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Whippet Found In North Lincolnshire

Well thank goodness she's back with you :sweating: poor little love......but we can't tell from that photo if she's lost weight :blink: :oops:
:thumbsup: :thumbsup: Soooooooooo pleased for you and Penny.

I was so hoping you'd get her back.

:cheers: What a brilliant outcome :cheers:

Get that tea towel out of the way and lets see some more pics of the lucky girl :huggles:
Well she turned up yesterday with less fat on her than she had the last time.Her owner has'nt even rang just incase she turned up here as I would of done imediately.I have'nt reported her to the dog warden this time or anyone else.She was so excited when I opened the door to her like I was her mum she walked in had a drink of water and lay down on the sofa cuddled up to my daughter.She has'nt had her teeth cleaned as was supposed to be checked on :rant: :rant: Shes not going back now not ever.She has told me what she wants herself.
:oops: Oh, I thought the owner had returned to you with her.

You mean Penny turned up on your doorstep on her own?


Penny has adopted you in no uncertain terms.

Well done Penny, you clever girl :huggles: :wub: :huggles: :wub:
My neighbour says that some dogs just like to roam and will escape any chance they get even if they are loved by their owners.I can't coment on this as mine have never done this to me.She is such a loving calm disposition though.She went for a walk with all of us today and never left us like she had always been part of the family.
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WOW that's amazing- how far away did she come from? She obviously loves you very much :wub:
Awww good luck Gucci I wouldn't tell the warden either, if no one comes looking I'd keep quiet, IMO it's in the best interests of the dog,she shouldn't keep getting loose like that anyway, a caring owner would prevent it happening if she's prone to wander, she obviously wants to be with you :huggles: :huggles: :luck: :luck:
awwww,im so glad shes back home safe with you. :D such a sensible whippy!she knows where shes best off! :thumbsup: im so happy for you .thats the best news ive heard for ages! :cheers:
Its like LASSIE COME HOME (w00t)

Hide the dog if he comes looking for her. She seems to know where she wants to live :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I need some advice about her skin condition if anyone can help.She is completely bald from her chin all the way to her back legs including the inside of her back legs. She also has the beginings of hair loss on the outside of her hind leg of which I did'nt see when she was last with us.I have checked her for fleas and flea dirt but nothing and I bathed her last night just incase.Does anyone have any ideas.My OH thinks its her nerves as she wasnt happy. :(
we see the ballding in that pattern a lot with greyhounds and its cousewd buy stress. fish oil sardines mackral added to there food helps so do evening primrose oil. but in a lot of cases just tlc does the trick best. so glad she is back with you. change her name and keep her under raps for a few weeks once she gets her condion back thye wont recognis her anway
Hi Gucci, if the previous owner worked her this might be why she`s bald underneath, i`ve seen this with whippets and lurchers when working long grass,

They may have kept her in kennels outside and if there`s not enough bedding they will loose the hair on the leg where she`s been lying.

Just a thought hope this helps. :)
I'm so pleased she's back with you! Do you think they dumped her and ran? Whatever really happened, she's obviously where she wants to be now! :wub: :wub: o:) o:)
I have only just caught up with this thread -and I'm so glad. I would have been having sleepless nights thinking of her haveng to go back where she wasn't really wanted when there was a loving home waiting. I'm just so glad that you have got her back. She has chosen you, so that it that!!! She knows where she is best off!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :wub: :wub: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
I so pleased she has found you again :D

Try aloe vera gel on her baldy spots, it worked for my 8 year old

Good luck
:luck: i know teatree oil shampoo can help with dandruff etc, and mine get codliver oil on their breakfast :luck:
Just for the record, you do NOT have to hand a dog over to the dog warden if you find one. You do, by law, have to report the find to the dog warden and/or police as dogs are classsed as property. You just need to give your details and say that you will care for the dog if the owner doesn't show up. The police will give you a 'lost property' number :(

After 28 days, if the dog isn't claimed, it becomes your property :))

It's best to log it with the police to be honest, as a report number will verify when you found the dog and that the 28 days are up. If the owner does come forward you are entitled to clain reimbursement for the cost of the dog's care (food etc) and any vet treatment needed. The owner IS obliged to pay this.

Of course, there are some cases where it's best to say nothing but at the end of the day, if an owner turned up 2yrs down the line and you hadn't reported it, they can legally still claim the dog :(

...obviously, you have to give the police a description of the dog at the time....which may not match what the owner says.... ;)

Glad she's back with you but please cover yourself as the owner could by rights come back and claim her if you don't report her again :(
yep you could report the fawn lurcher you have just found ;) ;) just to the police
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