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Wcrch Fuller Spirit's Babes

Thanks Diane, Angel loves her to bits. Here they are having a sleep over at Meadows place. :lol:
Hold on to Meadow very tight, or the second your back is turned i might of swept her away. :wub: :wub: :wub:
Ive just put her to bed, she has been wild tonight & sorted out anything that got in her way & boy are those little teeth sharp (w00t) Thats my girl :thumbsup:
She looks gorgeous! :wub:

Her colours seem to have darkened up a bit from your original pic.
She is beautiful, they all are :wub: :wub: .

Debra :D 8) :wacko:
Well it's been cloak and dagger (no pun intended!) :oops: but Samael is finally at his new home! Even a car rolling on the M55 150m infront of us and a three and a half hour journey could stop us!

Here he his chilling watching the telly! :thumbsup:

View attachment 7380
And another, I don't think he can decide which toy to play with! :b

is that Jo sat next to him? :huggles: aww.

where you sleeping tonight :lol:
He's gorgeous Scott & Jo. Is he boy one, two or four (see page 2 of this thread) My guess is four but I'm not sure :blink:
Judy said:
He's gorgeous Scott & Jo. Is he boy one, two or four (see page 2 of this thread) My guess is four but I'm not sure  :blink:
Hi Judy, the honest answer is I don't know! :b

Hannah might know, he's the one Julia referred to as Fergal, KC name Wheatroyd Greengage! :))
He's gorgeous so innocent looking. bet he's not though :lol:
Wow Scott! You've got another whippet. (w00t)

:teehee: :wacko: :blink: :teehee:

He couldn't have a nicer home. Lucky little chap. What does Gabe make of him?
BeeJay said:
Wow Scott!  You've got another whippet. (w00t)
:teehee:   :wacko:   :blink:   :teehee:

He couldn't have a nicer home.  Lucky little chap.  What does Gabe make of him?
Gabriel thinks that he's his new toy! :b

But the little fella is having none of it, he'll give as good as he gets! :thumbsup:

The two angels, Gabriel and Samael! :- "

I'm sure they're not gonna be! :b