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Thank you so much - prepare for incoming PM
Looking forward to it....I could do with a little 'brain teaser', daily sudokus are getting now bit boring...
I don't know what was on the cricket field in the woods this morning, but Jasper spent about 20 mins just wandering round the lower half of it with his nose to the ground, examining every inch.

We've just had a storm go overhead. I had to let Jasper stick his head between my legs and give him ear strokes to reassure him. OH is now saying that he's scared of storms too.... :rolleyes:
Savi and I have just returned from a walk. Today he was reading the paper very carefully sniffing intensely at plants ground and grass. His hearing is impaired, and he is almost blind, so I am glad when he has the chance to use his nose a lot.
I try to read all the posts, but this will take some time. Do have a nice day.
Savi and I have just returned from a walk. Today he was reading the paper very carefully sniffing intensely at plants ground and grass. His hearing is impaired, and he is almost blind, so I am glad when he has the chance to use his nose a lot.
I try to read all the posts, but this will take some time. Do have a nice day.

Mines the same, but can wake up from deep sleep in seconds at the smell of food.
I wonder what people think of hot sun and dogs. Now obviously I only take Folly out early and / or late not in the really hot sun, but thinking about the dogs at racing, when its been sunny I have noticed that the white, cream or fawn dogs recover quicker than the dark brindle, blue or black dogs. I can only assume their colour helps them. (Before people jump on me the dogs well being is all important I am not talking about racing them in the extremes we have had just normal hot days). Something else that has always puzzled me, over the years we have had a number of Shelties, and as we all know the one thing they are not short of is coat. But in sun none have shown any problem. In fact you touch the outside of their coat its hot, but feeling under the outer coat its more or less a normal temperature. So is it the same with other heavy coated breeds?
I have read that a thick coat can help insulate a dog from the heat as well as the cold, just as a Thermos flask can keep things cool. Also that for this reason, it's not always a good idea to clip a dog to keep them cool - OTOH, some people say their heavy-coated dogs seem happier once clipped.

Sometimes I need to take Jasper out for a walk when it's hot because he'll whinge unremittingly otherwise - but if so I'll take him in the car to the woods where there's plenty of water and shade. He's not even asked to go out this afternoon.
I wonder what people think of hot sun and dogs. Now obviously I only take Folly out early and / or late not in the really hot sun, but thinking about the dogs at racing, when its been sunny I have noticed that the white, cream or fawn dogs recover quicker than the dark brindle, blue or black dogs. I can only assume their colour helps them. (Before people jump on me the dogs well being is all important I am not talking about racing them in the extremes we have had just normal hot days). Something else that has always puzzled me, over the years we have had a number of Shelties, and as we all know the one thing they are not short of is coat. But in sun none have shown any problem. In fact you touch the outside of their coat its hot, but feeling under the outer coat its more or less a normal temperature. So is it the same with other heavy coated breeds?
I don't know the science details but with heavy coated breeds like shelties I have heard the thick coat insulates them from heat as well as cold. I'm sure there was something a few years ago about why heavy coated dogs shouldn't be clipped in warm climates. I'd like to say something facetious about the climate in shetland never getting above 8⁰ but I dont think that's appropriate!
This is something I’ve noticed too @Biker John. Our dog, who has a long, black coat, always seemed to cope a lot better in hot weather than the short-coated dogs we walked with. However, this year the hot weather does seem to have got to him a little more: for the first time he has slowed a little on walks and the other day went and lay down in some shade under the trees (I should say this was early evening, not the middle of the day). I just guess he’s getting older:(
Well it's 4:00 am and ive just finished listening to Pink Floyds Dark side of the moon. Just me and the dog laid in front of fire listening to possibly the greatest album ever recorded.

Life is good and the sun is coming up
Time for bed.
@Rinkydinkydo, I tried to think of a more perfect album on this morning's walk but think I'd have to agree with you there.

There were a few dogs on the cricket field in the woods this morning, including a lovely 11-month-old Ridgeback girl who asked Jasper to play so politely - and he refused politely too. He then stood in the middle of the field looking expectantly for some time. I said, 'Are you waiting for me to recall you?' and he grinned (in a doggy way) and came bounding right up towards me. He may be daft, but he's certainly not stupid!

Actually, not so clever because he then bounded straight past me and didn't ask for his treat. Maybe just being able to manipulate me was reward in itself :cool:
I have to agree also @Rinkydinkydo on your choice of album.. Have you ever listened to the reggae version by Easy Star All-Stars, 'Dub Side of the Moon'? I rather like it as version of a class album..
@Flobo ... I hadn't heard it,but I have now. Love it,gonna have to download that.
Its funny that it's reggae because me and a friend were talking about how it was 40 years ago when we went to see Bob Marley & the Wailers. Now that was a night to remember up in Glasgow.

Fun how life is like a bog roll,the closer you get to the end,the quicker it goes.
I had a listen to Dub Side of the Moon... S'OK, but I can't imagine a situation where I'd rather listen to that than the original. I'm not as bad as OH though - when the Scissor Sisters covered Comfortably Numb it took me about a year to persuade him that their other stuff was worth listening to.
I had a listen to Dub Side of the Moon... S'OK, but I can't imagine a situation where I'd rather listen to that than the original. I'm not as bad as OH though - when the Scissor Sisters covered Comfortably Numb it took me about a year to persuade him that their other stuff was worth listening to.
LOL...we'll if you are going to make a cover of something, you might as well do it differently or there is not point for it. I do like SS....quite fun when you are in a mood for such a stuff.
I had a listen to Dub Side of the Moon... S'OK, but I can't imagine a situation where I'd rather listen to that than the original. I'm not as bad as OH though - when the Scissor Sisters covered Comfortably Numb it took me about a year to persuade him that their other stuff was worth listening to.

@JudyN .... are you sure it was the Scissor Sisters, I just had a vision of Pinky & Perky when I heard it.
Yep, Pinky & Perky is what it sounded like!

I had words with Jasper when he started digging in the borders earlier on - as usual, he was in no rush to stop and then finally came up to me for a treat when he had stopped. Then when we came in, he was anxiously eyeing up a dead fly next to his bed, and snapped it up as fast as possibly as he could. I pointed out to him that he really didn't have to because it was in no state to fly off and pester him for the rest of the evening... Oh dear. He looked at OH - 'Daddy, Mum's told me off, Dad' - and went over to him to bury his face in his lap and have a cuddle; when I apologised to him and explained that I wasn't telling him off in the slightest but just making an observation, he came over to me for some more fondles and face rubs. And a treat, of course :rolleyes: Such a sensitive flower!
Yep, Pinky & Perky is what it sounded like!

I had words with Jasper when he started digging in the borders earlier on - as usual, he was in no rush to stop and then finally came up to me for a treat when he had stopped. Then when we came in, he was anxiously eyeing up a dead fly next to his bed, and snapped it up as fast as possibly as he could. I pointed out to him that he really didn't have to because it was in no state to fly off and pester him for the rest of the evening... Oh dear. He looked at OH - 'Daddy, Mum's told me off, Dad' - and went over to him to bury his face in his lap and have a cuddle; when I apologised to him and explained that I wasn't telling him off in the slightest but just making an observation, he came over to me for some more fondles and face rubs. And a treat, of course :rolleyes: Such a sensitive flower!
Oh would think that his size would make him braver :D
Hey so the oldies of this forum will remember me lol how are we all doing