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Remember This??? Makes Me Feel Old!!!

that's one of my favorite songs, the theme from white horses :thumbsup:
omg!!! had to watch that!!! i have got in my shed a follyfoot book!!! oh and i remember reading cobblers dream!! im sure the horse was injured and they got it better etc and if i remember right it was a chestnut??!!!
Well before you run off to the shed to get the book

go answer your bl**dy e-mails :thumbsup:

Or i wont tell you what happened to cobblers :lol:
lovely memories of my childhood.

But did you click on the clip of 'The singing ringing tree' (w00t) (w00t)

I REMEMBER that, especially the fish stuck in the ice, was that on every week or just a one off, I was born in 1963 so must've watched the repeats :- "

They don't make them like they used to :blink:

We had a hired B/W tv , you put 10 p's into a slot in the back and at Christmas my dad swapped it for a colour one so we could watch Billy Smarts Circus in colour .....

but sadly after Christmas the B/W tv always came back :(

don't know they're born now, got a tv in every room AND in every pocket :lol:
posh totty said:
this will bring back memories!!!

I remember when my father bought a colour telly and being totally devistated to find 'white horses' was Still in black and white!
What year was that cos I don't remember it????

Neither dose my OH and he's 5 years older than me.
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Ah well that explains it...I was born in 1975 :- "
I 've got Cobblers Dream upstairs .If I remember correctly he was a show jumping pony that was injured they nursed him back to health and continued show jumping him

:oops: definitely showing my age now
(w00t) What a blast from the past!! I remember both, used to love White horses, it must have been in the 70's we didnt have a tv until then :- " :lol:
I remember all of those :- " (w00t) and Casey Jones,Singing ringing tree..... cat weasel.....Must have been all repeats :- " :lol: :p
anybody remember Mr Ed ?? the talking horse
Wow all the memories came flooding back :thumbsup: Who remembers 'Champion the Wonder Horse' and 'Fury'.Can't stop singing Follyfoot theme tune now :D
i remember champion the wonder horse but not fury
Just found out Champion the Wonder Horse was made in fiftys.I must have watched the repeats in the sixties :- " Vague memories of Fury.Dark bay or black horse with a small boy.Just watched Wonder Horse and Rebel ofcourse but don't know how to downoad on here :( :D Karenl
Yep, remember Mr Ed alright!!! Also think White horses was earlier than the 70s, more likely 60s!! There, showing my age too!!