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To All Lovers Of The Innocent Fox

shameless52 said:
well nina live and let live I take it then that yr dogs are vegetarians, the fences are in good repair if you look here is a farmer giving most people what they want (Free range) and now hes fat and lazy,. btw Pat Carey(The Warrener) keeps whippets
I'm a bit of a fence sitter. I really can see both sides of the coin.

Just a point on the side

As humans our ever increasing need for food has developed an artificial world.

Years goon by the fox would never have encountered such a feast.

I know that doesn't make the fox or the shooter right, just a thought to ponder :)
I do not use fly spray or snail pellets. I do not like having my environment polluted with chemicals and snail pellets are a worry with dogs around. There are other ways to deal with flies and snails.

Unfortunately, we as humans have messed up all the balance on the Earth, those animals that cannot cope with what we have done are now protected species and those who are capable of adapting are labeled "vermin". I have a respect and admiration for the survivors, and foxes in particular, but sadly it is necessary to cull them as the environment just cannot support their numbers. The same thing happens here with kangaroos every few years. Especially during drought, when they then start to move closer to towns looking for food. They need to be culled, or they will be dying slow death from starvation, I am just glad I am not the one to have to do it.
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nina said:
shameless52 said:
well nina live and let live I take it then that yr dogs are vegetarians, the fences are in good repair if you look here is a farmer giving most people what they want (Free range) and now hes fat and lazy,. btw Pat Carey(The Warrener) keeps whippets

it was me that said that, and yes i have alreay admitted i was out of order saying that but i strongly feel that if your gona do a job, you do it right, and in my opinmion having a secure area for his free range chickens come with the job of having free range chicken. shooting the fox is just like having a rash and ithching it, it feels better for say 5mins but then it ithches again, you need a cream to solve the rash, just like you need a secure fence around the chickens to keep them safe from foxes.

like Seraphina says just because the foxes are on or door step and considered a problem that make it ok to kill them, just like the kangaroos were causing a problem, does that mean if a farmer and africa has a problem with tigers he can just go shoot them, i think there would be major uproar if that happened :b

killing one fox does not solve his fox problem as more will come back.

i just feel there are better ways to try solve the problem.
I'm a huge fox lover, and strongly disagree with the shooting of foxes. However, I believe the world would be a boring place if everyone had the same opinions on every subject matter!

I didn't watch the video (thanks for the warning!!) because I know it would upset me, I'm not ignoring the fact that it happened, I just know it wouldn't be beneficial to SEE it. :(

I personally think that the fox is the innocent party. He's hungry. So he goes to look for something to eat. :)) They're not aware that the chickens belong to anyone, or that it would upset their "owners" if they ate one... so I don't think they can really be blamed. :unsure:

It's like sticking a non-vegetarian kid in KFC on "all-you-can-eat-for-free-day" and saying "don't eat anything!!!" :p :p

Schmick said:
I'm a bit of a fence sitter. I really can see both sides of the coin.
Just a point on the side 

As humans  our ever increasing need for food has developed an artificial world.

Years goon by the fox would never have encountered such a feast.

I know that doesn't make the fox or the shooter right, just a thought to ponder :)

Those are my thoughts too. We live in an artificial/over populated world where crops and animals for slaughter and human/pet consumption are mass produced. We can no longer rely on nature to do it's job otherwise we'd starve. Hence we need to maintain control of 'vermin' and cull over-population of certain animals kept for game or ones that become a nuisance. It's sad, but with an over populated world, what else can be done? Maybe we need to move towards all keeping a few chickens of our own and growing our own veg ( :cheers: Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall) and there wouldn't be such a need to 'manage the countryside' to the detriment of wild creatures (including foxes) and more natural habitats. Probably wishful thinking and naivety on my part :- "

I don't agree that the culling of 'vermin' be turned into a sport or posted to chat boards for amusement value. I find that bit distasteful. Kill for the pot, or to prevent stock being harmed. Kill cleanly and for need. Not for sport/entertainment!
No its still there Karen.... :thumbsup:

Trouble is Nicola....that way of life that you talked about in your post...was the way my grandparents lived...they kept their own pigs for meat, goats for milk, hens for eggs...and grew their own vegetables. Weve gone way past all that now unfortunately...and yes I agree it would be nice to get back to that....BUT....

in my opinion the supermarkets have changed all that...the way people shop and eat now. Lots of people want cheap cuts of meat...chicken, meat, cheap everything... :( and this has changed the way things are produced and sold...

If everyone thought more carefully about what they ate...and shopped at local butchers etc, farmers markets....the farmers wouldnt get such a raw deal either.

sorry that was slightly getting away from the original topic... :b
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kris said:
ive kept both chickens and other livestock.a good stockman has only himself to blame when chickens are taken by  a the guy at the end of the video said keep your fences and netting in good repair and make sure your  chickens are locked up at night.i never lost a chicken to any fox and i can hear foxes in the woods all the time barking.its just lazy farmers who cant be bothered checking their fences and maintaining them that lose stock to predators.its up to you to protect them.foxes have to live too you know and although i know a fox will run riot in a chicken pen they will bury the  dead chickens and come back to dig them up and eat them when times are hard so although some think they just kill and waste  birds they dont actually they do go back and eat them :thumbsup:

Well Said!!! The hideous "pasttime" of cub hunting is thankfully no more, until the Torys get in of course
nina said:
Well for what its worth my two pennies worth is:
Unfortunately life is cheap.

My view is every living creature has a right to a life. Whether it be a fox or a chicken, a squirrel or a rabbit, they are a living breathing creature that just like us feels pain.

Brandish them vermin but what are we for polluting the earth with our rubbish,waste & toxins? Is it ok then to shoot us or rip us apart ?

So, given the choice what would you prefer?  A clean shot a bullitt or to be torn apart?

Answer i suspect is: NEITHER

We all do what we have to to survive, sometimes it seems to others without a reason but there often is if you look close enough.

I couldnt watch the video.

My motto is live & let live.

For those that enjoy seeing a living creature taken out by whatever means remember i strongly beleive we all come back one day & god help if you come back as what you brandish "vermin"

Make your choice now bullitt or otherwise?  :- "

i agree with everything you have said nina ,so saves me writing what i think.

and i didnt want to watch the video either .
nina said:
Well for what its worth my two pennies worth is:
Unfortunately life is cheap.

My view is every living creature has a right to a life. Whether it be a fox or a chicken, a squirrel or a rabbit, they are a living breathing creature that just like us feels pain.

Brandish them vermin but what are we for polluting the earth with our rubbish,waste & toxins? Is it ok then to shoot us or rip us apart ?

So, given the choice what would you prefer?  A clean shot a bullitt or to be torn apart?

Answer i suspect is: NEITHER

We all do what we have to to survive, sometimes it seems to others without a reason but there often is if you look close enough.

I couldnt watch the video.

My motto is live & let live.

For those that enjoy seeing a living creature taken out by whatever means remember i strongly beleive we all come back one day & god help if you come back as what you brandish "vermin"

Make your choice now bullitt or otherwise?  :- "


I agree with you entirely. It is not animals that is melting the arctic and forcing polar bears to drown. If any species should be called "VERMIN" it is human beings. As regards hunting, I have seen footage of "cub hunting" whereby fox cubs are "used" by hunts to train their young fox hounds. The cruelty is beyond words. Lets hope that, this barbarism will never again be legalised. It is illegal to commit burlary but it still goes on. At least the scum that dig out a vixen and force her to watch her babies being ripped apart (slowly) by inexperienced fox cubs) cannot do this legally any more. That is until Cameron gets becomes Prime Minster. He has promised his cronies at The Heythrop that he will reinstate their "hobby" if ge is elected. Oh bless him!
Janimal said:
In some parts of the country they also cull pigeons and starlings....sometimes even wild ducks when there are too many drakes. Also grey squirrels in most parts of the country.
Some people also dont agree with grouse shooting...but it is a necessary part of land control.  The gamekeepers round here take a lot of flack from animal rights people when the grouse beating starts, even to the point of them sabotaging the shoots.

If they werent controlled, the bird would die from worms..lack of food and other illnesses.  So hence the countryside needs to be managed.

In my opinion its excactly the same with the foxes, no control and we would be overun with them.

The grouse are bred for shooting so how come they need to be controlled???
Just one more point about the "vermin" foxes. All of our foxes are in fact from Denmark, France, Germany and Holland.

British foxes were hunted practically to extinction during the 19th century.

Therefore, shedloads of foxes were brought into the country from other European countries (by the upper classes) so that their pasttime of chasing and killing them could be maintained. Foxes weren't hunted at all until around the 1830s.

Most hunts believed it to be beneath their status to hunt "vermin" and continued mostly, to hunt deer until the 1830's.

It became more convenient to hunt foxes rather than deer as hunting deer requires great areas of open land, such as Dartmoor and Exmoor.

In fact, the Swedish Red Fox, which was known to be a larger animal than the one found in Britain, has been introduced to Britain to create the more substantial "European Red Fox" that we see in our towns and countryside today.

The title of "vermin" therefore is given to a species that is only in this country because certain people wished it to be there, so they could torture and kill it!!

Personally, if an animal has to be killed, I prefer a skilled marksman, to a bunch of hooligans on horseback who turn killing something into a social occasion.
AnnSa said:
ste freemo said:
AnnSa said:
ste freemo said:
The Fox was destroyed so what. :p
I did write a remark here but have deleted it as it was

childish and sarcastic.........both things i moan about on K9

And your point is??

:clown: :clown:


LITTLE ICONS.................NOT ME

Do you mean the same icons you use??

Suzycbee said:
Janimal said:
In some parts of the country they also cull pigeons and starlings....sometimes even wild ducks when there are too many drakes. Also grey squirrels in most parts of the country.
Some people also dont agree with grouse shooting...but it is a necessary part of land control.  The gamekeepers round here take a lot of flack from animal rights people when the grouse beating starts, even to the point of them sabotaging the shoots.

If they werent controlled, the bird would die from worms..lack of food and other illnesses.  So hence the countryside needs to be managed.

In my opinion its excactly the same with the foxes, no control and we would be overun with them.

The grouse are bred for shooting so how come they need to be controlled???

As I said earlier.....thats the gamekeepers job....control of they of the moors.. :thumbsup: without the gamekeeper the land would be in a sorry state...

if the foxes wernt controlled they would suffer from illnesses too, parasites and suchlikes and transfer them to other animals... plus become so tame in urban areas where people feed them....they can become capable of taking small children...after all they are capable of killing small lambs....and this is not cruel I suppose...or dosnt bother the farmer either... :wacko: ..... plus the RABIES risk, but suppose we have forgotten about this too...
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Janimal said:
Suzycbee said:
Janimal said:
In some parts of the country they also cull pigeons and starlings....sometimes even wild ducks when there are too many drakes. Also grey squirrels in most parts of the country.
Some people also dont agree with grouse shooting...but it is a necessary part of land control.  The gamekeepers round here take a lot of flack from animal rights people when the grouse beating starts, even to the point of them sabotaging the shoots.

If they werent controlled, the bird would die from worms..lack of food and other illnesses.  So hence the countryside needs to be managed.

In my opinion its excactly the same with the foxes, no control and we would be overun with them.

The grouse are bred for shooting so how come they need to be controlled???

As I said earlier.....thats the gamekeepers job....control of they of the moors.. :thumbsup: without the gamekeeper the land would be in a sorry state...

if the foxes wernt controlled they would suffer from illnesses too, parasites and suchlikes and transfer them to other animals... plus become so tame in urban areas where people feed them....they can become capable of taking small children...after all they are capable of killing small lambs....and this is not cruel I suppose...or dosnt bother the farmer either... :wacko: ..... plus the RABIES risk, but suppose we have forgotten about this too...

Heres a good article for you to read... ;) :thumbsup:
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k4tie-d said:
like Seraphina says just because the foxes are on or door step and considered a problem that make it ok to kill them, just like the kangaroos were causing a problem, does that mean if a farmer and africa has a problem with tigers he can just go shoot them, i think there would be major uproar if that happened :b
killing one fox does not solve his fox problem as more will come back.

i just feel there are better ways to try solve the problem.


I'm so sorry Katie but I'm such a nit picker! Tigers live in India!!! I'm sure you meant lions, but it made me smile in this heavy topic.

In India people do kill tigers if they come to close to their villages as they are such a threat. I watched a program on it a while ago, quite sad really.

Anyway this post is about foxes, I didn't watch the video cos I didn't want to see a chicken or fox getting hurt and yes I eat meet so yes I guess that makes me a little hypocritical but I know where it comes from just don't like to see it!

Can see both sides of the story I guess, but bullet is better than hunt if the fox is killed quickly.

I guess in an ideal world we would all live in harmony....

Now lets all hold hands and sing!!

Janimal said:
No its still there Karen.... :thumbsup:
Trouble is Nicola....that way of life that you talked about in your post...was the way my grandparents lived...they kept their own pigs for meat, goats for milk, hens for eggs...and grew their own vegetables.  Weve gone way past all that now unfortunately...and yes I agree it would be nice to get back to that....BUT....

in my opinion the supermarkets have changed all that...the way people shop and eat now.  Lots of people want cheap cuts of meat...chicken, meat, cheap everything... :(   and this has changed the way things are produced and sold...

If everyone thought more carefully about what they ate...and shopped at local butchers etc, farmers markets....the farmers wouldnt get such a raw deal either.

sorry that was slightly getting away from the original topic... :b

Well said :thumbsup:I would love to be able to go back to those times
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ste freemo said:
AnnSa said:
ste freemo said:
AnnSa said:
ste freemo said:
The Fox was destroyed so what. :p
I did write a remark here but have deleted it as it was

childish and sarcastic.........both things i moan about on K9

And your point is??

:clown: :clown:


LITTLE ICONS.................NOT ME

Do you mean the same icons you use??


For goodness sake get a life, if you cant reply without resorting to ridiculous playground tit for tat what a sad thread this will become.

Its obvious that different folk have different opinions but atleast lets keep it intelligent :- "

We all have different views & whilst i find it hard to get my head round the mentality of some folk that excel & gain their enjoyment from seenig small defenceless creatures ripped apart in agony or shot for unfortunately being just what they are a wild animal i take on board there are those that gain their enjoyment this way & find it a pleasurable pastime.

Whilst i dont agree & struggle to fathom what makes these people tick i respect that there are several working forums for these like minded individuals to celebrate their blood lust & sport & to congratulate each other on their "kills"

As i have said before "each to their own & in my opinion live & let live & thank god we are not all the same or share the same opinions :- "