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We are in danger of giving the impression on here that we are a branch of the Masons, and only one in ten survive the initiation cerimony.
Hey John are you sure that many make it through?
John , sorry , not sure where your coming from who's giving the impression about Masons and Duke of Wellington . The point I was trying to get across is that coursing is done by sensible law abiding people who do it in an organised manner . We're not blood thirsty heathens who charge across the countryside chasing anything in sight . I apologise if my point came across wrongly .

Long may coursing continue .
Hi John i think Essex man is trying to say, is that you sound if you are talking a load of Bollocks, We all like a bit of banter , but the dogs in the EAWCC , DO THE TAKKING Thank you for know and good bye
I may be a relative novice but could someone explain what takking is ?


Slight change now from one who views matters with a certain lightheartedness. Don't get so serious you people. Lighten up a bit!

CCS. Many thanks for a great morning. Thats how I like it ,nothing to serious and the dogs show us how it is done. Incidentally, during one of our conversations rsults of meetings was discussed. You must look at page 2 number 3.Who owns what??

O.K. Lampingman good to see you today your dogs look very well

page 2 no3=LL of L aprox 8/9 years old his son is LLS that lives in Norfolk age6 1/4 and his grandson is just up the coast from you and therfor his g/granddauter is poss. at your feet as i post this. We must cut this out befor John thiks its some odd club code

Hope all the hares we see are as strong as todays Clive.
That's what I was trying to do , lampingman, lighten up a bit.

I think takking is something to do with laying carpets, Scott. :w
I hope everyone knows that I'm not a blood thirsty heathen, Essex man, I make no secret of the fact that as well as being an experienced coursing dog, Piper is daddies' little flowerpot. And she has been known to take a hare under rules, coursing man, sad when one has to fall, isn't it?

Coursing man..................we are all coursing men here :c some of us have the balls to use our real names :D

You are all lucky if you can course your pups this season, mine will be too young because of the new rule (12 months old at the begining of the season, rather than just 12 months old), hopefully, they'll get some trials in though.They were catching rabbits at 7 months.
Lamping Man . Essex dogs were out yesterday , you know high heels , hand bags and all that . The dogs went well all getting a run on big strong hares . The local dog and one of the Essex dogs had one hare twisting and turning !

The afternoon was enjoyed by all and it was nice to see the two old boys again I felt quite young .Thanks CCS for the good sport and now you've seen one or two of the dogs what do you think ? But remember the high heels were still on !
Mr Greenwood , are you still taking a lot of balls again , were did you find this rule on running pup , or did make this up to keep us biting , The man with no balls. The C
Essexman .It was good to see you and yours yesterday. I hope you went home happy with the first run of a very good looking dog , he looks abit to much like his dad on the back of a hare for some ?

Also looks like the older dog as been pushed on by the youngster as he ran well and i hope he is not to sore.

Like C/man as said can you fill us in on this odd puppy rule thing John as its not something we have heard of ?

Just 6 days to go Regards Clive.
No I'm of last season pups have to be 12 months old on the 1st 0ct to run in that season. At the same time the officially recognised slip for whipps went up from 50yds. to 70yds. and there was a tightening of the rules on dispatchers, from memory there now have to be 2 nominated dispatchers, each wearing a yellow arm band.

I am sure about this as the rules were enforced last season, they are an attempt to placate the antis I suppose. I am a running member of the East of England, and they were enforced there, and I am on the committe of the Vale Royal and we have to enforce these rules if we want to be recognised by the W.C.C.

Andrea and Bob are aware of them I am sure.

You should have been told of the changes at your a.g.m.........last year (2002)
It was the same time when the start of the season was moved from 11th Sept. to 1st Oct.

In sport Greeny