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Some Cruel And Unnecessary Zoomie Torture....


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I was at Grandpa's garden today wearing my wellies. So I wondered into the pond (as you do on sunny thursdays in Battydom) and waded out to the island.

Well the iggies went wappy!!! Whippets and Milly-lab had no inclination to follow me being Old and Sensible as they are with a strong aversion to getting their feet muddy and wet...

(w00t) But Lottie tottered....

and tottered...

and stepped on the mud...

and then with a Gi-normous leap landed on the island with me... :huggles:

(w00t) But Zoomie was MORTIFIED by all that water and mud!!!

"What on earth are you doing out there Mummy?????"

So he tried to work out a way of getting to the island WITHOUT getting his feet muddy and wet...

.... first he ran this-a-way...

(w00t) ...then he ran this-a-way (again)... :lol: Island_5.jpg
:p .... then that-a-way (again).... (w00t) (getting faster and faster....poor wee man)Island_6.jpg
:lol: Until eventually he screeched to a stop and shrieked "MUMMY" at the top of his voice and gave me a very thorough scolding with his ears..... :- "Island_7.jpg
So I ceased my cruel and heartless Torture-of-small-Iggie and waded back to shore to be showered with muddy kisses and soppy footprints :huggles:

...and the iggies sang songs about it all afternoon....

p.s Milly-lab JUMPED over Zoomie and he had to duck...

... he's now got a phobia about low-flying labradors... :lol: :lol:

Poor little Zoomie. :teehee: Your photos always make me smile. :lol: :lol:

Are you doing a Zoomie calendar again Fiona? :wub: :wub:
that was soooo funny Fiona!loved the pic of Zoomie running this way and that! :wub: Lotties all grown up now isnt she?such a little angel. :wub: loved the one of Zoomie ducking while a low flying lab whizzed past! :lol:
Your story telling is a great gift. Ever think of publishing? Kids would love a book with photos like that!
Fiona, your off your head woman!! (w00t) Love your Zoomy tales! :wub: Keep them coming they're brilliant! :thumbsup:
I've just realised some of those pictures were a little blurry - must be the re-sizing process because they're quite clear when I take them.

Anyway you've just got to see this one close-up :lol:

It's what happens to a Poor Wee Zoomiewoomie's ears when his Mummy runs away and stands on an island....

Oh no BAD BAD mummy for upsetting a poor ickle Zoomiewoomie like that but WHAT a BRAVE Lottie for making the huge scary leap.
:cheers: Brilliant photo story, Fiona! :cheers:

Will show the kids later, they will be really thrilled as they have missed your Zoomie-tales! :)