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List of weights off Bob

dogs dog (Adam's) 2lb 2oz dog (Janine's) 2lb

3....fawn dog (Dave's) 1lb 14oz

bitches bitch 2lb 5oz fawn 2lb 4oz

6....big light fawn 2lb 5oz ( has more white on chest ,,than other sister)

7....light fawn 2lb 4oz,,( less white on chest )

8....light fawn with white nose 1lb 11 oz

I thought some of the bigger one's weights were huge but just compared to Jude, he was 2lb 1 1/2oz at 2 weeks and his brother Maid u Luck was 1lb 14oz, Jude's mum (30lb) was 2lb 5oz at 2 weeks (but from a smaller litter of 3) these lot are 2 weeks & 3 days now. We'll have to compare again at 3 weeks. :thumbsup:
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right vicky,,,,,,i was out at sean,s i dont keep bitches anymore,,as that,s all my old man used to keep

but that red fawn,,,,is the most advanced in the litter ,,,always has been since it was born,,,,put it on carpet and the bloody thing just takes off :lol: :lol:

but then the light fawn bitches are very good looking :wub:

the fawn dog is just great brillant colour,,,and very independent ,,i,e got charcter,,,but he,s gone ,,,u cant have him lol

blue bitch ,,,well what can i say ,,,,they always catch everyone,s eye

here,s other pic off red fawn i didnt put on here,,,not the heavyest pup,,,put defentliy the go,er,,,,,,i love her front shoulder,s i said that to sean,,,already showing shape at very early age

pic 1 fawn pup ,,,im off


pic 2


iam laughing on sofa now,,,,as i sort off got the impression u might like one off the light fawn,s,,,after this i dont think that would have made ur decision any easyier :lol: ,,,,( i know dont say it iam evil :D :D
Fawns just don't grab me when they're little BUT i'm inclined to go towards the red bitch because she was supposed to be MY BLACK BITCH lol, but then again the blue bitch looks cute & then i like the fawn bitch with not so much white on her chest, then i go & look back at the first lot of pic's & i think the bigger light fawn stands out - i ask Mark what does he think & he says pick the smallest AAAAAARRRRRRRRGH.

Had the parrot sat near the computer today & even waited for her to give me a sign lol :wacko: :wacko:

Thanks for the pic's though, you've done a good job this week lol ;)
im glad i had a easy decision the black dog stood out a mile for me,i couldnt pick between the bitches there all cracking
Brill pics Bob :thumbsup: Can't wait to see that red dog,when Dave gets him :thumbsup:

Choice is easy Vicky.The fawn bitch (2lb 5oz) she's got Judes determined look in her eyes ;)
Can't see what the problem is of picking one Vicky, its easy............................................................................


....................................when you're not having one lol

I like the little fawn bitch with white on nose tho best, but then if i was having one it might be tougher cos the blue girl is lush and the red fawn if she stands out for bein the strong one and first to do things. See simple ;) Good luck whichever you pick and good luck to Sean and everyone else who is having one and Adam the black dog is nice too but the fawn dog is too - rest my case so easy to pick one :luck: ;)
my pick would still be fawn dog,,,,here,s a diffrent pic,,,of him,,he stands out cos he doesnt follow the pack , he does want he wants :lol:

here,s mr attitude him self :lol: ,,,,,ohhh crap iam busted vicky now knows ive been holding out on some pictures i ve not put on :b :lol:

He's still my favourite too Bob :thumbsup: 'Mr Attitude' a good racing name for him.His pet name is Robbie,so tell Sean to start calling him by his name.Bet you like the pet name :lol:
He's still my favourite too Bob :thumbsup: 'Mr Attitude' a good racing name for him.His pet name is Robbie,so tell Sean to start calling him by his name.Bet you like the pet name :lol:

i like the pet name,,,but sean says its rob ,,,which a english name for bob,,,( which is my name (w00t) ),,,,,,,but if it is robbie & not rob,,,i could live with that :lol:

mr attitude,,never thought but sounds like a good racing name

i like gypys choice,,,,,i took some stick off elise on facebook for that :lol: ,,,,i cant help it if my gran was a full breed gypo,,i cant fix my past,,,( wished i had her six sence thou,,,then picking would be easy,,,,not that i belive in that sort off thing,,, :b :b :lol:

right seeing as vicky is studying pictures,,,i will put rest on,,,,but there pretty much the same, :) ,,,,and i dont have the heart to tell vicky,,it wont be for a couple off weeks i will be next out at sean,s ,,,and if it snows ,might be longer,,as there,s no way iam getting snowed if with sean,for a month, :D ,,
pretty much same picture,s but the ones i didnt put on,,,,,,but there for vicky as she,s studying them really hard lol







if it helps vicky,,,my scale,s are same a nnwrf,,,but were weighing 4 oz heavy,,,which i didnt understand as mine were brand new,,and 4 weeks old,,,but they had theirs re calabrated,,,,but maybe there 4oz diffrence with these type off scale,s,,,,( only the maker,s off these scale,s know )

they were also weighing 2oz heaveir than kirkcaldy scales,,,,,( i,e maybe it could be mine ),,,,but seeing as i payed all that money for them,and new,,,i like to think mine are bang on,,,,but as above they might be 4 oz in it at end off the day ,,,, :)

i know somtimes weight,s off pup,s can be inportant,,,but in sean last litter,,,,,two pup,s weighed almost same at this age ,,,,one turned out 20lb the other turned out 44lb,,,,,u can never tell :lol:

or hellbound litter ,,,,sugar rush --- mucele bound ,,,same litter lol

i dont envy u vicky ,,,as u have one hell off a tough choice too make,,,,,but take ur time,,,,its important u get right pup for u !!!!! ( i certaintly wouldnt pick now ) :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
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He's still my favourite too Bob :thumbsup: 'Mr Attitude' a good racing name for him.His pet name is Robbie,so tell Sean to start calling him by his name.Bet you like the pet name :lol:

i like the pet name,,,but sean says its rob ,,,which a english name for bob,,,( which is my name (w00t) ),,,,,,,but if it is robbie & not rob,,,i could live with that :lol:

mr attitude,,never thought but sounds like a good racing name

i like gypys choice,,,,,i took some stick off elise on facebook for that :lol: ,,,,i cant help it if my gran was a full breed gypo,,i cant fix my past,,,( wished i had her six sence thou,,,then picking would be easy,,,,not that i belive in that sort off thing,,, :b :b :lol:

right seeing as vicky is studying pictures,,,i will put rest on,,,,but there pretty much the same, :) ,,,,and i dont have the heart to tell vicky,,it wont be for a couple off weeks i will be next out at sean,s ,,,and if it snows ,might be longer,,as there,s no way iam getting snowed if with sean,for a month, :D ,,

He is called rob but im gonna call him robbie as his nickname sorry for the confussion :wacko: it was my fault because i posted it as robbie on my facebook :) :thumbsup:

Have you noticed Rob looks like he's got the figure of a gingerbread man on his chest Vanessa (w00t)

Think Mark's up in Scotland interviewing next week Sean, so you might be getting a visit :thumbsup:
Have you noticed Rob looks like he's got the figure of a gingerbread man on his chest Vanessa (w00t)
Think Mark's up in Scotland interviewing next week Sean, so you might be getting a visit :thumbsup:
Ive just gone back and looked a the pic's and it does look kinda like one :)
my pick would still be fawn dog,,,,here,s a diffrent pic,,,of him,,he stands out cos he doesnt follow the pack , he does want he wants :lol:
here,s mr attitude him self :lol: ,,,,,ohhh crap iam busted vicky now knows ive been holding out on some pictures i ve not put on :b :lol:


the black dog and this litter blue dog / bitch not sure what sex it is but love it so :wub:
