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I strongly disagree with the ban but I don't think all the blame can be laid at the RSPCA's door. Not everything's black and white, some times the RSPCA screws up and sometimes it does a good job.Right now I'm helping them or they're helping me depending how you look at it, to bring a cruelty case against a woman who badly neglected her horses. I rescued a mare and foal [i used to own the mare] after months of trying to get the RSPCA to do anything.By the time I got them they were close to death.Finally they did get involved and have played a blinder so I have mixed views about them.
Peter Berry said:
I strongly disagree with the ban but I don't think all the blame can be laid at the RSPCA's door. Not everything's black and white, some times the RSPCA screws up and sometimes it does a good job.Right now I'm helping them or they're helping me depending how you look at it, to bring a cruelty case against a woman who badly neglected her horses. I rescued a mare and foal [i used to own the mare] after months of trying to get the RSPCA to do anything.By the time I got them they were close to death.Finally they did get involved and have played a blinder so I have mixed views about them.
Sad about the horse but the rspca wern't intrested when you needed them but now they see the big pat on the back for helping although to late they will jump at the chance.

As for the police in lancashire regarding lost dogs if you report one to them they will tell you to turn it out on the street & it will make its own way home even when the said dog is logged as missing (FACT) :rant:
As for the police in lancashire regarding lost dogs if you report one to them they will tell you to turn it out on the street & it will make its own way home even when the said dog is logged as missing (FACT)
Funny you should say that, a woman at Kierens School bought a dog from a well known Dogs home in Manchester after a few weeks she realised her little lad was alergic to the new dog so she contacted the dogs home where she had bought it 3 weeks earlyer and asked them to take it back, she wasnt asking for her £85 adoption fee back just for them to take it back as her son was allergic to it? now the answer she got was had she took it back within 14 days theyd of took it off her but as it was over 14 days they couldnt help her? (or wouldnt) she asked them what she should do and their advice was let it out onto the street and the dog warden will collect it? she pointed out it was now microchipped and wouldnt it just be returned to her by the dog warden and their answer was "PROBABLY"?

luckyly the woman had more sense than to throw her dog out on the street and has found a rescue that will be able to take it at the end of this month.
Sad about the horse but the rspca wern't intrested when you needed them but now they see the big pat on the back for helping although to late they will jump at the chance.

No they didn't step in when I asked them to in the first place, mind you neither did the International League for the Protection of Horses.But if they hadn't picked up the tab for veterinary treatment, which has run into thousands of pounds, the mare and her foal wouldn't be here now.

I know they can be a frustrating organisation to deal with and there have been times when I thought they were more interested in being a political pressure group and bringer of prosecutions than providing practical help to animals in crisis but now I don't honestly know
Peter Berry said:
Sad about the horse but the rspca wern't intrested when you needed them but now they see the big pat on the back for helping although to late they will jump at the chance.
No they didn't step in when I asked them to in the first place, mind you neither did the International League for the Protection of Horses.But if they hadn't picked up the tab for veterinary treatment, which has run into thousands of pounds, the mare and her foal wouldn't be here now.

I know they can be a frustrating organisation to deal with and there have been times when I thought they were more interested in being a political pressure group and bringer of prosecutions than providing practical help to animals in crisis but now I don't honestly know

Political pressure group no. 1 priority for the rspca. And doesnt this case of the neglected horses show them for what they are? Step in only when they can be seen to secure a conviction. It happened round here a few years back, a farmer was renound for keeping animals in cruel conditions, but only when a case could be proven in court did they step in, all tv interviews and pr. Bunch of wan@~rs didnt care about the animals, just the glory.
HeHe...these debates are fab! I love them. Listening to all the different view points that are out there. Its a shame the government dont listen to their people in the same way as the people listen to each other on the many internet forums that are out there...

I would like to add my point though...a little off 'the point' when you first read it I am sure...

I am a school teacher. I am not allowed to call the thing in a classroom that a teacher uses chalk on painted black a 'black board' anymore, yet I have an interactive board in my class that is white in colour...what is it called...its called 'an interactive white board.'

My colleague in the infant department is longer allowed to sing the popular nursery rhyme about the sheep and its wool in its traditional way anymore...i.e. 'Baa baa black sheep,' is now 'Baa baa wooly sheep.'

There are people in this country who have ACTUALLY burned effigies of the Prime Minister in the street and had nothing done about it (for fear of reprisal and their rights?). I wonder if in other countries in the world the same thing occured, perhaps if erm...a member of the Christian faith did it in erm...Palestine to erm...I dont, lets say an effigy of Mohammed, would the same reaction take place? I am not religious by the way (think its all a pile of 'fairy stories') before anyone tells me off.

Our current Government pushed through a law that 59% of the country DID NOT want to see happen and banned hunting with dogs. 59% is not a minority. Or at least it wasnt the last time i did a math lesson with my kids? But you never know these days in the UK what is or isnt right anymore.

Regardless of YOUR opinion on hunting with dogs, whether you think it cruel and violent, whether you consider it a viscious blood sport or like 59% of the people who voted, feel that it is 'a tradtional country pursuit' that has been done since the dawn of man, we are supposed to live in a democracy were the people of this country have a right to see there VOTE counts. The peoples vote did not count when they banned hunting, or when they banned the 'black board', or sadly...when Baa baa black sheep was banned from children's classrooms up and down the country.

My friend Pete, a black man who hunts with terriers and ferrets, and rides with his local hunt, laughed his arse off when I told him about the above...he said 'political correctness gone mad...if they asked the ordinary black guy in the street, they would realise its white people who make this shit up! We dont give a crap if the boards black or not!'

They asked the ordinary person in the street about hunting with dogs and the answer that came back was generally 'we dont give a shit...we have real life issues like putting food on the table to deal with.' The vote came in 59% for and the government took no notice. Dont know about hunting with dogs, this country is going to them!
Mini Me said:
HeHe...these debates are fab! I love them. Listening to all the different view points that are out there. Its a shame the government dont listen to their people in the same way as the people listen to each other on the many internet forums that are out there...
I would like to add my point though...a little off 'the point' when you first read it I am sure...

I am a school teacher. I am not allowed to call the thing in a classroom that a teacher uses chalk on painted black a 'black board' anymore, yet I have an interactive board in my class that is white in colour...what is it called...its called 'an interactive white board.'

My colleague in the infant department is longer allowed to sing the popular nursery rhyme about the sheep and its wool in its traditional way anymore...i.e. 'Baa baa black sheep,' is now 'Baa baa wooly sheep.'

There are people in this country who have ACTUALLY burned effigies of the Prime Minister in the street and had nothing done about it (for fear of reprisal and their rights?). I wonder if in other countries in the world the same thing occured, perhaps if erm...a member of the Christian faith did it in erm...Palestine to erm...I dont, lets say an effigy of Mohammed, would the same reaction take place? I am not religious by the way (think its all a pile of 'fairy stories') before anyone tells me off. 

Our current Government pushed through a law that 59% of the country DID NOT want to see happen and banned hunting with dogs. 59% is not a minority. Or at least it wasnt the last time i did a math lesson with my kids? But you never know these days in the UK what is or isnt right anymore.

Regardless of YOUR opinion on hunting with dogs, whether you think it cruel and violent, whether you consider it a viscious blood sport or like 59% of the people who voted, feel that it is 'a tradtional country pursuit' that has been done since the dawn of man, we are supposed to live in a democracy were the people of this country have a right to see there VOTE counts. The peoples vote did not count when they banned hunting, or when they banned the 'black board', or sadly...when Baa baa black sheep was banned from children's classrooms up and down the country.

My friend Pete, a black man who hunts with terriers and ferrets, and rides with his local hunt, laughed his arse off when I told him about the above...he said 'political correctness gone mad...if they asked the ordinary black guy in the street, they would realise its white people who make this shit up! We dont give a crap if the boards black or not!'

They asked the ordinary person in the street about hunting with dogs and the answer that came back was generally 'we dont give a shit...we have real life issues like putting food on the table to deal with.' The vote came in 59% for and the government took no notice. Dont know about hunting with dogs, this country is going to them!

Excellent post
Unfortunatly in the UK the laws seem to be becoming a joke.
Mark Roberts said:
Unfortunatly in the UK the laws seem to be becoming a joke.
becoming a joke????????????? its one big joke,ive now gone back into terriers after a 10 yr break the law with these is as bad if not worse then anything else in the countryside
Just stating facts:

I was puzzled that the RSPCA advertise insurance on a pedigree racing site when they will refuse to insure it as soon as the know its used for racing. :oops:

Surely they could spend the money they raise on helping animals instead of pointless and wasted advertsing