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The Future Of Club Racing

Sorry about that! I don't know where my answer went!!!!!!!!!!!!!
An excellent idea Jacqui....I have been wanting to promote a competition for the club dogs, a Club Top Ten with prizes at the end of the year.

Wasn't sure how to compile it, anyone with good suggestions please email, as it would be good to put in place for 2011, including in the pedigree section!!!

Other than that, if it were to go to one event per month, the champs will take up 4 months; March, May, August & November, English & Scottish Derbies June & July, that will leave January, February, April, September, October & December for the rest, say for the BWRA; IBM, Lord Byron & Jack Cadman with 3 remaining months for the NNWRF.......either for G Jacket/Super League or Classics....

Clubs must be in full agreement not to have their Top Ten or stage any Additional Opens in order for this to work!

Would this mean that Scotland & Devon would hold only club racing as well as the Derby, with no other events (opens or championships).

Please clarify what it is you require for the changes, we could try it for a year to see if it makes any difference.

The clubs are the backbone of our sport, without them there would be no racing or any champions...get some ideas going to boost these much needed clubs x

ive answered a few threads saying we cant really do much about the open racing wot we were looking for was ways for people 2 want to attend their clubs. im not really sure how u cud get around their being too many opens as clubs like our own @ the rising sun rely on the food we sell @ opens to go towards paying the rent also the raffles/domino cards etc . we have 4 in this region per year 2 r bwra 1 is westerhope which is the jodami as w/hope i dont think wud b able to stage an open and one is our own open. i dunno maybe if every club let one open go. i know theres a few @ dawdon maybe if they had 3 instead of 4 same @ horden and wallsend that wud b some free weekends in the north east 4 people to club race, BUT people have got to WANT to club race. the club top ten thing wud b an excellent idea especially if its going to be in the whippet news like the normal top ten. each region cud do one amongst themselves but wot wud b great wud b all clubs to b in the club top ten. dogs given points and someone wud have to take on the job of tallying up points. i think its a fab idea. :thumbsup:
have e mailed u chris about the club top ten :thumbsup:
:wacko: Said Bonnie Tinker was a bitch (w00t) ,,I did mean Girls Talk,,but Bonnie Tinker was good also,,but not a girl,,just catching up with the topic as been a busy day,,I loved club racing,,even the weeks before we left the sport,,as you get help and advice,,yes some advice not that good,,but you learn about racing there, and you make friends at the club,,yes Ive made long life friends at opens too :thumbsup: . Advance / retard ylb as all dogs should win over a year. You never forget your first win with your dog,,a right buzz.

Hope all clubs thrive and see yous next year,,maybe in England next time,,will wait and see where champs,,derby etc are :thumbsup:
My 2p worth,

to help club racing you need to

1) have robust drug testing at Whippet News "top ten" opens

2)change the format of "top ten" opens

My view is that open racing is killing off whippet racing. There are only 2 "clubs" operating at the moment - the BWRA and the NNWRF and in conjunction with Whippet News top ten creates a situation whereby dogs are withheld from club racing whislt simultaneously putting off any newcomers to the sport.
Hi,I am new to this forum.I don't even have a dog.I have a love of sighthounds, was brought up next to a greyhound track and watched racing for free when I was young.The sight of these dogs in full flight still takes my breath away,so powerful yet graceful and such gentle dogs to know.The thing is I didn't even realise there were such things as whippet racing clubs.Now ,I don't walk about with my eyes shut and my ears closed so something tells me there isn't enough decent promotion going on.The ordinary guy/girl on the street doesn't know these clubs exist.I have been off work long term with illness and it looks like I won't be back full time, so whippet racing looks like a great hobby for me so look out for me at a scottish track in the near future.There will be a puppy somewhere soon with my name on it.Get the message out there not one of my friends have ever heard of racing clubs and a few, being dog lovers are already interested.
Hi,I am new to this forum.I don't even have a dog.I have a love of sighthounds, was brought up next to a greyhound track and watched racing for free when I was young.The sight of these dogs in full flight still takes my breath away,so powerful yet graceful and such gentle dogs to know.The thing is I didn't even realise there were such things as whippet racing clubs.Now ,I don't walk about with my eyes shut and my ears closed so something tells me there isn't enough decent promotion going on.The ordinary guy/girl on the street doesn't know these clubs exist.I have been off work long term with illness and it looks like I won't be back full time, so whippet racing looks like a great hobby for me so look out for me at a scottish track in the near future.There will be a puppy somewhere soon with my name on it.Get the message out there not one of my friends have ever heard of racing clubs and a few, being dog lovers are already interested.

well said :thumbsup:
I think the latest poster has hit the nail on the head. There is nowhere near enough promotion of our sport. Championship and classic events should be advertised in local papers/countrymans etc, especially bend meetings where additional gate money would help cover the cost of stadium hire and drum up interest when people can come and watch a decent turnout for racing. Clubs should be advertised locally and invite any dog to come for a run.

I've lost count the amount of people who've come to our club with a pedigree pup because they didn't know there was such thing as non ped whippets.
The new Shirebrook club is a good example of what a bit of advertising can do, first meeting and 200+ people coming to watch 2nd meeting probs 150-200 people coming again to watch.

A few posters and leaflets and the field was full alot of local people seemed intgerested in getting into the sport all good for whippet racing

and as seen even got into local news paper :thumbsup:
I think the latest poster has hit the nail on the head. There is nowhere near enough promotion of our sport. Championship and classic events should be advertised in local papers/countrymans etc, especially bend meetings where additional gate money would help cover the cost of stadium hire and drum up interest when people can come and watch a decent turnout for racing. Clubs should be advertised locally and invite any dog to come for a run.I've lost count the amount of people who've come to our club with a pedigree pup because they didn't know there was such thing as non ped whippets.
posted on the hunting life forum yesterday quite a good responce also had a couple of messages from people keen to come along to Highgate on would be good if Vicky and Jac could pop on some of their great pics :thumbsup:
I have seen the comments on k9 of trying to encourage people to come back to non pedigree whippet racing.

i was thinking of getting a none pedigree whippet some time ago .

so i got talking to a guy who did whippet racing and ask if i could go along to watch some racing. for the first few weeks

i was really impressed and thought it was afantistic sport but as i started to get into it i got to notice there was only a certain few people which was whinning.

week in week out with the same dogs it then became obvious that these were opean class dogs these dogs were winning the a,b,c,d most weeks so perhaps

thats could be some of the problems with getting peoplle and keeping people to come club racing.

so as im a outsider at the moment and dont have a whippet it seems a bit off putting to go to the exspence of buying a whippet just to find you lose every week

these opean cl;ass dogs seem to need some sort of handicap on them to give the club racing dogs some sort of chance of winning these a,b,c,d finals or it looks quite oviouse you have to have a top opean class dog to stand a chance of winning some of these final
I have seen the comments on k9 of trying to encourage people to come back to non pedigree whippet racing. i was thinking of getting a none pedigree whippet some time ago .

so i got talking to a guy who did whippet racing and ask if i could go along to watch some racing. for the first few weeks

i was really impressed and thought it was afantistic sport but as i started to get into it i got to notice there was only a certain few people which was whinning.

week in week out with the same dogs it then became obvious that these were opean class dogs these dogs were winning the a,b,c,d most weeks so perhaps

thats could be some of the problems with getting peoplle and keeping people to come club racing.

so as im a outsider at the moment and dont have a whippet it seems a bit off putting to go to the exspence of buying a whippet just to find you lose every week

these opean cl;ass dogs seem to need some sort of handicap on them to give the club racing dogs some sort of chance of winning these a,b,c,d finals or it looks quite oviouse you have to have a top opean class dog to stand a chance of winning some of these final

dont know where u r from but in the north east area we run time handicaps where everyone has an equal chance of winning as if they win one week they get their mark pulled by 3 yards therefore more than likely not winning the next week
I have seen the comments on k9 of trying to encourage people to come back to non pedigree whippet racing. i was thinking of getting a none pedigree whippet some time ago .

so i got talking to a guy who did whippet racing and ask if i could go along to watch some racing. for the first few weeks

i was really impressed and thought it was afantistic sport but as i started to get into it i got to notice there was only a certain few people which was whinning.

week in week out with the same dogs it then became obvious that these were opean class dogs these dogs were winning the a,b,c,d most weeks so perhaps

thats could be some of the problems with getting peoplle and keeping people to come club racing.

so as im a outsider at the moment and dont have a whippet it seems a bit off putting to go to the exspence of buying a whippet just to find you lose every week

these opean cl;ass dogs seem to need some sort of handicap on them to give the club racing dogs some sort of chance of winning these a,b,c,d finals or it looks quite oviouse you have to have a top opean class dog to stand a chance of winning some of these final

i come from the nottugham area if i was in your area id defintly buy and run whippets
I have seen the comments on k9 of trying to encourage people to come back to non pedigree whippet racing. i was thinking of getting a none pedigree whippet some time ago .

so i got talking to a guy who did whippet racing and ask if i could go along to watch some racing. for the first few weeks

i was really impressed and thought it was afantistic sport but as i started to get into it i got to notice there was only a certain few people which was whinning.

week in week out with the same dogs it then became obvious that these were opean class dogs these dogs were winning the a,b,c,d most weeks so perhaps

thats could be some of the problems with getting peoplle and keeping people to come club racing.

so as im a outsider at the moment and dont have a whippet it seems a bit off putting to go to the exspence of buying a whippet just to find you lose every week

these opean cl;ass dogs seem to need some sort of handicap on them to give the club racing dogs some sort of chance of winning these a,b,c,d finals or it looks quite oviouse you have to have a top opean class dog to stand a chance of winning some of these final

i come from the nottugham area if i was in your area id defintly buy and run whippets

Hiya what club did you visit??
we visted manton in feb/march time with our two pups ( yup all the way from newcastle for a handicap lol) u c the good thing about these clubs that race abcde racing is u r guaranteed 2 runs regardless of where u come in your heat even if u r 5th u wud go in the e final. but i do get where u r coming from devon i dont maybe clubs that run an abcde cud also maybe try a time handicap???
we visted manton in feb/march time with our two pups ( yup all the way from newcastle for a handicap lol) u c the good thing about these clubs that race abcde racing is u r guaranteed 2 runs regardless of where u come in your heat even if u r 5th u wud go in the e final. but i do get where u r coming from devon i dont maybe clubs that run an abcde cud also maybe try a time handicap???

i personally think abc is fair as if you trying to get dogs to race at clubs time traills just dont get the dogs as alot not race if get yards back if it did work you would not need this thread lol
I have seen the comments on k9 of trying to encourage people to come back to non pedigree whippet racing. i was thinking of getting a none pedigree whippet some time ago .

so i got talking to a guy who did whippet racing and ask if i could go along to watch some racing. for the first few weeks

i was really impressed and thought it was afantistic sport but as i started to get into it i got to notice there was only a certain few people which was whinning.

week in week out with the same dogs it then became obvious that these were opean class dogs these dogs were winning the a,b,c,d most weeks so perhaps

thats could be some of the problems with getting peoplle and keeping people to come club racing.

so as im a outsider at the moment and dont have a whippet it seems a bit off putting to go to the exspence of buying a whippet just to find you lose every week

these opean cl;ass dogs seem to need some sort of handicap on them to give the club racing dogs some sort of chance of winning these a,b,c,d finals or it looks quite oviouse you have to have a top opean class dog to stand a chance of winning some of these final

i come from the nottugham area if i was in your area id defintly buy and run whippets

Hiya what club did you visit??

ive been to poolsbrook manton and bleedworth
we visted manton in feb/march time with our two pups ( yup all the way from newcastle for a handicap lol) u c the good thing about these clubs that race abcde racing is u r guaranteed 2 runs regardless of where u come in your heat even if u r 5th u wud go in the e final. but i do get where u r coming from devon i dont maybe clubs that run an abcde cud also maybe try a time handicap???

i personally think abc is fair as if you trying to get dogs to race at clubs time traills just dont get the dogs as alot not race if get yards back if it did work you would not need this thread lol

we cudnt do that @ either the rising sun or westerhope as we have larger dogs competing snd scratch wud b no good 4 those as they wud NEVER win. wot i was suggesting is maybe still having abcde racing but maybe try a time h.cap too 4 those that NEVER win even an E final. it wud work even with 3 or 4 dogs just one heat @ least then they wud know they stood a chance of winning. JMO :thumbsup:

time handicaps do work up here in the north east and north yorks. :thumbsup:
devon i dont know how far u live from maltby but i know they do a time handicap on saturdays maybe pop along there. they r a canny bunch of people there. :thumbsup:
If a dog had to have a certain amount of runs at it's registered track before it was allowed to run in the Championships... you would soon see more dogs in the local handicap !! Perhaps something the BWRA may think about ?

have just read this post. thats a great idea. the nnwrf have the schooling pass thing but it doesnt mean the dogs have ran in a handicap so long as theyve ran twice with 2 or more dogs clean. i dont know how u cud do this maybe 5 runs in a handicap of your choice that way everyone cud c wot handicap racing is actually like and may want to remain h/cap racing as well as open racing?
Hi,I am new to this forum.I don't even have a dog.I have a love of sighthounds, was brought up next to a greyhound track and watched racing for free when I was young.The sight of these dogs in full flight still takes my breath away,so powerful yet graceful and such gentle dogs to know.The thing is I didn't even realise there were such things as whippet racing clubs.Now ,I don't walk about with my eyes shut and my ears closed so something tells me there isn't enough decent promotion going on.The ordinary guy/girl on the street doesn't know these clubs exist.I have been off work long term with illness and it looks like I won't be back full time, so whippet racing looks like a great hobby for me so look out for me at a scottish track in the near future.There will be a puppy somewhere soon with my name on it.Get the message out there not one of my friends have ever heard of racing clubs and a few, being dog lovers are already interested.

well said :thumbsup: second that :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: