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The Dog Cafe

Life is never dull when terriers are involved! it is not and if dull is something one wants, then some type of other breed is called for. In fact having terriers makes sure that one cannot be a dull person o_O:D
I'm now so inspired of our night time fresh air and how enjoyable it was that I have been looking at hammocks on line for last hour or so. If I could only work out how to fit one into our space restricted garden....I have dig in deep into my grey matter and problem solve the situation first ;)

I went out on an errand this morning. On the way, I saw one of the village elders chatting to another woman, who had a dog with her. Temperature was around 18.5 deg. C

I wouldn't recognise the woman again, but I can tell you that her dog was a black labrador, quite old, distressingly fat, was much too hot, and had problems with its hips.
It is really hard to able to keep older dog's weight in check, particularly if they have some issues with their mobility. And given that it is one of those 'always hungry' makes it even more of a challenge. But is not nice to see any dog to struggle, they always stand out for me too and I have to talk to their owners many times before my brain will register their owners. On our walks I can remember all dogs and most of their names too..but humans?....nah, cannot do that :D
It is really hard to able to keep older dog's weight in check, particularly if they have some issues with their mobility.

Yes, I'm probably being unfair on many fat-dog owners, because Jasper can eat a LOT and not put on weight. I am so jealous!

My son has a really good free-standing hammock. I can ask him for details if you like :)
My son has a really good free-standing hammock. I can ask him for details if you like :)
Thanks but there is no need. I've had tape measure out and I've already looked into many different options and I cannot fit one of those into available spaces. If I want a hammock, it looks like I will need to extend our pergola and that is a big job. So for time being I will have to do some different form of 'camping' and plan any construction work for another time. All the plans needed will surface into my head when the time is right...that's how it always works around here, it is just matter of 'waiting game' ;)
Many years ago my wife bought me, as one of several ‘silly’ Christmas presents, a Gelert pop up tent. We still have it and on balmy days it’s wonderful to use it in the garden. Unfortunately when I first received it I let it pop up in the living room and it had to remain in such pride of place fo a few days until I was able to master collapsing and folding it up. Have you ever spent Christmas around a monolith?
Many years ago my wife bought me, as one of several ‘silly’ Christmas presents, a Gelert pop up tent. We still have it and on balmy days it’s wonderful to use it in the garden. Unfortunately when I first received it I let it pop up in the living room and it had to remain in such pride of place fo a few days until I was able to master collapsing and folding it up. Have you ever spent Christmas around a monolith?
Well....that pressie certainly was something to remember...:D Can't claim I have been around monolith...
When Jasper meets someone on a walk, after saying hello to them he has to come back to me and stick his head in my groin, like a shy child hiding in their mother's skirts. I'm not sure why, but it's quite amusing and endearing...
... apart from in the summer, when I'm wearing a short dress. Twice today he's stuck his head between my legs and hoiked my dress up!:oops:
Last week I went to see our Eva in her new home and meet her new owner...and although I did get all weepy again :rolleyes:, it was good too see with my own eyes how she was and not to rely assurances over the phone that she was indeed well and happy. Bless....she looked really peaceful and content and didn't show any of that hyperactive attention seeking behaviour that we had come custom to. It felt like she was now in her proper forever home. Yes, she gave me little fuss and we cuddled like we've always done it...but after while she choose to go and snuggle next to her new 'mum'. Although teeny weeny fraction of my pride did felt little rejected, I it was also nice to see I wasn't needed anymore. She had good home where she was now the no.1. So that's that now....I'm in peace about her.
Funnily enough, later on that that same day I received call and I was asked if I were interested rehoming 2 chickens :eek: Is this universe balancing out the loss I've had with Eva..a Karma in play??o_O
So despite already I having 6 young pullets, these little older laying hens came to their new forever home and fitted in perfectly....feels like they've always been around. They settled in immediately to their new surrounding and didn't have a go with the youngsters...just perfect! :D:D Life works in mysterious ways.....o_O
When Jasper meets someone on a walk, after saying hello to them he has to come back to me and stick his head in my groin, like a shy child hiding in their mother's skirts. I'm not sure why, but it's quite amusing and endearing...
... apart from in the summer, when I'm wearing a short dress. Twice today he's stuck his head between my legs and hoiked my dress up!:oops:
That's handy if you want to 'innocently' do some flashing ;) :D :p:cool:
It shows how good an owner you are, Finsky, that you placed Eva in such a lovely home where she is relaxed and happy.

Good that the new hennage has settled in so easily. Chickens are such fun pets.
'rattle rattle....'
Tomorrow our dogs are having a big travel day....first one for the youngsters. We are heading for a day trip to the east coast and they will be experiencing their first 'sand & sea' :D
This afternoon I've been building up a new travel cage for all 3 to fit in as their normal 2 smaller separate crates have started to get bit snug now. They are ok for short few mile trips but 'big travel' recalls more comfort.
Earlier on the year we had purpose built cages priced up and measured for fitting, but seems like the company that was supposed to do it for us didn't bother with our money after all and never got in touch?? needs must, I rolled up my materials together and I've DONE IT! And what is didn't cost a penny as I had everything necessary already handy. I am SO PLEASED. As it happened...even the mattress we used in a puppy pen for the litter happened to be exact size for the requirement...the universe seem to be on my side at the moment.
And if the weather allow, we have already plans to go for a river side walk to Chatsworth on thursday as well...another 'new one' for the youngsters. Oh they will be knackered this week :D:D:D...yeah, we will be too :rolleyes:
Finsky, seeing Eva happy in her new home must have been so bittersweet. I'd have been smiling ear to ear and crying my eyes out at the same time. It's so good to hear that she's happy.
Finsky, seeing Eva happy in her new home must have been so bittersweet. I'd have been smiling ear to ear and crying my eyes out at the same time. It's so good to hear that she's happy.
Yes, 'bittersweet' is exactly the right word to describe the situation.
Erm - not teaching you to suck eggs but - is it safe to put terrorists all together in the same crate?
Erm - not teaching you to suck eggs but - is it safe to put terrorists all together in the same crate?
I know where you coming from but at this stage I'd say yes....they are happy to travel together. And if there is any indication in future that things might start changing or we need to alter the cage for some particular reason, it is not then big job to add dividers and extra doors.
Here they are just been loaded into car, ready for their travels :D

We've been to east coast now, near Skegness and they had wonderful few hours getting used to salty sea water dips and all the sand....and they loved it. Ella (on the right) had accidental swim in the sea too. She didn't realize how deep the beach water was and how the waves would take hold of her. But she wasn't in any danger as we did keep the girls on leads but lets say....somebody wasn't too impressed and didn't want to paddle after that :D:rolleyes: Our visit was quite short one as the weather soon warmed up and despite the cool breeze, the sand soon warmed up. We have got some VERY quiet dogs now....horizontal, dead looking ones :D:D
Jasper has a new quirk - as if he hasn't got enough already! I love being able to leave the back door open in summer so he can go in and out at will. When I get up to go to bed - which is usually a long time before Mr N comes up - J will go out for his bedtime pee (even if he only went out 20 mins earlier), which usually involves running down to the end of the garden to see if there's anything he needs to bark at.

I go and get ready for bed and by the time I'm all clean and nightied up, he's usually come back in again and settled down in the front room, so I'll come back down to shut the back door so he doesn't end up having a long barky session when Mr N wants to come up. But the moment he hears me coming back down again, he gets up and belts out the back again. I'm not sure if he knows I'm planning on shutting the door and would rather it stayed open all night, or if he thinks if I'm downstairs I need protection from the monsters out there, or what.
Jasper has a new quirk - as if he hasn't got enough already! I love being able to leave the back door open in summer so he can go in and out at will. When I get up to go to bed - which is usually a long time before Mr N comes up - J will go out for his bedtime pee (even if he only went out 20 mins earlier), which usually involves running down to the end of the garden to see if there's anything he needs to bark at.

I go and get ready for bed and by the time I'm all clean and nightied up, he's usually come back in again and settled down in the front room, so I'll come back down to shut the back door so he doesn't end up having a long barky session when Mr N wants to come up. But the moment he hears me coming back down again, he gets up and belts out the back again. I'm not sure if he knows I'm planning on shutting the door and would rather it stayed open all night, or if he thinks if I'm downstairs I need protection from the monsters out there, or what.
It is nice to hear that Jasper still has some new 'tricks' in his 'sleeve'. One thing is sure, he ain't boring and as it is said...the dog like its owner.....;):D
After our Ella got deep dip in the sea yesterday, we nick named her as 'salty'...just for fun. The girl is not having a dry week for sure, today I took each girl for a walk individually and as the sky was hinting us with all manner of things to was Ella who got the short straw. Half way of our walk heavens opened and thunder and lightning gave us a good show. We did manage to shelter from the worst wetness that sky can pour down on us but under the canopy of a hedgerow .but I soon got bored being such a 'pussy' and we carried on walking and we got drenched. Yes we got wet right down to our underlayers but it wasn't cold so it wasn't such a bother..after all we are not made out of sugar ;) But our 'Salty' had good rinse down...and she ain't salty anymore for sure :rolleyes::D:D Once we got home she got towelled down and wrapped up in a blanket for a snooze. I had change of layers before heading out again with the last lucky one that had sunny walk. It is all about character building....;)
That reminds me of my mum, if I ever dare step out of the front door without a coat.
'What if it rains?'
'I'll get wet.'

I've got absolutely sopping on the odd walk when I probably should have taken a coat, but I haven't dissolved yet! And Jasper really loves a good towel-down after a wet walk - or if he gets a chance, squeegeeing himself between my legs.