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To All Lovers Of The Innocent Fox

I can't help noticing we're in a month without an 'r' in it, maybe with fox hunting banned, folk are looking for other types of prey. ;)
Hands up everyone that uses fly spray and slug pellets. (w00t)
Janimal said:
Sorry but I thought that video was actually quite interesting....I thought it amazing that the chicken was still alive....after that shot ....amazing.
I work on a farm and all the peacocks were taken out by a is really hard to fence chickens in safely .....and the farmers I work for are definitely not lazy and fat.  It is very costly and time consuming...

The fox is a predator....and does sometimes just kill the chickens without eating them....

I actually like foxes too, but think the farmer is well within his rights to shoot them if he wants to......after all there is no hunting now to stop them...and the fox has no predators... except man now.

I wonder if any one on here has seen a chicken house or poulty house after a fox is not a pretty sight... :(

I dont mind this topic in chit chat at all.

Well said,i agree with your comments.I too,found it interesting to watch.Foxes are getting so common.I am a dinner lady at our local school,and whilst the kids were playing football,a fox casually walked up behind the lad in goal.watched for a few seconds,then casually walked off again.The kids were transfixed!!I can see both sides.

The trouble with K9 is............if your opinion isn't the same as someone

else's they feel the need to put you down and get sarcastic.

We all have different views on everything and just because your own is

different to someone else's it doesnt make yours the correct one. And it

certainly doesn't give you the right to try and put the other person down.

Right im away to clean out my ickle fluffy chinchilla's :x
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well nina live and let live I take it then that yr dogs are vegetarians, the fences are in good repair if you look here is a farmer giving most people what they want (Free range) and now hes fat and lazy,. btw Pat Carey(The Warrener) keeps whippets
Janimal said:
Sorry but I thought that video was actually quite interesting....I thought it amazing that the chicken was still alive....after that shot ....amazing.
I work on a farm and all the peacocks were taken out by a is really hard to fence chickens in safely .....and the farmers I work for are definitely not lazy and fat.  It is very costly and time consuming...

The fox is a predator....and does sometimes just kill the chickens without eating them....

I actually like foxes too, but think the farmer is well within his rights to shoot them if he wants to......after all there is no hunting now to stop them...and the fox has no predators... except man now.

I wonder if any one on here has seen a chicken house or poulty house after a fox is not a pretty sight... :(

I dont mind this topic in chit chat at all.

Me neither........I found it interesting too.

Sorry Annsa, I didn't mean it like that. It was just tongue in cheek. What I'm tring to say is we all have different ideas of vermin and how to control it. There are vermin roaming our streets which IMO should be PTS, beating, killing, raping etc. Even our local council culled hundreds of seagulls last year on my road. o:)
In some parts of the country they also cull pigeons and starlings....sometimes even wild ducks when there are too many drakes. Also grey squirrels in most parts of the country.

Some people also dont agree with grouse shooting...but it is a necessary part of land control. The gamekeepers round here take a lot of flack from animal rights people when the grouse beating starts, even to the point of them sabotaging the shoots.

If they werent controlled, the bird would die from worms..lack of food and other illnesses. So hence the countryside needs to be managed.

In my opinion its excactly the same with the foxes, no control and we would be overun with them.
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I found the topic interesting,id do exactly the same as the farmer.The Fox was destroyed so what. :p
ste freemo said:
The Fox was destroyed so what. :p
I did write a remark here but have deleted it as it was

childish and sarcastic.........both things i moan about on K9
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This is getting silly! The fox was killing in broad daylight, how could the farmer possible keep all those chickens protected all the time. They are FREE RANGE, that means they roam free. Pat who shot the fox was asked to come and shoot it before it really got going. He provides a service to farmers and game keepers, that is his job. Without people like him the country side would be over run with rabbits and foxes. Rabbits do a huge amount of damage, foxes kill livestock. It is part of country life, people forget that.
bertha said:
This is getting silly! The fox was killing in broad daylight, how could the farmer possible keep all those chickens protected all the time. They are FREE RANGE, that means they roam free. Pat who shot the fox was asked to come and shoot it before it really got going. He provides a service to farmers and game keepers, that is his job. Without people like him the country side would be over run with rabbits and foxes. Rabbits do a huge amount of damage, foxes kill livestock. It is part of country life, people forget that.
here here !!! well said ann :thumbsup:

sadly for the chickens whats the alternative , battery system??? we all would love to see peace love and harmony in all aspects of life but it is NOT the real world, the hunter , the hunted , that simply nature? :thumbsup:
nina said:
Well for what its worth my two pennies worth is:
Unfortunately life is cheap.

My view is every living creature has a right to a life. Whether it be a fox or a chicken, a squirrel or a rabbit, they are a living breathing creature that just like us feels pain.

Brandish them vermin but what are we for polluting the earth with our rubbish,waste & toxins? Is it ok then to shoot us or rip us apart ?

So, given the choice what would you prefer?  A clean shot a bullitt or to be torn apart?

Answer i suspect is: NEITHER

We all do what we have to to survive, sometimes it seems to others without a reason but there often is if you look close enough.

I couldnt watch the video.

My motto is live & let live.

For those that enjoy seeing a living creature taken out by whatever means remember i strongly beleive we all come back one day & god help if you come back as what you brandish "vermin"

Make your choice now bullitt or otherwise?  :- "

Well said . I feel exactly the same :thumbsup:
posh totty said:
bertha said:
This is getting silly! The fox was killing in broad daylight, how could the farmer possible keep all those chickens protected all the time. They are FREE RANGE, that means they roam free. Pat who shot the fox was asked to come and shoot it before it really got going. He provides a service to farmers and game keepers, that is his job. Without people like him the country side would be over run with rabbits and foxes. Rabbits do a huge amount of damage, foxes kill livestock. It is part of country life, people forget that.
here here !!! well said ann :thumbsup:

sadly for the chickens whats the alternative , battery system??? we all would love to see peace love and harmony in all aspects of life but it is NOT the real world, the hunter , the hunted , that simply nature? :thumbsup:

Hurrah!!The voice of reason.This has been an interesting topic,i have enjoyed reading different opinions.Foxes are gorgeous creatures,but if they were killing my animals i may feel differently.

finleyfoofoo said:
posh totty said:
bertha said:
This is getting silly! The fox was killing in broad daylight, how could the farmer possible keep all those chickens protected all the time. They are FREE RANGE, that means they roam free. Pat who shot the fox was asked to come and shoot it before it really got going. He provides a service to farmers and game keepers, that is his job. Without people like him the country side would be over run with rabbits and foxes. Rabbits do a huge amount of damage, foxes kill livestock. It is part of country life, people forget that.
here here !!! well said ann :thumbsup:

sadly for the chickens whats the alternative , battery system??? we all would love to see peace love and harmony in all aspects of life but it is NOT the real world, the hunter , the hunted , that simply nature? :thumbsup:

Hurrah!!The voice of reason.This has been an interesting topic,i have enjoyed reading different opinions.Foxes are gorgeous creatures,but if they were killing my animals i may feel differently.


Seeing a healthy fox early morning going about his business is wonderful. Watching fox cubs playing in the sun. I don't hate Mr Reynard, I just don't like what he does, and I don't like what is happening to the him since the ban!

At least the hunt either caught him or he got away, now he gets trapped, shot at, poisoned or worse.
The video doesn't seem to be loading anymore.............just my p.c?
bertha said:
This is getting silly! The fox was killing in broad daylight, how could the farmer possible keep all those chickens protected all the time. They are FREE RANGE, that means they roam free. Pat who shot the fox was asked to come and shoot it before it really got going. He provides a service to farmers and game keepers, that is his job. Without people like him the country side would be over run with rabbits and foxes. Rabbits do a huge amount of damage, foxes kill livestock. It is part of country life, people forget that.
Indiscriminate killers :thumbsup: