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Severe Flood Warnings!!!

My sisters just been down to the river and its nearly over
Im near Tanya but im a bit higher between the sea and the river.
The sea's up as well you can see if from my sisters and as a rule its

to low for that.............bit scarey isn't it

Hope it comes to nothing for your sake, your in a worse position than

me :(
how frightening for you all,its freaking me out reading this.
I've just had a call from the K9 roving reporter Tanay.

The river has come over.........

Its right where they expected it as well where the two rivers meet..........not looking

good now :(


Im expecting Tanya to be bringing Jessie and Tippy to in a better

position than her at the moment, as i said im a bit higher and further down the

river :unsure: She's splitting the dogs up and getting them settled with people

for the night.



(I feel really bad but i said bring them, i never mentioned taking them back)
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Oh I hope you are all safe !! We we were flooded here too the last time but our council was great and we were given a lot of sandbags which we have kept , thank goodness.

We had to build a `wall` of sandbags along the top of the drive and around the front door. The water was lapping up against them but didn`t come in the house. My neighbour across the road was flooded out though, it was dreadful.

She and I stood outside in the storm for 5 hours turning all the cars around to go another way as the `waves` were making things so much worse ! The police didn`t do a thing to help so we had to help ourselves.

Lincolnshire is on the flood warning again so we`d best get prepared !! My mum says she will take my dogs so they are fine but I have all my other animals to care for too.

The guinea pigs are fine as they are built waist high and they have `double glazing`. My rats are in my office and if the water comes in I will have to put them up a height somewhere. we are in a bungalow so I hope it never comes to that !

It was SO SCARY watching that water rising and rising and then the water table was so high water started coming UP through the floor at my neighbour`s house. I could have cried for her. her husband was away abroad where my husband usually is but he was home at the time so we all pitched in to help her.

It would be awful if it happened again and so soon.

EVERYONE.....KEEP SAFE with your doggies !!! :huggles:
My friend now rang her brother is a cabbie and hes just picked

up the headmaster of one of the schools..........he's got to open

up the school for the evacuated :eek:
Oh I am thinking of you all. It hasn`t reached Lincolnshire yet but we have had a warning so my husband is getting the sandbags out again !! It seems no time since the last lot, it is frightening.
goodluck guys we have got everything crossed for you :luck:
You poor people. Probably some of these folk have now lost their power and therefore are not online to see the vibes being sent their way.

Please all stay safe. It really is a dreadful thought for them.

Thinking of, OK,.JD
Jazzys dad said:
Sorry to hear your predicament Tanya. I hope the river doesn't burst, and that you all stay safe up there.
I wish I was a bit closer as I'd take a couple of the dogs for you.

Bless you mate.


Bless her and her family indeed JD, my heart goes out to this lady, she has enough shite to put up with in life without this on top, and yet still remains respectful and helpful to others, , lifes hard enough as it is on top of which she has a disabled son, Happy birthday for what its worth for tomorrow Thomas, cant be with you, or u would know what true friendship is, but im there for you in spirit, to alll thats affected by the weather i wish you safe

keith xxxxxxxx :luck: :luck:
Hoping you're ok Tanya, and the kids and dogs too :thumbsup:

Can't believe this is happening again ...... it's so disturbing and it all comes on so fast (w00t)

Keeping my fingers crossed for you, hun :thumbsup: :luck: :luck:
Stay safe Tanya wish we were closer and could help and also Donna and Ann

Omg just watching on telly we walked along there with the dogs the river was a good 2 metres below when we were there.

Please text me and let us know you are safe
Oh shit the police are on my road want us all out..............i cant

go no not leaving my dogs and chins.


I thought i was ok here i cant believe this :(
midlanderkeith said:
Jazzys dad said:
Sorry to hear your predicament Tanya. I hope the river doesn't burst, and that you all stay safe up there.
I wish I was a bit closer as I'd take a couple of the dogs for you.

Bless you mate.


Bless her and her family indeed JD, my heart goes out to this lady, she has enough shite to put up with in life without this on top, and yet still remains respectful and helpful to others, , lifes hard enough as it is on top of which she has a disabled son, Happy birthday for what its worth for tomorrow Thomas, cant be with you, or u would know what true friendship is, but im there for you in spirit, to alll thats affected by the weather i wish you safe

keith xxxxxxxx :luck: :luck:

I know Keith, and I know tanya too, being Boothros other half I've endured the posh old trout and the whole family and I really hope they are going to be ok. I can't accomodate thomas here due to his disabilaty, but have offered Tanya, Alfie and the dogs/ cages etc to be welcome down here on the south coast if need be, until the floods recede. I just HOPE the water really doesnt come so high.

Alfie will have a bloody field day on my pristeen walls. Gulp!