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Tips for the top


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My tips for this year I expect to see the class dogs stay at the top, namely Terichline Vanilla, Ultra Vixon,and hopefully our Cheydanhar Apache Chief but at the E.A.W.C.C. we have quality in depth. Look out for Petersfield Pilot,Saucy Madam, Cheydanhar Tomahawk,Gardens lane girl, Skylark Majestic and Belle a la Gosi + outside bet on Lynperry Plane

Give me your tips for the top Dog/Bitch/Pup+If the Bob Blatch inter club stake takes place which 4 dogs would make your team?.

Just 3 more weeks to go then the dogs can start to prove you right or not

As always in sport Clive Searson
Hi Clive I think you could be right on your choice , thank you for including Gardens lanes girl , Ican not see many beating your dog this year, All the dogs you have said learnt their trade last season, This must say some thing for the dogs in the club , If I was a betting man !!!! and you know i am not Ha Ha , I would have a few ££££s on Lynperry nancy noodle fo the puppy cup . Lets not forget the madam this year she could up set a few people, and her kennal mate Lynperry plain . Ihear she is up for it this year Roll on the start Paul Cork
My tips are Cu'Luath Bluebird, Cu'Luath Stormbird, Pipe Dream, Cosmis Carina, and El Diablo. Just my opinion.

Paul. Nancy noodle ?? is that any relation to that very dopey dog pot noodle??

I forgot to add Whats behind the mask to my list.Will he live up to the Essex spin or is he just the brother of a good bitch ?.

Scot are you talking about lure or the real thing ?

In sport and longing for rain Clive Searson.
My dogs do both! If I can get them on live, the better. If not they have to chase a lure.

Nice to know that you lot are still alive.I have heard that Saucey Madam is very fit having spent the last 2 weeks fell walking in the Lake District just to add the final touches to her fitness programme. Unfortunately she came into season today so will miss the opening of the new season. Lynperry Plain is raring to go , she puts her heart and soul into everything that she does. Also Magic Trick I think will have benefitted from the closed season. You should see her kill rats! Nothing todo with corsing but I just thought I would mention it. Best wishes to Paul and CCS. Looking forward to seeing the dogs and your good selves.

Long live our sport

Lamping man good to see you back.I hope you can help us out this year by winning a trophy or 2 the word is that the Essex boys have a lorry lined up for next years A.G.M. to get all their winnings home. [they will only try to cash them in for scrap along with an old cortina and Freds gold tooth ] So lets try and keep 1 or 2 more in Suffolk this year? If you want a run out with the Chief sometime soon give me a ring

Regards Clive.[Just 2 weeks to go ]
Hi Lamping man . nice to hear from you , its a shame Sacey Madam has come in to season as i throught we would meet in the first final of the season. Gardens lanes girl is coming back togather well after having 7 pups 15 weeks ago , have kept a black bitch , You must take CCS up on his offer ,and we can make a day of it . I all so hear you started your coursing season early at Bury All the best Corky
Corky you need to take more water with that cheep old scotch you live on , its giving you odd dreams . Had you forgotten the first meet is in Lincolnshire a place for fit dogs and even fitter men .Are you city boys up to it?

Regards The man from the fens.
CCS have you got a dog that can run the fens, or do they all come from Essex , and do they get there in a mk 2 Cortina,!!!!!!! I knowOF A few from Norfolk that can do the biz . not long to go All the best to all the coursing men
Come on you country boys all Essex dogs go well and that's not just the 4 legged kind . There's some good dogs down here in Essex and hopefully one of them is going to do well this year . Saw a bloke the other day with 2 fine looking wkippets and he mentioned that he ran them at the club your talking about he wouldn't let on what the dogs names where but he had high hopes of one of them . All he would say is that fashions come and go but black is always the colour !

Also we don't all drive around in Escorts or Cortinas some of us Essex men are quite sophisticated .
Hi everyone. Note for Essex Man. The only decent dogs in Essex wear high heels and dance round their handbags in clubs.

Now to more important stuff. CCS and CORKY. Listen. Lynperry Plain has ripped a dew claw and may be doubtful for the big day. The vet sorted her out tonight. Its all happening at the wrong time. What have you got in mind for a meeting with the Chief CCS ? Sounds good but I may only have Magic Trick available plus 2 super charged lurchers of course. Am available any time. Paul, can't wait to see this little black bitch of yours. Saucey Madam loves to beat black bitches so you have been warned.

?? Sophisticated Essex men ? Dogs that do the biz in Norfolk ??_WELCOME TO THE SITE ENID BLYTON. Coursing man if you have some time on your hands can you give Corky a hand with his passport we dont want to see him stuck at Sutton Bridge next week without me to help him with the locals.

+ the word is out that the Madam may be looking to get together with a dog from out west ?. This must be you having us on?

Fill us in L/M

Regards Man and dog fit to run the fens !
L/M i hope to get out on sat 27th for a walk out hope you can come along + Dew claws on running dogs ? not around this way. They get cut you see

If it rains Tue we could meet up on Wed.?

Regards Clive.
Hope you lot don't rattle on like this when your in the line.

Doubt it, I should think Andrea has you all under control, men of the fens and city boys alike :w

The cackling your making I've been round the back of this 'puter to see if there are any eggs to collect. :p

My first outing's 11th Oct. not long to go now................see you on the 17th Scott :c
Ok serious stuff now . We hold the line well at the club , not many hares get lost We have good line stewards , even stand in ones do a good job , and all the members know what to do . As CCS says we have quality in depth . I'm sure the Cheif will do well and it looks like black dogs are going to be strong this year . Hopefully mine will do well once he gets the hang of it and maybe he'll beat the Chief , which I'm sure the Chief won't mind , in fact he might be quite proud . Looking forward to see you all soon . Hopefully we will make the 4th to introduce the new addition and setting him up for a run on the 11th .
John we need to run on a bit on site as you say Andrea will not have it in the line .We have abit of crack on line but take the coursing very seriously as i hope you do

I think Essex Man is spot on . Black looks good this year

Regards Clive.
I know it's serious stuff "Essex man" but just be carefull you don't disappear up your own fundiment, your not fecking Hiawatha tracking the grizzly, or the Duke of Wellington leading the thin red line.

I think we should all enjoy our coursing, and even more important, the dogs should enjoy it. People should be encouraged to be interested in it, and within the realms of practicality, join us.

We are in danger of giving the impression on here that we are a branch of the Masons, and only one in ten survive the initiation cerimony.

Sorry to stir it, but had to be said :b

Yours in sport Greeny :D
the coursing that i have been reading on this site is it invite only or can we lurcher men come and wotch the whippets run as i af not seen them at the back of a hare