This topic is a bit ironic really as at Manton we raced advance and retard right up until we re opened this year so 40 years or so but on the re opening of the club we did a bit of a poll and it came out more people wanted ABCD as they wanted a definite two runs for heir money and some people felt if unfair for the faster dogs lets say to be giving away alot of yardage to maybe bigger dogs so we recently changed from advance and retard to ABCD!!! We also have always done a points system for the dogs that attended weekly with a top dog and top dog for the highest scoring over the year with an anual trophy. We also did the same for our midweek racing. This year mum has still carried on the points system dogs scoring on their weekly attendances, 4 points for any final win so the A winner and the D winner gets the same points regardless, 2 points for all heat winners and 1 point for attending, this years is still in progress but i do know its not the fastest dogs that are leading at the moment :thumbsup:
out of curiousity do u ever have any dogs that never ever win? was just thinking and posted on another thread i know it works 4 u but if u have a couple of dogs that have never ever won wudnt it b fairer for them to have a time handicap AS WELL as your abcde racing? even it was just one heat? i mean of course its up to u who race @ manton but im just giving out suggestions. :thumbsup:
was also thinking wud it be good if we had dog CLUB champion and BITCH club champion of the year? so as well as say winning the club top ten u wud get regocnised as a club champion?