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Show Results From Oz

Huge congrats to Angus and Mrs Angus in the great result. Not bad under a whippet specialist either!! :cheers: :cheers:
Congratulations Angus & Angela.

A well deserved win in Group and glad to see you clinched R/Up in Show.

and "Thanks" Aslan; 'Brodie' went OK with Noreen for Res Dog CC, but still likes to snooze in the ring..

You may be interested to know that 'Beryl' took her class over the other nice Daneson bitch (which has proven to be hard to beat).

We took 4 out of 5 Classes so it was a good day, especially being under a breed Specialist ('Broom' had decided to limp this weekend).

Take care,

CONGRATULATIONS John and Angela. Sure I can't convince you to let Bailey to spend some time up here in sunny NSW??? :D

For those who may not be aware, although a Basset specialist, Maree McKenzie is a great fan of whippets and has had breed involvement.

On a sadder note, Electra flew out today for her sojourn in the USA. Understandably, there are tears at Isilwane and Ridgesetter today and the next 48 hours are going to feel like a month as we wait to hear that Electra made all flight connections and has arrived safely. :unsure:
Angus said:
South eastern kennel club
judge mrs m mckenzie(qld)

CH peperone solid gold dog cc bob best in group ru in show

CH peperone love of gold bitch cc
:cheers: [SIZE=14pt]Congratulations Angus, a very nice win!! [/SIZE] :cheers:
ibiza said:
We took 4 out of 5 Classes so it was a good day, especially being under a breed Specialist ('Broom' had decided to limp this weekend).
Take care,

Is this the same one that was limping at the National 7 weeks ago? :- "
Yes - but the story of this injury is long and detailed (including being treated by vets for quite a while for the wrong site) so unless one knows the full story one shouldn't be too critical.

I'll let Colin respond with the details if he cares to.
aslan said:
Yes - but the story of this injury is long and detailed (including being treated by vets for quite a while for the wrong site) so unless one knows the full story one shouldn't be too critical.I'll let Colin respond with the details if he cares to.
Yep Lana fair comment. I dont know all the facts. But I did see it in Melbourne. I was told it was a cut pad. It walked like a dog with a cut pad. Is this the reason?
Hi Cartman & Lana,

Aslan; thanks for your invitation to respond. You are right, there are some facts that need clarification.

Barmauds Mr Rumpole (imp UK) 'Broom' (owned by Gillian Brockie) had a pebble lodged high up in his pad quite some time ago, whilst with his owner in New Zealand. It was operated on and the pebble was removed by surgery from above the pad, putting him out of the show ring for quite a while.

After recovering from this, he seemed fine for a while until around the time he got to Australia (Easter this year).

Following almost four months of leading vet assessments, specialist examinations, numerous treatments and therapies, as well as weekly sessions with George Schofield (top canine chiropractor/greyhound manipulator with over 60 years experience) and Lyn Mawson (intense laser therapy), it was Dr Alistair Smith (Sandown Greyhound Racing Vet Clinic), that eventually discovered that the prior surgery removed the pebble, but had left behind the opening from below (where the pebble had entered). This opening and potential debris, caused what had turned into a nasty callus.

This was diagnosed just two weeks before the National and was unable to be operated on, needing a 4-6 week recovery. This was quite a disappointment as the main reason he was sent out here was to compete at the National.

Having discussed the prior injury and necessary treatment, it was decided to operate straight after the National and Royal Shows, so he could be examined by his owner who was visiting for our Congress, National Show and Royal. Broom was at the National on the first (Dog Classes) day as I had bought him along to spend as much time with his owner as possible.

I had scratched Broom upon arrival at the Show and had no intention of showing him, knowing he would not perform well. At lunchtime however, his owner instructed me that she wanted him shown; this was not my choice.

Subsequent surgery with Dr Alex Hauler seemed to be successful as five weeks later he took his class at the Hound Club of Victoria Show during the Melbourne Cup weekend (Sun 31 Oct), with a big Breed entry, being a Whippet Club Point Score show. Performing nicely he won over John McLeod's (Angus’) CH Peperone Solid Gold (National R/Up In Show winner), as well as Tony Kyman’s Grand Champ Taejaan Moulin Rouge 'Paris'.

My instructions by his owner after that Cup weekend was to walk him on hard surface and harden the pad to avoid any repercussions. This did not seem to help.

As mentioned in my post, he has since reverted to his limp from new sensitivity in his paw and although he was walking OK just before showing on Sunday, by the time we got into the ring he started to limp.

His owner now wants him back in New Zealand immediately and he departs next week. I will miss him dearly.


Colin Sarantis
Very good answer. A shame, because the dog it not all that bad. (High praise for me).

The problem seems to be the owner. The best interests of the dog should come befor the best results of the dog.

Sorry Colin you were put in such an odd position. If it were me I would of told the owner where to go. (Buts that me :nuke: )
It must have been very disappointing for both you, Colin, and his owner. I can see why she wanted to try. She's got a nice imported dog, a very prestigious show, she's managed to get him entered, and across to Australia, found someone that she trusts to look after him properly and give him the love and attention he needs - and then, on the day he's not sound. I think I might have been tempted to try him - just in case he managed to stay sound enough in his class....!!
ibiza said:

Subsequent surgery with Dr Alex Hauler seemed to be successful as five weeks later he took his class at the Hound Club of Victoria Show during the Melbourne Cup weekend (Sun 31 Oct), with a big Breed entry, being a Whippet Club Point Score show. Performing nicely he won over John McLeod's (Angus’) CH Peperone Solid Gold (National R/Up In Show winner), as well as Tony Kyman’s Grand Champ Taejaan Moulin Rouge 'Paris'.
Colin you said at the hound show he preformed nicely but you were told he was lame and at the show 2 days later when i asked you when you were going to take him to a bone man you explained what the problem was and showed him that day ,the next day and at south eastern a week later and he was lame at all these shows.

Who"s idea was it to show him at these shows?

I would have loved to have seen him get his aus title when he was here because he is a very nice dog but in my opinion you did not do the dog any justice showing him in that condition.I understand there was probably a time limit on how long he was going to be in the country but if any of my dogs go lame in the ring i scratch them and dont show them again till they are right

:( Sounds very long, drawn out & very frustrating Colin. Hope you've got some nice pups by him as a just reward for your efforts to get him sound & get him in the ring. :unsure:
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Hi Colin,

I think i jinked myself when i told you Sparkie :wub: wasn't limping as for the past couple of weeks she has been quite lame again :( . I could scream, sometimes. How do you tell a whippet not to run and have fun because it's going to hurt later :( .

Debra :(
Hi to all,

Thanks for your comments Cartman, Kerry and Debra. I appreciate that.

Angus; I agree with what you said. He ended up lame after just a few minutes out of the crate, this is why he was taken into the ring at the last moment. His recovery had looked promising, but not completely successful it seems.

As I mentioned in the post, he went fine for a while in his Class at the Hound Club show, then by the time it came to Challenge, he was lame. This is why I had mentioned winning over your dog and ‘Paris’ in class, only to indicate his ability when not limping (no ‘gloating’ intended, as I like your dog too).

I agree also with and believe that he definitely deserves his Aust title. He had clinched a BOB when he first got here, as the problem wasn’t quite as bad (Geelong Show under hound specialist Doreen Duffin), but by the time it came to Group that day, he limped.

I was instructed to show him if he seemed OK, which he would do, albeit for only a short while. He did not look pained in any way, just a sensitivity that would increase within a few minutes of walking.

This is why I would risk him limping, knowing he was fine for a while, possibly even enough time for a potential Challenge. The last show however, proved he has not healed properly as the callus has now hardened considerably since walking him on hard road all week (as instructed by his owner). I refused to show him after last week, knowing he has reverted to his limp.

Prior to the surgery 6 weeks ago, I had made weekly visits to several professionals for his treatments, with many sleepless nights and feelings of irresponsibility, thinking he had (repeatedly) injured his shoulder whilst with me. Four months and many hundreds of dollars later, we recently discover it was his prior injury in New Zealand, which needless to say was extremely frustrating. I do however feel very blessed to have had him with me and used in my breeding program.

Broom is truly the most loving of dogs and deserves the very best, which is what I had tried to provide. The heartache over his injury has been a huge burden, and beyond the great responsibility to a dog of his caliber, I had felt quite guilty that I had not detected his problem earlier. Not even our leading Canine Surgeon, Dr Alex Hauler, saw his callus when initially examined; I had to point it out having just been detected by Dr Alistair Smith, days before.

I hope his recovery is eventually successful. He may just need some more time to heal and I trust his return to NZ allows for this.

Thanks for everyone’s concern in this matter.


Colin . Have you any pictures of this dog you can post please.?

How frustrating it must have been for you and his owner , Lets hope the dog makes a full recovery ,
Hi Jax,

Thanks for your well wishes for Broom's recovery.

Here are some pics.


Lovely type of dog- well worthy of an Aust title I would think. Hope he comes right over time.