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Severe Flood Warnings!!!

AnnSa said:
Oh shit the police are on my road want us all out..............i cantgo no not leaving my dogs and chins.


I thought i was ok here i cant believe this  :(

Oh, Ann, so sorry to hear this - are the police asking you to leave the animals behind? I could never do that. :( Thinking of you all tonight and hoping you stay safe. :luck:
:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:

For Tanya, Ann and anyone else at risk from flooding - hope it doesn't get bad

:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Jazzys dad said:
midlanderkeith said:
Jazzys dad said:
Sorry to hear your predicament Tanya. I hope the river doesn't burst, and that you all stay safe up there.
I wish I was a bit closer as I'd take a couple of the dogs for you.

Bless you mate.


Bless her and her family indeed JD, my heart goes out to this lady, she has enough shite to put up with in life without this on top, and yet still remains respectful and helpful to others, , lifes hard enough as it is on top of which she has a disabled son, Happy birthday for what its worth for tomorrow Thomas, cant be with you, or u would know what true friendship is, but im there for you in spirit, to alll thats affected by the weather i wish you safe

keith xxxxxxxx :luck: :luck:

I know Keith, and I know tanya too, being Boothros other half I've endured the posh old trout and the whole family and I really hope they are going to be ok. I can't accomodate thomas here due to his disabilaty, but have offered Tanya, Alfie and the dogs/ cages etc to be welcome down here on the south coast if need be, until the floods recede. I just HOPE the water really doesnt come so high.

Alfie will have a bloody field day on my pristeen walls. Gulp!

Then bless you to my friend, to be honest with you, i cant believe this is happening, im in feckin tears here
midlanderkeith said:
Jazzys dad said:
midlanderkeith said:
Jazzys dad said:
Sorry to hear your predicament Tanya. I hope the river doesn't burst, and that you all stay safe up there.
I wish I was a bit closer as I'd take a couple of the dogs for you.

Bless you mate.


Bless her and her family indeed JD, my heart goes out to this lady, she has enough shite to put up with in life without this on top, and yet still remains respectful and helpful to others, , lifes hard enough as it is on top of which she has a disabled son, Happy birthday for what its worth for tomorrow Thomas, cant be with you, or u would know what true friendship is, but im there for you in spirit, to alll thats affected by the weather i wish you safe

keith xxxxxxxx :luck: :luck:

I know Keith, and I know tanya too, being Boothros other half I've endured the posh old trout and the whole family and I really hope they are going to be ok. I can't accomodate thomas here due to his disabilaty, but have offered Tanya, Alfie and the dogs/ cages etc to be welcome down here on the south coast if need be, until the floods recede. I just HOPE the water really doesnt come so high.

Alfie will have a bloody field day on my pristeen walls. Gulp!

Then bless you to my friend, to be honest with you, i cant believe this is happening, im in feckin tears here

promissed id always be there for her, but oh no where am i sat on my arse thats where wot a useless prat i feel, always been ther for my mates
we are ok here everyone , all dogs caged up ready to go in various directions, thank you all for texts nd calls it means a lot to ann donna and myself , we will keep you updated as and when we can xxx
Good luck to everyone on the east coast especially in the Yarmouth/Lowestoft areas. We live about a hundred yards from the beach but due to height ,not at as great a risk as some. We haven't been asked to evacuate despite our closeness.

Once again :luck: :luck: everyone :thumbsup:
Im now going to get some stuff upstairs and sit and wait..........praying

like crazy it doesn't happen :(
thinking of you and diane lampy :luck: :huggles:

so sorry i totally forgot how close you are too :b :huggles:
They have all buses to take us to where they think is safe,

how can you go and leave all your animals ?

I had to tell the police how many were staying in the house, i laughed and

said what for a body count in the morning and he said yes :eek:
Tania,ive just read this thread,and with a lump in me throat.Im gona pray hard tonite girl,that all of you over there are being watched over.Dont know what's happening,as i dont watch tele,or new's much.You probibly are'nt home now anyway,but GOD willing you will still have one tomorrow.Every one else too.You are all in my thought's.Love & prayer's .Billy.PS.For what it's worth at the minute,tell Thomas,Billy say's happy birthday mate.
OMG it is really terrible, we are thinking of you all, praying it isnt to bad,

:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
:( Hope everyone and animals are safe and you all stay dry :(

:luck: :luck:
posh totty said:
im sat here waiting to assess if we need evacuating!!! i had the call earlier today to advise me to get to safety, but i cant leave the dogs, local police are at the river very close to my house as those of you have been here will know just how close!!! its also thomas`s 17th birthday tomorrow !!! wiggy from here is also very close to the river but they have an upstairs we dont in a bungalow!!!  (w00t)
so any persons whom have a rowing boat , with wheelchair access, space for 10 dogs a mad 3 yr old and a very sensible mummy  :- "  please call me on moile as pc likely to be under water!!!  (w00t)

:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
I do hope everyone and all their pets will be safe tonight. :luck: :luck: :luck: I wish I was a bit nearer to help out. :huggles: Thinking of you all.
Good luck to all of you, I pray that God keeps all of your families and all of your pets safe. :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
If they've had to evauate they will be gone by now so I have no contact with Tanya now. I spoke to Tan at about 11pm an she said the dogs were all ready to go if need be. Thomas and Alfie are well away from it and although her mum has recently bought a big house it too is on the edge of he tidal river so they can't go there.

She said it was just a case of waiting and hoping :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: to you all and stay safe not just Tanya but her family and the other k9ers down there Ann and Donna who are both local to Tanya but any others we know near the coast
In tears here

I spoke to Tany last night and told her to come here if needbe :thumbsup:

but we are miles away 2 hrs by road at least :(

Have not slept just thought's for Tanya,Annsa and all the other poor souls with much loved pets :- "

Its blowing bad here, now we are not far from Harwich port but on high ground.

:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck: everyone and take good care please :huggles:

Just spoke to Tanya

Terrible there :( she is moving the dogs into her horsebox :- "

Its just too bad to believe :eek:

Well we're now coming to high tide time and then we will know the worst.

Its wicked out there raining and blowing a gale :unsure:


I dont know whats going on with the phone online

but there is no phone, glad i have a mobile
oakmoorehill said:
If they've had to evauate they will be gone by now so I have no contact with Tanya now. I spoke to Tan at about 11pm an she said the dogs were all ready to go if need be. Thomas and Alfie are well away from it and although her mum has recently bought a big house it too is on the edge of he tidal river so they can't go there.
  She said it was just a case of waiting and hoping  :luck:   :luck:   :luck:   :luck:   :luck: to you all and stay safe not just Tanya but her family and the other k9ers down there Ann and Donna who are both local to Tanya but any others we know near the coast

texted young Tan about 3 30 shes in bed apparantly with her dogs, i hope all thats reading this thats been affected my heart goes out to you all, my k9 friends

:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
