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Show Results From Oz

Isilwane said:
Big congrats to "THE UNDRESSER" on her title and RUBIS - way to go.  And can I get the number for the physios???????  Is it worth the drive up from Canberra?
Thanks from The Undresser.... Lisa :D

But..... I am not sharing the Physios.... All mine.... :rolleyes:

Hope young Charlie gets better quickly
Cartman said:
Isilwane said:
can I get the number for the physios???????  Is it worth the drive up from Canberra?
From what I hear it is. o:) Anne-Marie made the booking with the physios on Friday. ;) Remembering she did her back after the booking. :- " (w00t)
:oops: Found out...........

So clever Cartman
Cartman said:
Debra said:
Cartman said:
I did not see Mrs. Hunt judging.  :(   But him. Sorry to say, he got about like one of his piles was about to explode. (w00t)
Whilst I will admit Mr Hunt didn't appear comfortable, he obviously has a marvellous eye for a quality Baby Puppy Whippet. :D

Listers, I saw some lovely pics of Cartman :eek: taken at the show. Surprised they haven't been posted yet.

Mega Congrats Anne Marie on the Undresser's title and RUBIS. :cheers:
Hi Toni, The pics did come up somewhere, can not remember where. 8)

As for your pup, let me say ............thinking.....Ok, I loved it. Could win anywhere. :thumbsup:
Hi all

Here are the whippet results from the shows in the south island

Saturday 11 december 2004

Southland Royal A & P Show ( just a wee note this was the first time a dog show had been held at a royal show in NZ for 50yrs)

Judge Mr C Hunt (Canada) entry 9 In Show Judge Mrs J Hunt

BOB NZBOB DCC Ch Kana-ka Th' cream of Society (newton)

RBOB IOB BCC Ch Ronndal Yes Indeed (Ekstam c/o Howell)

POB Ronndal Batman Forever (Ekstam c/o Nicholls)

JOB Durhamshire Dakota Brave (Nicholson)

RDCC OOB Ch Ronndal Rain On (Nicholls & Ekstam)

RBCC Skyeway Evening Charm (Imp Aust) (Nicholson)

New Zealand bred of group Ch Kana-ka Th' Cream of Society

Puppy of group Ronndal Batman Forever

Sunday 12 december 04

NZKC Benefit Show

Judge Mrs J Hunt (Canada) entry 9 In Show judge Mr C Hunt

BOB NZBOB DCC Ch Kana-ka Th' cream of Society (newton)

RBOB IOB BCC Ch Ronndal Yes Indeed (Ekstam c/o Howell)

POB Ronndal Batman Forever (Ekstam c/o Nicholls)

JOB Durhamshire Dakota Brave (Nicholson)

RDCC OOB Ch Ronndal Rain On (Nicholls & Ekstam)

RBCC Durhamshire Soldiers' Girl (Nicholson)

Reserve Best of group & NZ Bred of group & onto Reserve best in show & NZ bred in show Ch Kana-ka Th' Cream of Society

Puppy of group Ronndal Batman Forever

Looks like MR and MRS Hunt have very similar tastes in Whippets , with only the R BCC being different . :blink:

Any photos ?
ibiza said:
His owner now wants him back in New Zealand immediately and he departs next week. I will miss him dearly.

Did he go to New Zealand then Sydney? Or just to Sydney?
Hi Carman,

Broom's owner subsequently decided he was to be sent to Sydney for Wendye Slatyer to show and attempt to title. He went OK for a while in a show last weekend, but was not quite healed enough to be competitive.

His owner has now requested he be sent back to NZ straight after Christmas.

Merry Christmas to you and family.

Regards to all,

Colin Sarantis

IBIZA Whippets
ibiza said:
Broom's owner subsequently decided he was to be sent to Sydney for Wendye Slatyer to show and attempt to title. He went OK for a while in a show last weekend, but was not quite healed enough to be competitive.
His owner has now requested he be sent back to NZ straight after Christmas.
Am I the only one on here who feels sorry for those poor Whippets who are banded round and round various kennels just to try to will some title or other :angry: .Having to get used to new people and handlers too.

Im sure they are well looked after whichever kennel they are in but it must be quite unsettleing for some of them , getting settled in one place then to be moved off again and again , all for a `title`

Years ago I was asked to export` Badger ( Peperone Passat ) as he was wanting to be used as a stud dog , but even the thought of him going away reduced me to tears :(

Sorry, but its not something Id even consider, I can understand maybe one trip away ,but to be constantily uprooted ! no, not for me or my `gang`. I love them all too much :wub:

To me they are more than just something I can win titles with ! ( I wish :- " )
We're probably stepping on any number of toes right now :( , but rest assured, you're not the only one who feels this way! I've even heard the phrase "FedEx dogs" used about this practice. Another thing is, I never understood how anyone could enjoy their dogs' wins if they are not there to experience it themselves.
Ummmmmmmmmmmm this post has had over 50 hits since I put my opinion on but dont seem to have had many replies , :b does that mean you all agree with me ?? :- " or maybe not (w00t)
Ummm ... perhaps it's because a lot of people are ambivalent on the subject.

I too think I would not be able to let my precious kids go overseas to be shown by someone else for a title ... but how I would LOVE to have an overseas title on a dog I'd bred and owned myself ... so I sort of have a little bit of jealousy in a way for the ones who can summon up the courage to let their dogs go. (Plus it is so VERY far for us to send our dogs anywhere!) :wacko:
Hi Jax,

I agree with you, i couldn't do it with my dogs. But i can also see where Lana is coming from about having a dog i bred with an oversea's title. If i had a dog that i thought that would be competitive oversea's i would think about one home but not to travel here, there and everywhere. If anyone is going to do some travelling it is going to be ME. I went to Wendye's and met Broom :wub: the other week, and i wanted to take him home as he was such a nice friendly fellow. Not like my bunch of lunatics :wacko: .

Debra :D 8) :wacko:
JAX said:
Ummmmmmmmmmmm this post has had over 50 hits since I put my opinion on but dont seem to have had many replies , :b   does that mean you all agree with me ?? :- " or maybe not  (w00t)

I let my bitch go to Canada for a longer stay but it was not for showing (from my point of view) although the person having her did show her, with success. The main reason for me to have something back from the litter she was having, which I did. I am also not very positive about flying the same dog around and around gaining titles. For me it felt ok as my bitch was going to a wonderful person were she would live the same life as with me, sleeping in bed and so on. I also think that the mental side of the dog should be taken in to account. My bitch is extremely stable and hardly anything upsets her, so I know she would cope with the flight. When she arrived she just went inside her new home, ate all the dog food in the kitchen and went to a sofa and had a rest. Not upset at all. I have had other whippets that I would never dream of putting it through such a thing.

One aspect for me living in Sweden is that we have always had to depend on imports from all over the world, but off course mostly from England. So many top breeders from all over have been very kind and parted with good specimens, so when some one came and asked me to borrow a whippet from me I thought of this and let this person borrow her from me. It was not and easy decision!!

Henrik Härling
As someone who has recently sent her girl overseas, I'm with Henrik. She has gone to a home where she sleeps in the bed like she did at home and sleeps on the sofa during the day. She has 5 other whippets and various visitors to run with (she had 9 Ridgebacks & 2 other Whippets at home). And she too appeared to not suffer from her trip at all - walked in checked the place out and hopped on the sofa.

She is currently on a break from showing (she was not placed lower than 3rd at any of her shows and has her 2 majors already & a BOB over specials) and she is sharing maternal duties with one of her housemates as she LOVES puppies and the other bitch is at the "I don't want to know you stage". Electra gladly goes in an pushes them around and cleans up.

Having been blessed by having good friends who were prepared to send me their Ridgebacks - including Mojave (Am/Aust Ch Camelot's Code Red) who came to us for 9 months last year, I was pleased to be able to "pay it forward" for someone who liked my dog that much, and had a situation that was similar to what she was used to.

I wouldn't like her or any of my dogs to get shunted around the place, although I do think a stud dog who can cope with going to new and strange places is a blessing.

If it hadn't been for the people who have been prepared to do this sort of thing in the past, Australian Whippetdom would have a very different pedigree face.


Isilwane Kennels

PS And yes I miss her terribly but her daughter Zest is ably filling her shoes - racing past the Christmas tree and grabbing whatever decoration she can get before disappearing around the house with it - needless to say the glass ones are at the top and the "less special" ones are around the bottom.
Ive no problem with peps that send them away once , its those that send them away on a regular basis just to get another `title ` and for what ?? Higher Stud fee :eek: , more $ or £ for puppies :b

Im like Lana , nothing Id like better than to have an overseas Champion , but at what cost ? , but then ,my Dogs come before Titles o:)
I've only just seen this thread but I have had my say on this topic before. I, personally, am against sending dogs off to different homes just to be shown/used at stud. It is bad enough settling in an adult dog that has been bought in (TJ springs to mind). Dogs are domesticated animal that (mostly) live in our homes with us and have a pecking order within the pack. They must wonder what the hell is going on when they are shipped off to a total stranger or, even worse, handed over at a show!!

I can understand that a badly treated, rescue dog is thankful for a new kind, loving home but a dog that has been cherished, loved, pampered ............................ it was bad enough when OH took Ronan off to Ireland just for a week! He had to admit that by the middle of the week Ronan was certainly not enjoying himself and he knows the old man!!

Nah! Not for me I'm afraid
The decision to lease a dog, whether it be overseas or elsewhere in the same country is difficult and there are many factors taken into consideration. I'm sure most senders enquire as to why someone is wanting their dog, the lifestyle they will offer, the benefits and drawbacks and then they must consider the character of the individual dog. I guess each case is different but no-one would enter into such an arrangement lightly as the monetary costs for some of us are very high. :(

When Lisa told my husband and I about the offer for Electra to go overseas, as the breeders we were both thrilled that someone admired Electra and whilst it wasn't really our decision, we were initially negative to the proposition. However, we had the opportunity to meet Phoebe and discuss her aims and views on whippets and more importantly Electra approved of Phoebe and this, more than anything, assured Lisa and us that it was okay to let her go. :thumbsup: Lisa gets regular updates and pictures and John and I are looking forward to visiting Electra and Phoebe in August.

I love and enjoy grading litters and have never regretted my decisions but I'll admit I'm no expert and find whippets change dramatically. I choose my RR's at birth and Salukis at 8 weeks, but I cross my fingers and pray a lot over my choice in whippets. :b

Personally, I'd love to have the opportunity to lease a mature, finished whippet. For me there are many advantages. What you see is what you get - size, colour, shape, temperament, ears, mouth, testes, gait, etc. That's not to say one should expect a perfect dog - far from it and although pedigrees help, much of the quality of an young adult depends on the care, training and maintenance of the owner.

Most breeders who import or lease a dog do so with a specific purpose and I would say that most do so with an aim to breed and improve their own stock. Gee whiz, even without importing, I haven't even come close to breaking even with costs so if I was to import, I wouldn't be thinking that I'd recoup my costs.

I've been fortunate to have used at stud several lovely dogs who were exported or leased to breeders here in Australia. I can only say how glad I am that their owners allowed them to come.

I guess the choice to import / export depends largely on your breed and what country you reside in. No breed can exist entirely within its country of origin. If that was the case, many breeds would be extinct today. Initially, because of location, Australia was a country that depended on imports for most breeds. Now we are recognised for the quality of our dogs in general and it is not unusual to see exports in many breeds.

There's good and bad everywhere and the canine world is no different. There are great people who love and nuture their breed and then there are unscrupulous, money orientated people. It's no different to other sports. I respect those of you who don't share my view and can only conclude that your love and concern for your dogs is a great asset that would make you ideal people to deal with for importing / exporting.

It's getting late and enough seriousness. It's finally raining here so I'm very happy. :D

Happy New Year Whippeteers.
Back onto the topic, Congratulations to Marilyn Hoy whose Junior Bitch, MOONWIND EARLYMORNING RAIN, handled by Bev Daines, took out Best In Group at Wollondilly KC on Saturday night.

Only 2 whippets at the New Year's Eve show and I believe Isilwane Union Jack owned by Amanda Huggins took out BOB.

Not sure who won at Manly on Sunday night but I believe the entry was about 3 or 4.

That's all the gossip from Sydney.

Thanks for the news Toni (I am SO going through dog show withdrawal symptoms here - can't wait to get back into it) and congrats to the winners :cheers: