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Whippet missing after car accident on M42

Mazey's mom goes as often as she can, she lives about two hours away. She has littered the area with posters and was going out again, reposting the area, that Mazey appears to have moved to. Contacted all the local farmers and sent them laminated copies of her posters. Upped the reward to one thousand pounds, informed all the local papers and there have been a couple of articles including piccies of Mazey in each paper. Is in touch with the local Kennels and police on a daily basis. Has managed to get people to put Mazey's plight up on different internet boards,, please feel free to cross post.

Mazey has been on the run for about nine or so weeks now,, we are all desperate for her return before the weather turns really cold.

Have spoken with Sharon, Mazeys owner today. She has a new lead from someone who say they are certain that she has been picked up and living near to them. The address needs to be confirmed first. Will keep you all updated of progress.

Cross posted from another board - further sightings of Mazey

Two sightings this morning hopefully of Mazey in Shutt Lane, Earlswood. Lady from No 80 ran after her to try and catch her but scared her off. She followed another woman and her child home to No 101 and was trying to get in their back garden. Later when the woman went to the shops she saw the poster and realised it was Mazey. I can't believe what bad luck that was. She's been on the run for so long now that she's a bit wary of people, to trap her in a garden would have been ideal. It seems like she's been in this area for a couple of weeks now. I'm meeting Sharon there very early tomorrow morning and I'm praying that we can find her.

What a christmas pressie - if she was found today.
I've had everything crossed that she'll be found by Christmas. You're right, it would be the bet Christmas present ever!!!

Good luck.
Is there any news on Mazey this week?

I'm glad she has been seen recently, always a good sign.

I drive through Earlswood on the way to my parents (which I do more frequently than I should admit). I always keep my eyes open when driving through, but I have seen nothing. :(

Hi all, I just got the latest copy of 'your dog' magazine and there's a little snippet about Mazey being lost with her details etc. I do hope she's found soon. There's a little picture of her also - she looks so adorable - her owner must be distraught :(

Maizeys owners have tried to get the BBC to run a story on her. They have refused point blank, their reason, too many lost dogs - if they run one story, they will have to run them all.

Anyone with any further ideas???
Dont let anyone say I never try...sent emails to Central News, ITV This Morning, C4 Richard and Judy and GMTV.

It paid off, Central News are going to their home tomorrow and will be running the story. :D

Three Cheers for Central News ;)
I have read about this whippet on another web site and it says the dog has been seen walking with a couple aged about 20 year's. Has it been reunited with it's owner's yet :D .
Thanks Susan but no is the answer to your question. Shes out there somwhere???
Has Maisey found her way back home yet? or is she still missing.

Can you keep us updated on her :D
Sorry the answer is still no. There was another poster/leaflet drop on Sunday just gone. Fingers crossed and we can all wish for her return.
I just read in a magazine about what happened to Mazey - it was so heart-renching :( She was thrown through the van window as the van rolled over and over (luckily the glass had already dropped out). Her owner saw her and grabbed out but couldn't reach her :(

I do hope she is found soon, she has been missing far too long

Edited to say I have a photo of Mazey that could be helpful if any people on here are still looking for Mazey in their area?

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Poor Maizy & her owner, i do hope she is found soon.

Have there been any more sightings?

It would be such a shame to loose her afetr all the sightings there have been.
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According to the article she is still believed to be in the Birmingham area - so I gather there have been some more sightings of her.

They have also printed that there is a rather hefty reward for her return, so fingers crossed if someone does have her, or knows of her wereabouts this will spur them on to contact her owner :)
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:( My fingers are aching,we've had them crossed for so long.Wish she was back home. :(

There were a few more sightings from the Birmingham area, they were followed up but found not to be Mazey.

Having spoken to Sharon this morning, she will continue with her search for Mazey. And is now in the process of printing off more posters. This weekend they

are going to Crufts to distribute them.

Fingers crossed tightly
**latest update for 03.03.04**

Coventry and Solihull dog wardens have set up a trap in Balsall Common to catch a dog matching Mazeys description

Fingers crossed its her
I hope it is her and they catch her safely. :)

Boy will she be glad to get home - imagine a poor whippy having to sleep rough, and in the winter too. I bet she won't want to get back in a car though :(

I was told a story last year that a whippet got lost when out walking with owner but was found months later with a thick coat and very fat - had lived well by catching rabbits. (Perhaps it was someone's dog from k9?)
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A bit more info as I have just been talking to bubblesgum on the phone - the whippet that is believed to be Mazey has been doing a lot of bin-raiding in that area and has been seen a number of times. She is looking thin and scrawny :( so hopefully she will be more inclined to risk going into a trap. I suggested a scent cloth or old garment from owner as well as food bait.

Paws crossed, everyone.