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quote from the burns report.

We are similarly satisfied that being pursued, caught and killed by dogs during coursing seriously compromises the welfare of the hare. It is clear, moreover, that, if the dog or dogs catch the hare, they do not always kill it quickly. There can also sometimes be a significant delay, in “driven†coursing, before the “picker up†reaches the hare and dispatches it (if it is not already dead). In the case of “walked up†coursing, the delay is likely to be even longer.
nigelmcfc said:
Rae said:
If the RSPCA had not opposed hare coursing I think the majority of the public would have seen it as a disgrace - it may not suit those of you that have had your lovely sport ruined, but they are there to prevent cruelty and so surely this does fall within their remit.
So why was ,or or is hare coursing cruel in your opinion???? Have you ever attended a coursing meet or been out coursing with your own dogs?

Coursing has been around since the start of civilisation, it is a test of the dogs skill not a deliberate attempt to kill hares, many more hares have been shot since the ban on coursing was introduced on estates where they were once preserved for coursing, a hare coursed can escape to run another day, a hare shot is a dead hare , or a wounded hare left to die a slow and painful death, i know which one I prefer......

One thing we have to look forward to ist he end of this labour government and the restoration of a Conservative government. David Cameron has given a manifesto pledge to repeal the hunting act so perhaps we will see a return once more of the sight of a slipper with two dogs ready to go , or the fact that you will be able once more to walk legally over land that you have written permission from the landowner to hunt upon, secure in the knowledge that you are breaking no laws if a hare gets up in front of your dogs :D

There you go and I haven`t been abusive either..

david cameron has to get elected first. :thumbsup: like most politicians he will do and say anything in order to get elected.once he is elected (if ever) he might just find it more convenient to gain votes to go with the flow like blair see the thing is you guys who like bloodsports are in the minority in this country.most vote weilding members of the public dont like hunting and dont want it yes,pin your hopes on david cameron getting elected by all means, but i wouldnt hold my breath about the hunting ban getting repealed. :)
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Nigel said:
wunwin said:
Is the rspca reading this forum, to try to get stuff on us for a prosecution, do they help run it????? We need some answers, cos i dont want anything to do with a web  site that embraces that bunch of dog murdering double standard dealing bunny huggers. :rant:   :rant:   :rant:
I can assure you K9 has nothing to with the rspca -_- We use Google Adsense to provide adverts on K9 and the ads shown are automatically selected to match the content on the page...

Selected to match the contents of the page. You mean the working page????? What has the RSPCA got to do with working dogs?? This is incredulus.
kris said:
masta said:
so is this.

a lot of the stuff on that site that you posted is out of date, been superceded by more accurate reports, etc etc. -_- we can all copy and paste stuff,but first find out if the stuff is correct. :thumbsup:

what a load of shite people like you know feck all, hunting is as old as the hills and done properly isnt cruel :rant: i suppose your some vegi burger eatin greenie who would like whippet and greyhound racin banned as well as the rspca think thats cruel as well
kris said:
masta said:
so is this.

a lot of the stuff on that site that you posted is out of date, been superceded by more accurate reports, etc etc. -_- we can all copy and paste stuff,but first find out if the stuff is correct. :thumbsup:

'We can all cut and paste" what do you want me to do write the website? and because you say it's out of date off course it must be

"being pursued, caught and killed by dogs during coursing seriously compromises the welfare of the hare" (w00t) being driven and blasted by shotgun wounded and left to die a slow painful death does'nt ??????
So tell me all you anti girlies , what would you rather see , a hare with half its back leg blown off , limping around dying of septicaemia , or the same hare coursed by 2 whippets , given fair law , if it is caught it is dead , no question about it , it is a quicker death than a lingering one by a poor shot , and there are plenty around :D I`ve seen this myself last winter , the poor hare was half dead it`s back leg had been half blown away , nowyou tell me that coursing is cruel, you know nothing about the countryside :rant:

And while we`re on it , the Hunting Act will be repealed, not just as a vote winner , but because it is an unjust law passed by a narrow minded bigoted government made up largely of antis , not democratically passed , but enforced by the Parliament act , :rant:
Suzycbee said:
Rae said:
If the RSPCA had not opposed hare coursing I think the majority of the public would have seen it as a disgrace - it may not suit those of you that have had your lovely sport ruined, but they are there to prevent cruelty and so surely this does fall within their remit.

Well said Rae, totally agree with you

The two times I have contacted the RSPCA to ask for help, they didnt want to know. The first time, I rang them to report a rhodesian r/back running loose in heavy traffic in the town centre and was told they would only help WHEN the animal had got injured!!! (surely it would have been better to PREVENT an injury if they could?) I also reported a deer with a badly broken leg and was told that they wouldnt bother coming out to help as it would probably die anyway - I was shocked...

nigelmcfc said:
So tell me all you anti girlies , what would you rather see , a hare with half its back leg blown off , limping around  dying of septicaemia , or the same hare coursed by 2 whippets , given fair law , if it is caught it is dead , no question about it , it is a quicker death than a lingering one by a poor shot , and there are plenty around  :D I`ve seen this myself last winter , the poor hare was half dead it`s back leg had been half blown away , nowyou tell me that coursing is cruel, you know nothing about the countryside  :rant:
And while we`re on it , the Hunting Act will be repealed, not just as a vote winner , but because it is an unjust law passed by a narrow minded bigoted government made up largely of antis , not democratically passed , but enforced by the Parliament act ,  :rant:


i think the ch4 doc just proved that too! :thumbsup:

oh and im a girly but been brought in the country in the real world :- "
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what would you rather see , a hare with half its back leg blown off , limping around dying of septicaemia , or the same hare coursed by 2 whippets
The main problem with the above statement is shooting is next on the agenda for PETA for the reason you stated.

so while everyone is going around as they did in the TV programme on channel 4 showing a fox with its leg blown off and stating it had died a slow painfull death thats just more amunition for the fanaticle bunny huggers.

They banned fox hunting/coursing as they claimed it was "cruel" but now everyones going around staing that shootings crueler? no wonder field sports is in trouble we load the bullets they just shoot them.
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Mark Roberts said:
what would you rather see , a hare with half its back leg blown off , limping around dying of septicaemia , or the same hare coursed by 2 whippets
The main problem with the above statement is shooting is next on the agenda for PETA for the reason you stated.

so while everyone is going around as they did in the TV programme on channel 4 showing a fox with its leg blown off and stating it had died a slow painfull death thats just more amunition for the fanaticle bunny huggers.

They banned fox hunting/coursing as they claimed it was "cruel" but now everyones going around staing that shootings crueler? no wonder field sports is in trouble we load the bullets they just shoot them.

Mark, it just shows cruelty wan`t the real reason for banning coursing, the real reason was politics. Labour have wanted to ban coursing since the 1920`s because they see/saw it as an upper class passtime , the same as foxhunting. To quote one labour MP `it was our revenge for Thatchers attacks on the miners` misguided class warefare is all it was , funded by the likes of IFAW - fieldsports and true fieldsportsmen the real losers , lurchermen , cousers ,foxhunters .

I`m not a shooter myself , never had the interest don`t have a problem if people want to shoot hares, always feel a little sad that natures finest athlete deserves better , but that`s my opinion.
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Why do people HAVE to kill hares anyway, my understanding is that they are not considered vermin. So why do we have to decide between which way to kill them, when we could just leave them alone.
Zephyr said:
Why do people HAVE to kill hares anyway, my understanding is that they are not considered vermin.  So why do we have to decide between which way to kill them, when we could just leave them alone.
yes man could leave everything alone we dont need to kill cows for our beef are pigs for our pork, lets just sit in front of the tele eatin vegi burgers hare coursin is a sport its not about the kill but when that happens it creates food for our familys are our dogs
littlenell said:
Suzycbee said:
Rae said:
If the RSPCA had not opposed hare coursing I think the majority of the public would have seen it as a disgrace - it may not suit those of you that have had your lovely sport ruined, but they are there to prevent cruelty and so surely this does fall within their remit.

Well said Rae, totally agree with you

The two times I have contacted the RSPCA to ask for help, they didnt want to know. The first time, I rang them to report a rhodesian r/back running loose in heavy traffic in the town centre and was told they would only help WHEN the animal had got injured!!! (surely it would have been better to PREVENT an injury if they could?) I also reported a deer with a badly broken leg and was told that they wouldnt bother coming out to help as it would probably die anyway - I was shocked...


This isn't now the RSPCA's job. The collection of strays is the responsibility of the council dog warden. The strays are then taken to RSPCA kennels. Im surprised they didnt pass this information on.
Lolcoe said:
littlenell said:
Suzycbee said:
Rae said:
If the RSPCA had not opposed hare coursing I think the majority of the public would have seen it as a disgrace - it may not suit those of you that have had your lovely sport ruined, but they are there to prevent cruelty and so surely this does fall within their remit.

Well said Rae, totally agree with you

The two times I have contacted the RSPCA to ask for help, they didnt want to know. The first time, I rang them to report a rhodesian r/back running loose in heavy traffic in the town centre and was told they would only help WHEN the animal had got injured!!! (surely it would have been better to PREVENT an injury if they could?) I also reported a deer with a badly broken leg and was told that they wouldnt bother coming out to help as it would probably die anyway - I was shocked...


This isn't now the RSPCA's job. The collection of strays is the responsibility of the council dog warden. The strays are then taken to RSPCA kennels. Im surprised they didnt pass this information on.

Tell, what happens to these strays "out of hours" AS the dog warden is only available 9 till 5 weekdays. People will soon stop picking up strays as in the past month i have been stuck with 3 strays and NO HELP

Lets not mention police kennels after the greyhound incident

I was stating that the RSPCA havent any control over strays. At our council we are on call until 10pm and then stray dogs get picked up by community police and placed into RSPCA care. Our neighbouring council dog wardens are on call 24/7. I just suppose it depends on how good a service your council offers.
I know the topic of hunting and the ban is an emotive one but I believe that it was motivated by political vengence based on the kind of stereotyping we see here. Those who hunt foxes on horseback are "Hooray Henrys", those who voice concern about possible cruelty are "bunny huggers". I have no doubt that the old school labour party members thought that banning hunting was taking a swipe at the upper class and wanted to stop their jollies. Well I'm fast approaching 50, brought up on a council estate and clothed from charity shops until I was old enough to work.At 40 I fulfilled a lifetime ambition and bought a horse and learned to ride and managed to hunt just before it was axed [ I also got into coursing my whippets late in the game too].Hunting certainly has it's share of privelage but there were/are also many plain old Joe Soaps like me who work their arses off so they can do what they enjoy.Just as there are titled people who coursed whippets there are grafters who hunted and still do.It's easy to make sweeping statements when passions are aroused but it's not altogether helpful.
Peter Berry said:
I know the topic of hunting and the ban is an emotive one but I believe that it was motivated by political vengence based on the kind of stereotyping we see here. Those who hunt foxes on horseback are "Hooray Henrys", those who voice concern about possible cruelty are "bunny huggers". I have no doubt that the old school labour party members thought that banning hunting was taking a swipe at the upper class and wanted to stop their jollies. Well I'm fast approaching 50, brought up on a council estate and clothed from charity shops until I was old enough to work.At 40 I fulfilled a lifetime ambition and bought a horse and learned to ride and managed to hunt just before it was axed [ I also got into coursing my whippets late in the game too].Hunting certainly has it's share of privelage but there were/are also many plain old Joe Soaps like me who work their arses off so they can do what they enjoy.Just as there are titled people who coursed whippets there are grafters who hunted and still do.It's easy to make sweeping statements when passions are aroused but it's not altogether helpful.