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Remember This??? Makes Me Feel Old!!!

depends wot hour of the night u talkin about and how much u had to drink lol
I love old series like these.... brings back great childhood memories

but like on the thread Moriate has brought up.....The singing ringing tree stands out in my mind always as being really weird.... :blink: :wacko:

the music was always very spooky too...
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I loved Champion the Wonder Horse. :wub: :wub: :wub:
ooh ! can anyone find any clips of 'Pogle's Wood' ? :thumbsup:

I loved this, how wonderful to see them not lost forever on celluloid, it's great.
Julie D said:
ooh ! can anyone find any clips of 'Pogle's Wood' ?  :thumbsup:
I loved this, how wonderful to see them not lost forever on celluloid, it's great.

Found a short clip of Pogles Wood on the utube Milly put up,also came up with the Clangers :lol: and also found not kids related mind Northern Soul Wigan Casino :thumbsup: absolutely brill,feet are still moving as I type :D
White Horses theme :wub:

lovely-thank you for that................

used to make me cry when i heard it
since i found these shows on you tube ive had the theme to follyfoot playing in my head!!!! ive also been sitting and watching them too!!! :wacko:

aint going back to childhood great!!! :D
posh totty said:
since i found these shows on you tube ive had the theme to follyfoot playing in my head!!!! ive also been sitting and watching them too!!!  :wacko:
aint going back to childhood great!!!  :D

Yes definitely - trouble and carefree days.... :) :D :lol:
come on then who is up for a bit of hopscotch then? tadpoling? lets go tree climbing too !!! wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! :teehee: :wacko:
hang on Ill just get me pogo stick and me space hopper and my clackers out... :lol: :lol:
ill be in the shed getting the go kart out!! oh the days of fun!! :D