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What Has Happened To K9 ?

I too still look in on K9 on a regular basis, have made some good friends and received some good advice, but there are many people whose 'online persona' is very different to their real life, and there are many troublemakers out there. I joined K9 when I was going through a difficult time in my life and enjoyed sharing photos, stories etc as well as receiving some good advice when I needed it. Sadly, I've also seen the uglier side to it all.... I wish all K9'ers a very Happy Christmas and in 2011 I'd love to see K9 return to the happier place it once was.
Couldn't have put it better myself :thumbsup: And happily for me Lal is one of the good 'real world' friends I have made through the forum :D
Same here Ann, Ive met Alison in person only once Ill admit...and spoken to her on the phone...I feel like I know some people I havnt met also...

but I get a gut feeling with some people..and feel happy to call them my friends.


I used to love K9 too and joined in 2004 and often wish it was the same happy place to post....nowadays I dont feel many people even reply now to your posts

which puts you off posting in the first place...I now feel like Facebook is a bit like that now at times...people only reply and respond to what they want to :unsure:

I become very unsure of some of some folks, who arnt the folks you at first think they are.


Come on K9....lets see it reformed in the New Year Please.
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i too joined k9 5 or so years ago and used to love it here, iv not been on here for quite a while but thought id come back for a look and im glad i did as i would'nt have seen this thread!

i too feel like many of you, it would be great if k9 could be like it use too :thumbsup:
I first found K9 a few years ago when I was working abroad. I was away for three months at a time then home for two weeks before having to go back again. I missed Spooky and his whippety antics so much each time I was away (don't worry though folks, Spooks was at home with OH being spoilt rotten :thumbsup: )

Finding K9 was brilliant. I could read all the posts and see all the wonderful photos, even though I couldn't actually post (technical reasons as I only had computer access at work, and the system wouldn't let me post).

When I finished over there and came home, initially I was a bit nervous to post. However, each time I have, everyone has been so friendly and I've had so much good advice - thank you!

So here's to a Merry Christmas and a positive post-filled 2011 on K9 :thumbsup:

Terry xx
tbh, i rarely come on here anymore because of the stuff that was going on, i got the details of all my friends for facebook and just tend to chat to the on purely by chance im on tonight, was scrolling thrugh my fav list and came across the link.
I too still look in on K9 on a regular basis, have made some good friends and received some good advice, but there are many people whose 'online persona' is very different to their real life, and there are many troublemakers out there. I joined K9 when I was going through a difficult time in my life and enjoyed sharing photos, stories etc as well as receiving some good advice when I needed it. Sadly, I've also seen the uglier side to it all.... I wish all K9'ers a very Happy Christmas and in 2011 I'd love to see K9 return to the happier place it once was.
Couldn't have put it better myself :thumbsup: And happily for me Lal is one of the good 'real world' friends I have made through the forum :D
Same here Ann, Ive met Alison in person only once Ill admit...and spoken to her on the phone...I feel like I know some people I havnt met also...

but I get a gut feeling with some people..and feel happy to call them my friends.


I used to love K9 too and joined in 2004 and often wish it was the same happy place to post....nowadays I dont feel many people even reply now to your posts

which puts you off posting in the first place...I now feel like Facebook is a bit like that now at times...people only reply and respond to what they want to :unsure:

I become very unsure of some of some folks, who arnt the folks you at first think they are.


Come on K9....lets see it reformed in the New Year Please.
Exactly...............don't think i will bother much now to post any photos,i think people enjoy seeing photos more on Facebook,you try to make a effort,never minded,not to worry about it lol
I too still look in on K9 on a regular basis, have made some good friends and received some good advice, but there are many people whose 'online persona' is very different to their real life, and there are many troublemakers out there. I joined K9 when I was going through a difficult time in my life and enjoyed sharing photos, stories etc as well as receiving some good advice when I needed it. Sadly, I've also seen the uglier side to it all.... I wish all K9'ers a very Happy Christmas and in 2011 I'd love to see K9 return to the happier place it once was.
Couldn't have put it better myself :thumbsup: And happily for me Lal is one of the good 'real world' friends I have made through the forum :D
Hope i am xx
Years ago it must have been about a year after I joined I remember going to Worcester whippet racing club lurcher show with some of my whippets. There we met a ot ofK9 people Tanya, Tina, her girls and Tony (RI P) and several others. About a month after that we all went camping for the weekend at Tanya's and spent a rather wet and windy weekend in Great Yarmouth. That was the start of a greta friend ship and we have spent many a weekend at Totty Towers since then.

When I think back to these times I think what a great time we had and whta great friend we have made many of which without K9 I would most likely never met.
Years ago it must have been about a year after I joined I remember going to Worcester whippet racing club lurcher show with some of my whippets. There we met a ot ofK9 people Tanya, Tina, her girls and Tony (RI P) and several others. About a month after that we all went camping for the weekend at Tanya's and spent a rather wet and windy weekend in Great Yarmouth. That was the start of a greta friend ship and we have spent many a weekend at Totty Towers since then.
When I think back to these times I think what a great time we had and whta great friend we have made many of which without K9 I would most likely never met.

Great days eh Helen.

Now sadly all water under the bridge, and I myself very rarely look in on k9 as it seems to have gone the same as forums globally have.
I would imagine that most look more regularly than they let on but for some reason feel they have to post to say they don't. What's the point in that!!!

I would just like to say i have read this thread with great interest and see a lot of us are now on facebook :)) i love facebook and over a period of time have added loads of friends, work friends, family and some doggie friends :) i try to keep the Irish Game Fair and Show pics of my facebook and just keep it for casual pics :) i enjoy looking at everyone elses pics :) i have to agree with some that facebook is no substitute for K9 at all, things are just a bit quiet here at the moment :) i hope to continue to take pics of the Game Fairs and Dog Shows in Ireland for 2011...

I would imagine that most look more regularly than they let on but for some reason feel they have to post to say they don't. What's the point in that!!!
(w00t) I'd noticed that!!

I look often, but very little to post on really...
Of course they are all still there have you seen the amount of

anonymous members that are always signed in :lol: :lol: :lol:
i lurk most days just to see if theres anything of interest and occasionaly post pics of my girls and stuff ,but i dont ask advice like i used to especaily in the iggy section i feel like il get shot down for not knowing in the first place, as i own 5 iggys i should no this ,so i tend to look for advice on the internet rather than on here or ask my breeder ...but i always like to have others views as well as peoples views vary wish i felt like i could do this on the iggy section without feeling like im not a good iggy owner ,hope that makes sence it did in my head :teehee:but i spose i shall try starting today hope everyone had a fab christmas and good 2011 to you all :D
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hi everyone dont know if im classed as from *the other side* non pedigree racing? anyway just want 2 say ive been lol @ some who say they dont understand facebook, why? im so happy coz i have no idea wot its all about either it just doesnt make sense @ all to me. i get an e mail to say someone has left me a message on fb but the e mail tells me wot it says????? so why doesnt that person just e mail me???? sorry nothing to do with the thread but just had to agree with the facebook. dont really know wots gone on in here but my advice is just ignore any negative posts or answers the people (trolls) do it 2 get a response.

p.s.i post all the time on non pedigree :thumbsup:
hi everyone dont know if im classed as from *the other side* non pedigree racing? anyway just want 2 say ive been lol @ some who say they dont understand facebook, why? im so happy coz i have no idea wot its all about either it just doesnt make sense @ all to me. i get an e mail to say someone has left me a message on fb but the e mail tells me wot it says????? so why doesnt that person just e mail me???? sorry nothing to do with the thread but just had to agree with the facebook. dont really know wots gone on in here but my advice is just ignore any negative posts or answers the people (trolls) do it 2 get a response.p.s.i post all the time on non pedigree :thumbsup:

Because not all leave their email address on public view, so the message is sent via FB(because they do have email address) as a private message...same as it would be on here.
i lurk most days just to see if theres anything of interest and occasionaly post pics of my girls and stuff ,but i dont ask advice like i used to especaily in the iggy section i feel like il get shot down for not knowing in the first place, as i own 5 iggys i should no this ,so i tend to look for advice on the internet rather than on here or ask my breeder ...but i always like to have others views as well as peoples views vary wish i felt like i could do this on the iggy section without feeling like im not a good iggy owner ,hope that makes sence it did in my head :teehee:but i spose i shall try starting today hope everyone had a fab christmas and good 2011 to you all :D

all the iggy people left here ages ago so who would shoot you down? :wacko: theres none here any more!lol!
i lurk most days just to see if theres anything of interest and occasionaly post pics of my girls and stuff ,but i dont ask advice like i used to especaily in the iggy section i feel like il get shot down for not knowing in the first place, as i own 5 iggys i should no this ,so i tend to look for advice on the internet rather than on here or ask my breeder ...but i always like to have others views as well as peoples views vary wish i felt like i could do this on the iggy section without feeling like im not a good iggy owner ,hope that makes sence it did in my head :teehee:but i spose i shall try starting today hope everyone had a fab christmas and good 2011 to you all :D

all the iggy people left here ages ago so who would shoot you down? :wacko: theres none here any more!lol!
come on they still lurk on here :teehee: i didnt mention iggy people ?and going by some of the past posts on there that have been shot down ,i just cant be assed with all of the nonsence ,so i usualy keep quiet,this post wasnt ment to cause arguments it just how i feel. :unsure:
i lurk most days just to see if theres anything of interest and occasionaly post pics of my girls and stuff ,but i dont ask advice like i used to especaily in the iggy section i feel like il get shot down for not knowing in the first place, as i own 5 iggys i should no this ,so i tend to look for advice on the internet rather than on here or ask my breeder ...but i always like to have others views as well as peoples views vary wish i felt like i could do this on the iggy section without feeling like im not a good iggy owner ,hope that makes sence it did in my head :teehee:but i spose i shall try starting today hope everyone had a fab christmas and good 2011 to you all :D

all the iggy people left here ages ago so who would shoot you down? :wacko: theres none here any more!lol!
come on they still lurk on here :teehee: i didnt mention iggy people ?and going by some of the past posts on there that have been shot down ,i just cant be assed with all of the nonsence ,so i usualy keep quiet,this post wasnt ment to cause arguments it just how i feel. :unsure:

I too have iggies news that I wont post I keep it to myself and my friends on facebook
I enjoy this forum, there is such a range of different experience here and I find all sorts of dog-related topics interesting even if they are about things I'm not involved in personally.

With such a range of dogs, owners, experience and activities it's not surprising there are sometimes disagreements - but robust discussions and differing opinions are what makes forums interesting and stimulating. Forums where people do nothing but coo over cute pictures and agree with each other are incredibly boring (I love seeing peoples' pictures btw, but if that was all there was I'd probably not log in very often).

What is disappointing on here, more than any other forum I visit, is that as soon as there is disagreement it very quickly descends from discussion and reasonable argument to personal bitchy remarks, silly name-calling and foul language, and the original topic gets lost along the way.

I don't know why that is, possibly because a lot of people here know each other personally and compete against each other, so 'real life' grudges get carried onto the forum? I don't know anyone so it all sails completely over my head but it seems such a shame people can't have a discussion without it descending to playground level, and I'm sure puts people off coming on here.
I have belonged to here and TWF for quite a few years now and moderate on both sites. It can be a thankless task, damned if you do and damed if you dont, have to say I have myself made the move more towards Facebook only because I have recently caught up with a lot of friends I served with in the Army as well as being able to choose who I talk to in dogs. The chat between friends is more cheerful and relaxed and if you fall out well you can just block them. I have to laugh at the amount of "friends " some people have especially as you know full well that they cant stand each other in the flesh, so whats that all about?

All sites suffer from people using two or more accounts. Some have genuinely lost their passwords etc, most are up to mischief, thats life.

I am more than happy to help people out with advice about Iggies just PM me if you dont want to go on the open forum. The iggie section used to be very active and informative but certain events lead to people bailing out cos it wasnt worth the hassle. Ironically I got as much stick from those on "my" side of the fence for taking over moderating the iggie section as I did from those opposed to me moderating the forum LOL. There exists a them and us and that isnt going to change no matter how much water has flowed under the bridge, sad but true.

I dont think K9 is any worse off than a lot of Forums.

Enjoy the good topics and keep off the bad ones, posting only causes a bad topic to take hold and continue to run beyond its life expectancy had it been ignored.
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