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Does that mean we could keep cattle indoors as pets? Not sure I'd want one on my bed though... :eek:

Jasper has got over the disappointment of realising that my new fluffy slippers aren't dog toys, and brought them to me this morning. Which is adorable... but I'd only just taken them off so we could head out on a walk. Being a sucker, I still thanked him and gave him a reward though.
That was rightly done, JudyN.

I read an article years and years ago of a system in Switzerland where cows came into individual stalls for milking etc. (apparently they like to go into the same stalls, and put themselves in) and each stall had a breast bar set across the cow's chest and a sensor arrangement (can't remember the details) on the tail. When the cow raised its tail, the breast bar activated and pushed them back until they did the necessary in a pit that ran along the back of the stalls. The cows soon learned to anticipate this, and backed themselves up to the cow lavvy.

Animals in general are vastly underrated.
It tugs on your heart strings when they look at you with their lovely big brown eyes, saying is it time to go home now.
Our back door - the one I let Jasper out through if he wants to go out in the night so he can't belt down the garden to bark at all the foxes for half an hour - is a bit sticky, needing a good kick at the base to open it from the inside.

2.30am is a really bad time to discover that if it shuts behind me when I go through it into the garden, wearing a teeny nightie, I can't get it to open again...:oops:
Without your phone of course. I hope at least you are back sleeping with Mr N so he noticed you didn't come back - if you'd still been downstairs, it could have been a chilly few hours!
In the end I went through the side gate and rang the front doorbell, which gave him quite a shock - and even more of a surprise when he found it was me at the door!

We forgot to bolt the side gate again this morning. I only remembered at lunchtime, and found it had blown wide open. Jasper had asked to go up the side this morning and I thought he was up there a while :oops: I have no idea whether he went beyond our front garden...

We now have a front door that is so rotten it grows mushrooms in autumn, a back door that is a devil to both open and close, and a side gate for which I can't do the bolt up because it swells in the damp. As well as having the roof replaced this year, we've needed new gutters and soakaway, we need to get the bathroom ceiling plastered, and when we get a new front door, the house needs repainting. Maybe it would have been cheaper just to move....
Sorry - but I did laugh about the nightie.

Our house is like yours too. Mr. H. says it only has to stand for another 15 years or so and then it's someone else's project.
Our back door - the one I let Jasper out through if he wants to go out in the night so he can't belt down the garden to bark at all the foxes for half an hour - is a bit sticky, needing a good kick at the base to open it from the inside.

2.30am is a really bad time to discover that if it shuts behind me when I go through it into the garden, wearing a teeny nightie, I can't get it to open again...:oops:
I met the most stunning puppy today - a 4.5-month-old Carpathian Shepherd pup. He was adorable, and his owners said that he was really good - no puddles, sits when asked, no more chewing than is to be expected. He was a rescue - I wonder what his story is, as far as I know they're pretty rare in the UK.

Jasper's legs decided they were up to one of our old haunts this morning... it was beautiful.


At one point we were on a narrow path with tall scrub to either side, and a Staffie (or cross) can running up and past us, then back again. She was friendly, though not in an annoying bouncy way - just completely chilled. Then up ahead we saw a man, the Staffie's owner, with an older boxer on lead, trying to retreat off the path as far as possible. The boxer seemed fine, but as soon as we got alongside him, the Staffie started barking and curling her lip at Jasper. The owner said she was very protective of the boxer, and he wasn't wrong - the change in her behaviour was really quite startling!
Beautiful photo ...I cant believe how much my Tilly looks like Jasper
I met the most stunning puppy today - a 4.5-month-old Carpathian Shepherd pup. He was adorable, and his owners said that he was really good - no puddles, sits when asked, no more chewing than is to be expected. He was a rescue - I wonder what his story is, as far as I know they're pretty rare in the UK.

Jasper's legs decided they were up to one of our old haunts this morning... it was beautiful.


At one point we were on a narrow path with tall scrub to either side, and a Staffie (or cross) can running up and past us, then back again. She was friendly, though not in an annoying bouncy way - just completely chilled. Then up ahead we saw a man, the Staffie's owner, with an older boxer on lead, trying to retreat off the path as far as possible. The boxer seemed fine, but as soon as we got alongside him, the Staffie started barking and curling her lip at Jasper. The owner said she was very protective of the boxer, and he wasn't wrong - the change in her behaviour was really quite startling!
I echo Tinytom’s comment - superb photo. Autumn mists.
I just took it with my phone - it was a lucky shot, but thank you!

You should see it up there when it's frosty, it's even more stunning.
The simple things in life, this morning I was in a church yard working and it was a beautiful morning, sunshine and the birds were singing away, parked by a very old horse chestnut tree the ground was covered with beautiful shiny conkers, made me smile and think about my childhood, bruised knuckles haha, a sure sign autumn is upon us here.
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I love moments like that, JBP. Not this morning, though... I don't know what was up with Jasper last night, but I suspect the foxes were partying in our garden. I'm sure their sounds travel further in colder weather. Add to this that I'm still feeling the effects of dropping the heavy loft ladder on my head on Sunday, and I'm really not feeling the love today...
Sorry to hear about the loft ladder incident. No wonder you are feeling a bit off. Is there a little treat you can give yourself by way of pampering?

Foxes are partying hard here and my normally silent dog has to shout at them.