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The Apprentice

Week 4 of Beret Watch

Alex, well you might look good in your Superman Jim-Jams but you're a bit of a slimey character. :x

Claire, just shut up for 5 minutes and give everyone's ears a bit of peace, at least now you know that the Wallace Collection is in-fact not the same as The Wallis Collection (as seen in Debenhams) (w00t)

Helene, sneaky mare, what a shame you won otherwise your skullduggery would have back-fired. Nick saw right through you. :rant:

Lucinda - bless, hows life at the Home for the Bewildered o:)

Raef - no-one makes boxes like you do, what grace, charm and elegance you brought to the task. :thumbsup:

Jenny, can't wait for you to take the taxi ride.

Simon, Poor love, what a grafter, you probably were out of your depth, but you'll always be remembered by us here at Beret Watch as a diamond geezer.

As for all you quiet ones, we'll catch up with you soon :D :D :D

Jenny - not the red-haired model but the silver surfer.
aw Jenny you crack me up! :lol:

loved the expression on alex's face when margaret called his bluff about the porkies he was telling tonight!and she gave claire a good rollocking too about how she'd treated simon like dirt! :lol:
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kris said:
aw Jenny you crack me up! :lol: loved the expression on alex's face when margaret called his bluff about the porkies he was telling tonight!and she gave claire a good rollocking too about how she'd treated simon like dirt! :lol:

Ah Maragaret and Nick :wub: I would like to see those two take a bigger part in the running of this country. I can just picture them now at a G7 conference, Nick looking down his nose at France and Margaret lifting her eyebrows to Japan, but the role I would most like to see them in is judging whippets at Crufts., hope Margaret gets dogs, it will give me an opportunity to showcase my sensible shoes, navy suit and set of pearls, I'm sure they would be able to provide her with a chair or something to lean on. :thumbsup:

I have a new tip for the outright winner. The David Beckham lookie likee chap. When he was juggling those oranges it was the most skill we have seen so far on this show, come on Sir Alan, make him a Project Manager next week.

quintessence said:
kris said:
aw Jenny you crack me up! :lol: loved the expression on alex's face when margaret called his bluff about the porkies he was telling tonight!and she gave claire a good rollocking too about how she'd treated simon like dirt! :lol:

Ah Maragaret and Nick :wub: I would like to see those two take a bigger part in the running of this country. I can just picture them now at a G7 conference, Nick looking down his nose at France and Margaret lifting her eyebrows to Japan, but the role I would most like to see them in is judging whippets at Crufts., hope Margaret gets dogs, it will give me an opportunity to showcase my sensible shoes, navy suit and set of pearls, I'm sure they would be able to provide her with a chair or something to lean on. :thumbsup:

I have a new tip for the outright winner. The David Beckham lookie likee chap. When he was juggling those oranges it was the most skill we have seen so far on this show, come on Sir Alan, make him a Project Manager next week.


:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :teehee:

I thought the David Beckham lookalike was probably going to make more money than they were - especially when the first cup they made was upside down :lol: They could have done quite well though, if Lucinda would just stop telling people she couldn't do the job, even after she'd been trained. How difficult is it to stick a memory card in a computer, and get the pictures off? (w00t) :lol:

I think Claire will be a gonner next week - how could she be a good leader, when she doesn't, and won't ever listen?

Even Steve is liking this reality series - normally moans like hell when Big Brother, or I'm a Celebrity Jungle thingy is on :p Looking forward to next week already :thumbsup:
Well my Apprentice Watching buddies we are on to Week 5. Just a few of my observations, but before we start lets see if we can get through this without using the word 'exclusivity'!

First of all doesn't Sir Alan get up early, if I had his money I would pay someone to get up early for me.

This week was a first in that Margaret was saying nice things about a candidate, mind you, Lucinda ( she of the berets and let's see how much material we can use in one outfit) surprised me, I'm liking her, maybe a bit of decency will pay off at last and the over-powering , back-stabbing type of female candidate will get what they richly deserve.

What is it with these women called Jenny (w00t) (w00t) (w00t) , why are they such self-centred individuals. I can feel a change of name coming on, just call me Sparky's mum from here on in.

I'm so grateful to this programme for the tips I can glean. We have a new ballerina range coming in next week, I'm off down the pub to find a couple of middle aged blokes who have had a few to tell me what they think of it.

When are we going to see more of Raef? there is so much mileage with that character, hopefully we don't have to wait too long. I ws proud of Lee in the boardroom, the way he spoke up for Lucinda, I think Alex should lose the hairnet, not a flattering look. That Jenny (she of the red hair as opposed to she of the red lips) only has to turn her head and I can feel my hackles rise, and Claire-changed character - I'm not so sure.

Did the right one get fired, not sure, it was all down to exclusivity after-all, oh no I've said it. (w00t)

Sparky's mum
tbh yes we too started to like lucinda but i think shes a bit fluffy to cope in the high powered world of business.she reminds me of a lamb in between two tigresses when she was in the boardroom last night!she still fought her corner well and didnt descend to name calling or general bitchiness so good for her. :thumbsup: tbh we couldnt understand why he fired lindi who was second in command as the one who had gone out on a limb without consulting anyone about exclusivity was jenny so for me id have fired her,rather than her boss who was there when she offered it.(they then had to cancel other appointments that could have led to more deals and more sales so for me that was inexcusable)you cant really start arguing with an underling when youre negotiating with a client,its just not done,it looks disorganised and unprofesssional.jenny backstabs at every did claire but shes realised sir alan dont like it so shes toned down her act for now,whether it will last or not is another matter,after all a leopard doesnt change its spots ;)

as for the customer research they did down in the pub words fail me! :blink:

i agree with you 'sparky's mum' about rafe,i think we should see more of him,i think hes a dark horse and im growing to like him despite my initial feelings of what on earth is he doing in this program! :D as someone said last night he looks like noel coward in that dressing gown and cravat,never a hair out of place! :lol:
I'm loving the Apprentice, can't believe I've not watched it until this year.

We thought Alex was out last week after a rather cryptic email from him, but he lives to fight another day. :D I think he's doing really well and is coming across a hell of a lot better than a lot of them.

Personal faves are now Rafe and Lucinda and Alex of course. :cheers:

Jenny is just vile - I don't think she will last much longer, fingers crossed she's on the losing team again next week :thumbsup:
i liked simon its a shame he went last week i dont think he really had the support of his team at all i like lucinda and think she has recieved some harsh treatment in the past i dont think she is right for the job mind you but did a good job with her team this week i cant stand jenny and the daffydd lookalike they need to go im interested to see how far alex and rafe go as i dont think we have really seen them shine yet and anyway alex is the only eye candy there is this year :lol:
affieluver said:
i liked simon its a shame he went last week i dont think he really had the support of his team at all i like lucinda and think she has recieved some harsh treatment in the past i dont think she is right for the job mind you but did a good job with her team this week i cant stand jenny and the daffydd lookalike they need to go im interested to see how far alex and rafe go as i dont think we have really seen them shine yet and anyway alex is the only eye candy there is this year :lol:
trust you to notice the eye candy :- "

dont think sir Alan would find him that sexy :- "
hely said:
affieluver said:
i liked simon its a shame he went last week i dont think he really had the support of his team at all i like lucinda and think she has recieved some harsh treatment in the past i dont think she is right for the job mind you but did a good job with her team this week i cant stand jenny and the daffydd lookalike they need to go im interested to see how far alex and rafe go as i dont think we have really seen them shine yet and anyway alex is the only eye candy there is this year :lol:
trust you to notice the eye candy :- "

dont think sir Alan would find him that sexy :- "

no but i would employ him staright away and sack everyone else :p
i have never seen a bigger bunch of kn*bsacks, i would'nt employ any of them
Will catch up tomorrow on what was a very good episode but just wanted to wish my Apprentice watching buddies a


Here is your very own[SIZE=14pt] ' [/SIZE]and you can put it just where you like. :thumbsup:

Sparky's Mum
can't claim to be a leader or fab pitch deliverer but my convent school education taught me (in much less than 3 hrs !) that a plural which is possessive may either have the apostrophe following the 's' or omitted altogether ! :D :thumbsup:

what total a%^&*%$£s

ps. missed the ending who got fired tonight ?
quintessence said:
Will catch up tomorrow on what was a very good episode but just wanted to wish my Apprentice watching buddies a


Here is your very own[SIZE=14pt] ' [/SIZE]and you can put it just where you like. :thumbsup:

Sparky's Mum

jenny you've made me laugh (w00t) god lets hope ive put mine in the right place :lol:
The 'pitch' they all kept going on about didn't go too well for blondie (can't remember his name) did it :lol: He was about the least confident looking bloke I've ever seen, and looked like he was about to burst into tears. The idea of conservation, and 'greenness' is a now subject, but not to use more trees/paper to preach about it - kind of defeats the object :wacko:

Singles day wasn't much better and idea either :( We said why don't they do cards for pets - dog/cat birthday cards, get well soon for dogs/cats, welcome to your new puppy/kitten, welcome home from the vets type of thing. I know you can get the odd dog birthday card in a shop already, but they could have made a new line specifically for pets - or is it just that I like dogs more than some people? :lol: :lol:

The chap who led the winning team was so cocky - can't wait to see him go. I have warmed a bit to Lucinda now, and Jenny wasn't as obnoxious last night - see there's nothing wrong with being Jenny, Jenny :teehee:

I haven't paid 100% attention - is the Asian girlie really not having any input, or is she the weakest so they are picking on her? Must be a horrible atmosphere in that house - uurgh, makes me shudder.

On my hols next week, so depending on the recording machine to keep it for me :sweating: it has been playing up a bit since the latest software update, and no time to sort it before we go away. So may just look in here for an update if it doesn't work :teehee:
I really enjoyed last night's programme. It's a subject close to my heart, greetings cards, I sell them for a living (amongst other things). As soon as they had selected their 'occasions' I thought this is going to be good. (w00t)

What is it with all this not working as a team, surely the initial aim must be to keep out of the board room, but they go off on one about the smallest little thing, they are so watching their own backs none of them see the bigger picture. I'm sure I heard Sara mention pets, but she was shouted down by mouth almighty Jenny, I also thought Sara mentioned not being able to get cards for a particular festival (not sure what it was), but again no-one took her on.

Kevin is a plank and it was right he went, he engineered his own downfall, Jenny should have been in the board room and made accountable for her stupidity in believing that a 'green' card was a good idea.

I thought Michael's lack of composure in the board room was revealing and what was the inquisition back at the house all about, Lee was so out of order, it wasn't his team, he had no idea what had gone on, other than listening to gossip, obviously not a person capable of forming his own opinion. Rafe was a class act when he pointed out the error of their ways and not a hair out of place.

It's building up now, they are still all numpties, but some are more likeable numpties than others.

Sparky's Mum
well we sat watching this last night and again were left wondering how on earth this lot got in the program in the first place. :blink: 3 hours arguing over a bloody apostrophe? (w00t) Sara the asian girl did try to make some good suggestions but shes not confident enough in herself to ignore the big mouths and speak up for herself.though i have to say Raef did a good job of defending her against Lees outburst in the house at the end of the program.well done Raef! :) i thought claire acted in her own interests in that she didnt push herself forward for the job of selling to the big boys and considering shes a retail buyer she ought to have done it.but shes playing the long game here and i think she knew if she let Kevin(im the only gay in the village) :- " do it he would cock it up and so it would be one less apprentice to beat.shes smarter than i thought! :thumbsup: Alex seems to be keeping his head down and not helping anyone who is team leader,just doing enough to get by and no more,maybe he thinks if he keeps his head down hes going to rush in at the last minute and overtake the rest?hes a dark horse and hes playing his own game here ;)

Kevin is a plank (youre so right Sparkys mum!) :lol: and when he didnt say he was bringing Jenny back in the boardroom with him i knew he was going!

when Kevin came on in last nights the apprentice youre fired, there were a lot of boos for him,i dont think hes got many fans among the audience.certainly when they asked at the end of the program was sir alan right in firing him the number of red cards were virtually unanimous apart from a couple of green ones obviously from his family(he didnt seem to have many friends there wonder why?)his self confidence knows no bounds(god knows why!) :lol: when asked about himself he said i inspire confidence and loyalty amongst my staff and they want to do well to please me.yeah right Kevin! ;)
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