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Whippetx Poodles-any Pics

Awww Layla looks just like I remember her! But bigger of course....and Blake looks pretty similar in body shape to Stella, but looks kinda stronger and denser...being a boy I guess. Ok here goes....

Grrrr! my files are too big again and I can't remember how I managed to get them up last time....any help anyone?!
Hi Caroline,

We use image shack,then click to resize image,it is much easier.

people breeding sled dogs (Alaskan Huskies) cross in poodles every now and then; strong, fast, quite big, and plenty of coat. If you get one that's not so interested in hunting, sell it as a sled-dog. ( bonnie_howler.jpeg
ok I've cut this right down so it had better work!!! This was taken on 14th Feb, nearly a week ago now. you can see how her face has changed, she's getting more shaggy!

and here's another one of the little muppet! in the garden, saying 'can I come in again now?' or something like that....

Oh Caroline and Keith,

What a beauty!!!!I knew she would be,i was so torn about having her myself.You can see she is well looked after and very much loved,a perfect family for her.You will have to take some pics of her with the kitten.

I will the pics off and give them to Harry and Shirl.

and here's another one of the little muppet! in the garden, saying 'can I come in again now?' or something like that....

I havent looked at this thread as yet but ive just had a wee peak. What class looking dogs ! Will you have them at any of the Gamefairs this year ?

and here's another one of the little muppet! in the garden, saying 'can I come in again now?' or something like that....

I havent looked at this thread as yet but ive just had a wee peak. What class looking dogs ! Will you have them at any of the Gamefairs this year ?

Hi John,

Yep,Harry has kept the biggest pup,hes the chap that bred my Finn.He will be bringing him along to the gamefairs,probably Shugborough,and Highgate.It will be interesting to see what he makes.I think he will be about 26 inches to the shoulder,he has feet the size of a donkeys.

and here's another one of the little muppet! in the garden, saying 'can I come in again now?' or something like that....

I havent looked at this thread as yet but ive just had a wee peak. What class looking dogs ! Will you have them at any of the Gamefairs this year ?

Hi John,

Yep,Harry has kept the biggest pup,hes the chap that bred my Finn.He will be bringing him along to the gamefairs,probably Shugborough,and Highgate.It will be interesting to see what he makes.I think he will be about 26 inches to the shoulder,he has feet the size of a donkeys.


These are stunning. If they turn out as nice as they look, I could be a convert from a beardie/whippet person to a poodle/whippet person...

thank you!

Oh Caroline and Keith,What a beauty!!!!I knew she would be,i was so torn about having her myself.You can see she is well looked after and very much loved,a perfect family for her.You will have to take some pics of her with the kitten.

I will the pics off and give them to Harry and Shirl.

Aw thanks! She is gorgeous and it's so much fun to see her growing and changing...especially not really knowing how she'll turn out! She is very affectionate, although she is also super cheeky and can make her feelings known when she doesn't really want to do something :p She was a bit hopeless at her first puppy training class...COMPLETELY distracted by the other puppies, and not all that interested in the treats I was trying to coax her with :unsure: , and there was I thinking she was going to be top of the class for sure :D Nevermind, I'm sure she'll calm down in time... if we can find something tasty enough for her to bother with ;) She's completely obsessed with our cat Titi, in fact I think the feeling is mutual. However, her idea of a fun interaction is to chase the cat up and down the stairs...we're not sure that the cat really enjoys that much, although she can't hate it that much cos she doesn't go and hide - she reappears after a few seconds and tries to take up a more defensible position, like under a chair. From there she keeps Stella at bay with hissing and warning swipes, and Stella submits (tail wagging madly)'s very funny! When Stella is more comatose in the evenings on the sofa, the cat comes over really steathily to sniff at her...but I have to say they are not cuddling up together yet and I'm not sure I can really see that happening unless Stella chills out in a major way as she gets older... :D Must try and get some photos though...have to have it on a super fast shutter speed I think!
There's a very, very good book called 'Control Unleashed' by Leslie McDevitt - she's also brought out a set of DVDs and there's a yahoo support forum. It's the new wave of intelligent, articulate clicker-trainers who have understood what makes a dog tick and really applied the latest thinking. Until Leslie brings out her puppy book (soon), I'd put it as a 'must have' in all dog-trainers' libraries, shortly after Ian Dunbar's 'Before and After getting your Puppy' which should also be compulsory reading

good luck at the next training class

There's a very, very good book called 'Control Unleashed' by Leslie McDevitt - she's also brought out a set of DVDs and there's a yahoo support forum. It's the new wave of intelligent, articulate clicker-trainers who have understood what makes a dog tick and really applied the latest thinking. Until Leslie brings out her puppy book (soon), I'd put it as a 'must have' in all dog-trainers' libraries, shortly after Ian Dunbar's 'Before and After getting your Puppy' which should also be compulsory reading
good luck at the next training class

Hi Eceni,

Thanks for your suggestions! We've got two really good books on positive clicker-based training: the Idiot's guide to positive puppy training, and The Dog Whisperer (unrelated to the TV programme, different guy), which have been really helpful. That Yahoo support forum sounds like a good find - I'll check it out.

Stella was very good and eager to please to start with, but as she gets older she is getting more willful and is testing the boundaries! I think we just need to put more time and effort in really, to building the relationship and building up her obedience. i spent about 45 mins with her this morning over breakfast, working on sit, down, stay, on your spot, drop it, etc...and she really began to engage after being pretty bolshy to start with ... :) I have to say that I do enjoy her spirited nature, and I got a sense when we first met her at Harry's that she wasn't going to be a quiet, docile and obedient little pup! So can't say that it's come as a shock, but then again she is my first dog so it's a learning curve for me. She does find it hard to concentrate when we're not at home, but again, I guess it's just a case of having to put the work in to help her to find that focus when there are exciting distractions around! all in all though she's just so cute and funny and we love her to bits... :wub: :wub: :wub:
Stella was very good and eager to please to start with, but as she gets older she is getting more willful and is testing the boundaries! I think we just need to put more time and effort in really, to building the relationship and building up her obedience. i spent about 45 mins with her this morning over breakfast, working on sit, down, stay, on your spot, drop it, etc...and she really began to engage after being pretty bolshy to start with ... :) I have to say that I do enjoy her spirited nature, and I got a sense when we first met her at Harry's that she wasn't going to be a quiet, docile and obedient little pup! So can't say that it's come as a shock, but then again she is my first dog so it's a learning curve for me. She does find it hard to concentrate when we're not at home, but again, I guess it's just a case of having to put the work in to help her to find that focus when there are exciting distractions around! all in all though she's just so cute and funny and we love her to bits... :wub: :wub: :wub:
To begin clicker training with your first pup this early is fantastic - they're always easily distracted and have other ideas at this stage, but if you can work with 'the Idiot's guide' book then it'll help enormously - keep up the rate of reinforcement, find various, variable reinforcements and you'll be racing ahead.

There's a Clicker Solutions yahoo group which is for all clicker work, the Control Unleashed ones are only for people working actively with Leslie's book

good luck

Hi again Eceni,

Thanks again...since posting about Stella being bolshy I feel a bit bad cos I think she was just having an off couple of days! It's reassuring to know that all pups have their own ideas about things...and recently she's been good as gold. :b All part of our learning to understand the ups and downs of a growing individual puppy... Hoping now to get to some game fairs and maybe even show her in a puppy class. She's so beautiful and gorgeous I can't imagine how anyone couldn't think so too ;) it's a whole new world for me as I'd never even heard of GameFairs before stumbling across this site, but it would be lovely to see some other people's dogs too and working dogs etc... what fun :D love, Caroline
Sorry for the delay, at last I have some pictures of Layla to share. She has learnt 'sit' and 'paw'. She's great off the lead but can get a little nervous near bigger dogs. We just have to watch what she picks up to chew!!! Don't know anything about gamefairs, perhaps someone can advise me?



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Sorry for the delay, at last I have some pictures of Layla to share. She has learnt 'sit' and 'paw'. She's great off the lead but can get a little nervous near bigger dogs. We just have to watch what she picks up to chew!!! Don't know anything about gamefairs, perhaps someone can advise me?

Awww! Just gorgeous :D She has a different face to Stella...more poodley??? not sure, just different! But looks like she's enjoying that run round the garden! stella's also nervous around bigger dogs...I think it's probably appropriate with some of them! She'll go bouncing up but then when they turn round, she runs off quick and hides in the gorse!! I think others here konw more about gamefairs than I do...just started googling around and thinking : 8) thanks for the pics Lisa. I've not forgotten about the photo of Dad. just need to dig out that scanner...

love, Caroline
Here's a few pics I took of Harry's pup Blake at Shugborough on Sunday.



cor! you can tell he's stella's bro - he's the spit of her! But bigger and tougher looking :p Aren't they just smashing looking dogs? I love their shaggy faces....and now they are all getting the shaggy feet and legs coming up too...just gorgeous. Thanks for the great pics, lurcherlover.

love, Caroline xxx