you should be tidy - well I think dogs should look well groomed to.

(Of course my opinion wont matter to you Jax since I am just one person out of the whole entire world, and you try to force everyone to agree with your opinion - as soon as someone has their own opinion you go ape $hit)

So what Jax, I suppose you know everything ? Well it seems you think you do...

Oh and BTW, I dont pluck my eyebrows cause I want to - I do it because it would just be untidy to leave them... and its pretty un-co not to pluck your eyebrows, thats luck only something total hardout nerds do (they leave their eyebrows and they get unibrows.... ewwwwwwww :x :x )...

OMG that IS SOOO CRUEL using your horse to test the electric fence!!! Why didnt you use a long peice of grass............... or perhaps a stick or something - thats what I do....

And Nightvision - about dew claws = well honestly too me de claws is not a big thing. I know theyre going to make it illegal by law for vets to do.... But its not exactly that hard to do it yourself... I used to have a rescue whippet and she had 5 toes and the de claws were soooooooo f**king annoying we had to get them removed when she was like 6 years old...

BTW Dickhead (oops I mean Jax), my name is Bizzybabe not Buzybabe).... so :p to you
bizzybabe said:
OMG that IS SOOO CRUEL using your horse to test the electric fence!!! Why didnt you use a long peice of grass............... or perhaps a stick or something - thats what I do....
fUZZYBABE,You want to read my post again.I did NOT say i used my horse to test the electric fencing,i said that she tested it herself!!!!!!

I think your manners are disgusting & your verbal attack on Jax totally out of order!!! Personally, i'd have you removed from this forum until you grow up a bit!!! You seem to think that everyone should agree with your opinions & God help them if they don't!!!! :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant: :rant:
Cartman said:
Oh dear!! Did I do a double meaning??? ohohohoh. :clown: How silly of me?& I do not have facial hair either. I am far too young. :- "
LOl, well Jon,if the photo of someone holding your dog is you ? Then you don't look to young to grow facial hair :- " ,but then, maybe you're female too (w00t) .Although I hope not,for the sake of peeps having to look at you :blink: ,not the prettiest blonde are you :* .

BTW, I still haven't recieved my return ticket to Aus :- " .......the post is bad between our 2 countries isn't it :D . :cheers:

I agree with Alfyn777 ......dogs use their whiskers for the touch sense.......if you're dog has a normal life where it can go snooping around in hedges etc then it'll need its whiskers to gage whether its head can fit into certain gaps or wether its head will get stuck.

I used to show years ago, so i do know what i'm on about so i must say that this whole concept of us being able to do what we want with our dogs because it looks "tidier or better" for the show ring is beyond me. I thought the whole idea of owning and showing our dogs was to firstly enjoy them as they are and secondly to have a dog as close to the breed standard as we have a hunting breed then we shave it's whiskers off handicapping its ability to hunt :wacko: ........and yes i know Whippets are sight hounds but they also work the hedges, thus needing their whiskers :thumbsup:

Also bizzybabe there is no need at all for you're last response ....Jax aswell as others on this site have owned, bred and judged Whippets sinse befor you were born........I know Bo knows all about everything but he's not the only person to be knowlegable :- "

QUOTE A show dog should be groomed like one, not turn up looking like a pet.

.......omg i thought they were pets :eek:
Hmmm, well I have never plucked my eyebrows.So I'm a total hardnut nerd (w00t) ,LOL, well I've been called some things in my time,bitch,slag,slapper,grebo,greaser, all of these with filthy in front of them LOL.

But now I'm a hardnut nerd,and my eyebrows haven't grown together :D (w00t) :D (w00t) :D (w00t) :D .

All of my friends,who did pluck their eyebrows as teenagers,regretted it.Also, how do you hide the plucked areas ?I've always been able to spot plucked eyebrows on a human female,it can look very odd.

I haven't ever plucked a dogs whiskers,and,my whippets whiskers,do not detract from their lines,elegance and smoothness.You can only find them if stroke the wrong way.Maybe bizzybabe,your whip's grow horrendous tough whiskers,that do need trimmimg.Although if this is the case,maybe it is because you trimmed them in the first place?

As for being rude to Jax,I would certainly remember if Jax had ever sworn to anyone on this board.she never has,there is never any reason to swear so rudely to someone Bizzybabe.

Jax is well known and respected.By reacting the way you have Bizzybabe, you've made yourself look like a baby,throwing your toys out of your pram.

Also, in our country,whippets are judged in the Hound Group.Judges to not expect them to be presented,in a style that may detract from their working ability to catch rabbits.Of course our judges expect clean,well cared for dogs,to be presented under them,but whiskers do not make our whippets look "just like pets" or uncared for.

:D Actually, mine are all pets,and I'm going now to give them a gallop on our common,with their whiskers :devil: :eek: (w00t) :D :p .

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Well Lydia, I have never seen you to know if your pretty or not - and BTW I dont come on dog chats to judge peoples looks or tell them if their pretty/ugly/fat/thin.

If you think Im ugly I dont care cause plenty of people think I am pretty - I am a model and I model hair. So for me being thin is FAR more important than being pretty. I love seeing underweight people it is a true sign of dicipline and organised people.

I would be dead before I'd be fat... I would rather live in a warzone than be fat......... And I think nothing tastes as good as being thin.............


You know who Ana is... right.... Well everyone knows I am pro ana anyways - there you have it I admit I am a pro anorexic. YAY happy ! ;)

Thanks for triggering the ana - bitch - NOT

- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - -- - - --- - - - -- -

Anorexia is a lifestyle not a disease
For god sake bizzybabe .......this is a forum about Whippets and not you (again and again :wacko: :blink: ) grow up :angry:
Right, lets not go down the ana road again if we're all here to talk whippets!

I personally don't like any kind of clipping thats done to show dogs, i think it makes them look un-natural & look even less like they could do the job they were intended for (and thats not just whippets).