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The Dog Cafe

Oh he has done well! He deserves his treats after all those 'temptations'.

Often, when we pass a dog who is sounding off Jasper and I look at each other and I say 'Well he's a silly dog then'. Jasper looks at me in agreement, and may well ask for a treat because he's not a silly dog. I like to think that talking to your dog in this way, modelling what you would like him to think, encourages him to pick up on and match the emotion even if he doesn't understand the words. This also extends to 'Don't even think of doing that,' 'Yeah, go on then!' and similar. Though probably not 'Ewwwww, you're not going to eat that are you?'
Often, when we pass a dog who is sounding off Jasper and I look at each other and I say 'Well he's a silly dog then'. Jasper looks at me in agreement, and may well ask for a treat because he's not a silly dog. I like to think that talking to your dog in this way, modelling what you would like him to think, encourages him to pick up on and match the emotion even if he doesn't understand the words. This also extends to 'Don't even think of doing that,' 'Yeah, go on then!' and similar. Though probably not 'Ewwwww, you're not going to eat that are you?'
Absolutely! They can understand so much from our tone of voice. if not some words to go with it too. I've always been very talkative dog owner and I suspect the amount of dog friends I have amongst the ones we meet on the walkies is down to just that..they get treated like intelligent beings and we soon start to like each other. It does make me feel sad that some of their owners do not chat to their dogs.
I used to have this neighbour who always used to shout at her dog for trying to get it behave..of course it didn't work, who would follow orders like 'come here' if is being said in anger...if anything it makes you run to opposite direction:rolleyes:
Anyhow...this lady and I had disagreements over various things and neither of us did like each other. I never ever tried to direct my dogs behaviour against her....but she soon pick up our dislikes. When ever she was around, my dog would not even look at to her direction and she would walk her nose up in air when going by. And that was from a dog that would otherwise make her best effort to fuss over ANY other human, stranger or not and other dogs alike...but no, this particular 'lady' would get total cold shoulder from both of us :D
I always have talked to my dogs. At night I read a chapter of a book, Folly has got under the duvet with her head sticking out. I put the book down and settle, I then turn to her stroke her and talk about either the day we have had or the day to come. During this she looks at me as though she understands and is thinking. I then say 'good night little love' turn the light out she then moves further under the duvet, (how she can breath ok with her head fully under I do not know but she does not appear to have a problem.
We are trying hard here in Finsky's residence to keep us all behaving and doing as we've been told during the lockdown...
-by maintaining 'healthy' distance to (each)others..

- by keeping eye on for our nearest and dearest..

-by not stockpiling any food items and proceeding to get it in orderly manner..
DSC_0240 (2).JPG

-by ensuring that not only getting the recommended daily excise but also choosing some healthy food options, all good for the immunity system ;)

I hope you are all coping and keeping well. X
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Thanks to this lockdown I've been delving deep in to my music collection and rediscovering bands I haven't listened to for some years now. Last night was no different. Flicking through the old albums there they were .. The Pink Fairies, the sands of time were turned back to my youth when the music kicked in. Chilled out with a big smile on my face thinking about my space cadet youth years while listening to some bloody good music.
Happy Days
Thanks to this lockdown I've been delving deep in to my music collection and rediscovering bands I haven't listened to for some years now. Last night was no different. Flicking through the old albums there they were .. The Pink Fairies, the sands of time were turned back to my youth when the music kicked in. Chilled out with a big smile on my face thinking about my space cadet youth years while listening to some bloody good music.
Happy Days
Yeah trip to the music memory lane can be very entertaining and it makes the time fly too. Says one who have had numerous sleepless nights..absolutely forgetting such a thing as a clock :rolleyes:
Although I haven't owned working record player for some time, I still have all my precious records. I usually sit on front of computer and start searching different artist/bands and that's the next 6 hours done and dusted in a 'blink' is usually the one to blame. :D Although when I used to go out, there wasn't mobile phones around...nor video recorders unless tv station was around and nobody did carry cameras when going out to have fun for sure! But I still managed to find some footage where I was seen to do bit of a 'boogie' on the dancefloor in this particular concert....gosh, it must have been about 35 year ago :emoji_astonished:
Today's walk... didn't really happen. Last week, OH had taken himself off to the spare room to work from home so it seemed pretty much business as normal to Jasper. Saturdays and Sundays, though, OH usually walks J in the morning and takes him in the car as J doesn't like leaving me at home and can put on the brakes if on foot. But we're now told we can't drive to walk our dogs (which is a hot topic on social media - if anyone wants to discuss it I suggest starting a new thread ;-) ). So I said I'd walk him this morning, but J could tell it was a Saturday - I got about 200 yards with him, and that involved a lot of bribery and throwing treats in front of me. So that's my exercise for the day. It's a good job I'm lazy;)

OH can try this afternoon, but I don't hold out much hope. Tomorrow I'll get OH to pretend to go to work in the spare room and see if I can get Jasper out.
Today's walk... didn't really happen. Last week, OH had taken himself off to the spare room to work from home so it seemed pretty much business as normal to Jasper. Saturdays and Sundays, though, OH usually walks J in the morning and takes him in the car as J doesn't like leaving me at home and can put on the brakes if on foot. But we're now told we can't drive to walk our dogs (which is a hot topic on social media - if anyone wants to discuss it I suggest starting a new thread ;-) ). So I said I'd walk him this morning, but J could tell it was a Saturday - I got about 200 yards with him, and that involved a lot of bribery and throwing treats in front of me. So that's my exercise for the day. It's a good job I'm lazy;)

OH can try this afternoon, but I don't hold out much hope. Tomorrow I'll get OH to pretend to go to work in the spare room and see if I can get Jasper out.
:D It is canny how they know what day of the week it is and what is 'supposed to' happen. Bless, I bet Jasper has been counting the days with her toe pads to see the weekend arrive...what a disappointment! :rolleyes:
Yeah...all these nice little trips to forest is off from our list too. Though our pair did get little taste of it when DH combined the trip to shop for essentials to venture 1/2 mile further a field to take dogs out with a same trip...but other than that we have to stay put.
Now that our allotment (situated just behind our garden) is dog proofed they have their own 'play ground' to run around and play football. Until this evil woman gets her veggies growing and then that fun is going to be toned down...don't want mushy plants before they even reach the cooking pot! But for at least for a time being they have little bit of freedom and off lead time.
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Today's walk... didn't really happen. Last week, OH had taken himself off to the spare room to work from home so it seemed pretty much business as normal to Jasper. Saturdays and Sundays, though, OH usually walks J in the morning and takes him in the car as J doesn't like leaving me at home and can put on the brakes if on foot. But we're now told we can't drive to walk our dogs (which is a hot topic on social media - if anyone wants to discuss it I suggest starting a new thread ;-) ). So I said I'd walk him this morning, but J could tell it was a Saturday - I got about 200 yards with him, and that involved a lot of bribery and throwing treats in front of me. So that's my exercise for the day. It's a good job I'm lazy;)

OH can try this afternoon, but I don't hold out much hope. Tomorrow I'll get OH to pretend to go to work in the spare room and see if I can get Jasper out.

I saw that thread on driving, some were getting rather excited about it. Bet your alerts tone was going mad
I saw that thread on driving, some were getting rather excited about it. Bet your alerts tone was going mad

I had the volume turned off! Honestly, some people are a lot more reactive than their dogs...and less intelligent! I've seen at least two other threads on different groups covering the same ground, and I'm sure there's many more.

I 'self-isolated' in the spare room for a while before it was time for OH to attempt 2nd walk, and though Jasper was a bit reluctant and I had to call 'Go with Daddy' down the stairs (he really does understand everything I say), it did work and they made it to the park. He stayed on lead the whole time, in case he saw any of his friends. OK, so he doesn't understand when I explain to him about pandemics and social distance...
Some may see a gigantic bad-mannered puppy, but I see love saving the world :) A good hug helps always!
Staying in is unbearable. We go out to whichever parks are still open, even if it means 20-30 min drive. No better distraction than a good dog walk! Stay safe, all :cool:



We are trying hard here in Finsky's residence to keep us all behaving and doing as we've been told during the lockdown...
- by maintaining 'healthy' distance to (each)others..
- by keeping eye on for our nearest and dearest..
- by not stockpiling any food items and proceeding to get it in orderly manner..
- by ensuring that not only getting the recommended daily excise but also choosing some healthy food options, all good for the immunity system ;)
I hope you are all coping and keeping well. X
We are watching a lot nature-related TV!:D
Some may see a gigantic bad-mannered puppy, but I see love saving the world :) A good hug helps always!
Staying in is unbearable. We go out to whichever parks are still open, even if it means 20-30 min drive. No better distraction than a good dog walk! Stay safe, all :cool:



AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW....he is such a sweety pie.
NYC running out of foster dogs.
I would expect the opposite... but maybe I underestimate the compassion humans show these days... or maybe misery just really loves company so much.
...or maybe many have wanted pet for some time and think 'its now or never!?'

How does shelters 'do it' over there? Are the animals priced there the type..or?
Well it's been a good weekend so far,well better than the rest of the week. Someone came up with the idea of a online Lurcher & Terrier show . Some wonderful looking dogs on display,the top six in each class have been picked.
Glad I wasn't judging the 3 terrier classes with 655 entries. Just waiting for the winners to be announced... it's all good fun.
We need a banging your head against a brick wall smiley...
I took Jasper out this morning, after a little bit of 'I want Daddy to come too'. We got a reasonable distance, all on lead, before he decided we should go home and check that Daddy wasn't getting up to mischief. He was a bit whingy all morning, which didn't help when OH was talking to colleagues online - he shushed Jasper and one of his workmates thought he was shushing him!

OH has just tried to take Jasper out. Jasper had come and asked me to go as well, but I've had my one outing. They got about 50' before he decided he wasn't going anywhere. So OH let him back into the house again and headed out on his own for a walk - he needs a decent walk to stop his back seizing up. At which point Jasper ran to the front window and started barking because 'Daddy has gone without me!!!!'

I left a local community Facebook group yesterday because of yet another rant by the vigilantes about people who drive to exercise their dogs. 'No exceptions', they say, shoving a statement from Dorset Police under your nose which states 'walk straight from your house if you can'. But you can't argue with stupid, especially when a moderator turns off commenting just before you post 'Which part of "if you can" don't you understand?'

I still want to walk Jasper from the house, but live would be so much easier if I could drive him a mile up the road.

Anyway, rant over. I hope everyone is well, and coping with the lockdown. Which we are, even if I do need to vent on occasion;)
Risk assessment - I wonder whether the number of deaths attributable to the virus will exceed the number of deaths from family members throttling each other.

That is semi tongue in cheek, I understand there will be families living in incredibly volatile situations and I do, truly, sympathise.
Very true, @JoanneF - apparently domestic abuse has risen, because the abuser and the victim are forced to spend so much time together. What with that, the loss of income for those who really need it and, of course, the loss of friends and family members that many people are experiencing, I have very little to complain about.
I'm feeling a bit lost myself, I am used to being out every day, for most of the day with my selection of dogs including one or a pair I may have staying with me at home.. This is the first time since being a young teen that I find myself dog free:(, very odd. But yes as said above, I actually have nothing to complain about, feeling like a lost soul is temporary,some other peoples situations are sadly not...