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The Dog Cafe

Is there a little treat you can give yourself by way of pampering?

Nah, I just need a quiet day or two while my brain cells reorganise themselves into the right positions. I wasn't concussed, but feel really tired, which from what I've read is par for the course. Hopefully I'll be back to normal soon and haven't lost too many brain cells...
I love moments like that, JBP. Not this morning, though... I don't know what was up with Jasper last night, but I suspect the foxes were partying in our garden. I'm sure their sounds travel further in colder weather. Add to this that I'm still feeling the effects of dropping the heavy loft ladder on my head on Sunday, and I'm really not feeling the love today...[/QUO
Désolé, JudyN.
The simple things in life, this morning I was in a church yard working and it was a beautiful morning, sunshine and the birds were singing away, parked by a very old horse chestnut tree the ground was covered with beautiful shiny conkers, made me smile and think about my childhood, bruised knuckles haha, a sure sign autumn is upon us here.
A lovely season together with its fragrances. English apples abundantly available. Takes me back to the autumn term at prep school in the depths of Surrey - so many, many, many years ago. Have just returned from a super walk in the neighbouring woods - beautiful colours.
I'm sure what I'm about say and enquire is nothing new for some of you, but I only came aware of my 'discovery' just recently :rolleyes: I found out that each of my dog have their own personal smello_O Of course dogs know this but when cuddling and kissing them, my humble human nose could tell difference between 3 of them...and yet OH can't tell any difference. When the pups were small, they all smelled the same...sweet and 'babyish' and their mum had that similar scent but slightly different version of it. Now that the two youngsters are almost adults they are different from each other. So how is it....can you detect it too or is my 'hormonal' nose being particularly sensitive for these sort of things?? And no...I've not been sniffing their back ends!:eek::rolleyes::D:D
I wouldn't even want to smell my husbands back end and certainly not the dogs PHEW!

I have never noticed different smells between our lot but if I am not looking I can often identify individuals by touch, coat texture, ear length, hair length, tail length, type of body condition and often which type of collar the individual is wearing.
I'm not perfect though and often prove myself wrong.:(

What me wrong!:eek: that can't be righto_O :confused::confused::rolleyes:

I wouldn't even want to smell my husbands back end and certainly not the dogs PHEW!

I have never noticed different smells between our lot but if I am not looking I can often identify individuals by touch, coat texture, ear length, hair length, tail length, type of body condition and often which type of collar the individual is wearing.
I'm not perfect though and often prove myself wrong.:(

What me wrong!:eek: that can't be righto_O :confused::confused::rolleyes:

As my dogs takes my turn sleeping next to me, when I dark, I can quite easily tell mine apart by feeling their coats and body shape. However....between the two ginger ones, I often have to look twice to recognize which one is which. They do look cunningly similar when they are moving about...or maybe it is my eye sight!? :eek:
I do cuddle our lot lots and I don't mind them using me as a platform to see out of windows or a warm lap to curl on for a nap, so my nose is being buried into dogs coat and sniffed at a lot too....hence taking notice of these things ;):D
I found out that each of my dog have their own personal smel
A few years ago, I took T to scenting classes. One week, just for fun, we were all given identical microfiber cloths and told to give our dogs a rub with them every day for a week. At the following week's class they were taken from us, then each owner had to try to identify their cloth from the scent of their dog. I was the only one who got it right.

I'm not sure what that says about me. Or Timber.
I have a very sensitive hooter. I find every dog has its own smell, and it was the same with horses. When I was very young and people weren't as clean as they are now (sewn into canvas underwear with a layer of goose fat for winter) I could tell people by scent also.
A few years ago, I took T to scenting classes. One week, just for fun, we were all given identical microfiber cloths and told to give our dogs a rub with them every day for a week. At the following week's class they were taken from us, then each owner had to try to identify their cloth from the scent of their dog. I was the only one who got it right.

I'm not sure what that says about me. Or Timber.
I bet that was interesting trial to had some very well refined nose action;)
I have a very sensitive hooter. I find every dog has its own smell, and it was the same with horses. When I was very young and people weren't as clean as they are now (sewn into canvas underwear with a layer of goose fat for winter) I could tell people by scent also.
I didn't know that about horses..gosh. I'd say people are quite easy to tell apart by scent...sometimes too much so too. I dread to go to shops/down town because people and their smells....they wear layers and layers of different pongy products and they all set me sneezing. Our two neigbours are the worst...they have their laundry driers on daily basis and the air vents blasting out all the smelly drier products. To me their laundry stinks and I have to keep away from garden while they are drying their laundry out...horrid stuff. At least the goose fat doesn't have much smell...bring back the olden days..
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We often pass a care home on our walks, and you can tell when it's laundry day from the horrible smell, from some distance away. I tried Febreze once, and decided I much preferred whatever the smell was that I was trying to cover up. But then I do like the smell of wet dog, which apparently makes me weird...

Jasper is getting more impatient with age. When we're getting ready to walk him in the morning, it's BARK, BARK, BARK. While I'm getting his tea ready, it's BARK, BARK, BARK. And this is for a generally non-barky dog. I don't think it's his hearing, as he can still hear 'sausages' and 'teatime', even if whispered.
I do not find the smell of a damp dog unpleasant but I would much rather stick my nose into a horse or ponys neck and inhale their smell for a while. Mmm :rolleyes:
I do not find the smell of a damp dog unpleasant but I would much rather stick my nose into a horse or ponys neck and inhale their smell for a while. Mmm :rolleyes:
Yes, I also love the smell of horses. Similarly I get a lovely smell when I snuggle up to the soft velvet of Mabel’s neck. Might also had something to do with the fact that it’s only recently that she’s accepted that I’m not going to harm her. She’s been with us for almost two years. Obviously a slow learner! Bless her.
But then I do like the smell of wet dog, which apparently makes me weird...
I too love the smell of wet dog and just that lovely doggy smell altogether. In the winter if I've been wearing my fingerless gloves (and don't wash them for a while:rolleyes:)they get a nice strong scent of dog on them which I always find quite comforting to sniff!!:eek::D
But then I also love sniffing my ferrets, sometimes they have a real lovely musky smell about them!
Similarly I get a lovely smell when I snuggle up to the soft velvet of Mabel’s neck. Might also had something to do with the fact that it’s only recently that she’s accepted that I’m not going to harm her. She’s been with us for almost two years. Obviously a slow learner! Bless her.
That's so lovely...:)
This was supposed to be my well earned quiet morning with cup of hot coffee...:rolleyes:..but the coffee got cold and I got hot under the 'cover'...o_O:D
Just be glad they're only small dogs, Finsky, or you'd be in danger of suffocating!
Just be glad they're only small dogs, Finsky, or you'd be in danger of suffocating!
Well...they are quite capable doing that already. Particularly Iida has habit crossing her body weight across my throat when I lie down and she comes for 'proper cuddle' :rolleyes: She does 'closer the better' very efficiently.
No need to put the heating on yet o_O
Oh need at all. They are my 'hot water bottles' :D I have at least one nearby almost all the time....given space for it..;)