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The Future Of Club Racing

I think about this for few days wonder why do Devon and Scotland get big turn outs and then think of old hall they get big turn outs at there club racing I think social side is as much as anythink year ago clubs used to have presentation at end of year and you were proud to win top dog or Run up trophy but that done see to go on now at club people got to want to go clubs forcing people to have race some were they done want race want help whippet racing they got to enjoy what your club put on I personally enjoy going to old hall not just to race dogs I enjoy the crack at track side and in club after So I think some planning with open first will help club letting the straight season run longer so all dog done stop running on straight go bend racing clubs lose dogs between sept to April but that just my opinion
looking at some of the replies to the comments made about time racing wouldint work that it would at the number of people away from club racing

i have noticed these are the people who have open class dogs so perhaps these people who havent got opean class dogs need to try and make it to these clubs agh meetings at the end of the year and get there heads together to vote to get some sort of time racing

in there clubs i see it works for vicky harpers club on time racing which seems to work for the opean class dogs along with one two other clubs
Hi,I am new to this forum.I don't even have a dog.I have a love of sighthounds, was brought up next to a greyhound track and watched racing for free when I was young.The sight of these dogs in full flight still takes my breath away,so powerful yet graceful and such gentle dogs to know.The thing is I didn't even realise there were such things as whippet racing clubs.Now ,I don't walk about with my eyes shut and my ears closed so something tells me there isn't enough decent promotion going on.The ordinary guy/girl on the street doesn't know these clubs exist.I have been off work long term with illness and it looks like I won't be back full time, so whippet racing looks like a great hobby for me so look out for me at a scottish track in the near future.There will be a puppy somewhere soon with my name on it.Get the message out there not one of my friends have ever heard of racing clubs and a few, being dog lovers are already interested.

Exactly as above. I have been thinking of getting another dog for a while now and am interested in the idea of whippet racing but the sport doesn't really sell itself. I'm not really even clear about what a non-pedigree whippet is as lots of the matings seem to be greyhound crosses - so I start thinking it's just any dog within a weight limit - but then I see mentions that the litter has to be registered ?

These days if you don't have a decent website then you have no chance - and unless I've missed it whippet racing doesn't have a website where you can go and see what the rules are, where and when it goes on and what the sport is all about. Don't mean this as a criticism - just an observation from an outsider. My hobby is bike racing and my club was dying on it's **** up to 4-5 years ago - then a bit of thought about how to promote ourselves and we've doubled membership - basically by reaching out to new members rather than waiting for them to come to us.
Hi if you go on K9 community then on british whippet racing assosiation also New National whippet racing federation everything you need is there