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Price Of Puppys? Help.

JAX said:
Umm , Ive read all this and I think that the price I charge £450.00 is enough for a whippet . baring in mind the cost of a stud can be anything up to £500. 00+ . . Good feeding is a must for pups and my bitches get up to 4lb of meat a day  (w00t) should they want it whilst feeding her pups  . and that all comes out of any profit should you make any , then of course there is always the possiblity of her needing help ( ceasar ) to whelp . But t lets not be negative  ;)
I think knowledge of your  breeding lines also is a plus when selling pups ,I know peps like to see other relations of the pups when they come over , and gt granma Mayzee loves visitors  :huggles:   but at the end of the day good PERMANANT homes is all that matters , and of course afterrcare to the new owners is a must  :cheers:   Isnt it JO  :huggles:   :cheers:

i agree with Jackie :thumbsup:

what about if you used your own 'dog' people still charge about the same even if they used their own dog,just a thought.
phill said:
And just to add,I'm glad this topic and the other "puppies for sale" has brought up so much "feeling". There are many of you good people out there who love the breed and are'nt just in it to make ££££......  I comend you :thumbsup:   :thumbsup:   :thumbsup:

A reasonable "profit" and make sure the puppy goes to a loving home is what matters surely??

Everybody seems to want to make skip loads of £ today at any price in all types of makes me sad and mad :(   :rant:


                                                  Phill. :blink:

well im sure that people who know the story behind my litter know im coming out of this about £1000 down :(

not that i mind as i was NEVER intending on this litter for £££££££££

most people on here know my bitch and the sire , know how carefully line bred they were and how much time / effort / money and tonns of LOVE went into these babies :wub:

i had them ALL vaccinated and have only homed one on so it does get to me when people think breeding is all about ££££££££££££££££££££

then they come into the breed , do sod all for it except exploit it :rant:

oh and a few people have seen my pups and have seen how well cared for and how that has paid off by me having a lovely healthy happy lot of babies :D
daledogs said:
what about if you used your own 'dog' people still charge about the same even if they used their own dog,just a thought.
But you have still had to care/feed that dog for the rest of his life!
saraquele said:
phill said:
And just to add,I'm glad this topic and the other "puppies for sale" has brought up so much "feeling". There are many of you good people out there who love the breed and are'nt just in it to make ££££......  I comend you :thumbsup:   :thumbsup:   :thumbsup:

A reasonable "profit" and make sure the puppy goes to a loving home is what matters surely??

Everybody seems to want to make skip loads of £ today at any price in all types of makes me sad and mad :(   :rant:


                                                  Phill. :blink:

well im sure that people who know the story behind my litter know im coming out of this about £1000 down :(

not that i mind as i was NEVER intending on this litter for £££££££££

most people on here know my bitch and the sire , know how carefully line bred they were and how much time / effort / money and tonns of LOVE went into these babies :wub:

i had them ALL vaccinated and have only homed one on so it does get to me when people think breeding is all about ££££££££££££££££££££

then they come into the breed , do sod all for it except exploit it :rant:

oh and a few people have seen my pups and have seen how well cared for and how that has paid off by me having a lovely healthy happy lot of babies :D

I totally agree with you :thumbsup: We are down about the same amount if not more on this last litter BUT we bred for ourselves to have the particular lines from the Sire and it is our bitches 2nd and last litter,she will be speyed if I can finish her title off and retire her to the sofa!! :wub: so we never bred to make money we have kept a dog and two bitches back this time and only had five puppies,so hardly a huge money making scam! :lol: In fact I don't think I will bother to add up just how much "out of pocket" we are...I might frighten myself too much! (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)
05whippet said:
saraquele said:
phill said:
And just to add,I'm glad this topic and the other "puppies for sale" has brought up so much "feeling". There are many of you good people out there who love the breed and are'nt just in it to make ££££......  I comend you :thumbsup:   :thumbsup:   :thumbsup:

A reasonable "profit" and make sure the puppy goes to a loving home is what matters surely??

Everybody seems to want to make skip loads of £ today at any price in all types of makes me sad and mad :(   :rant:


                                                  Phill. :blink:

well im sure that people who know the story behind my litter know im coming out of this about £1000 down :(

not that i mind as i was NEVER intending on this litter for £££££££££

most people on here know my bitch and the sire , know how carefully line bred they were and how much time / effort / money and tonns of LOVE went into these babies :wub:

i had them ALL vaccinated and have only homed one on so it does get to me when people think breeding is all about ££££££££££££££££££££

then they come into the breed , do sod all for it except exploit it :rant:

oh and a few people have seen my pups and have seen how well cared for and how that has paid off by me having a lovely healthy happy lot of babies :D

I totally agree with you :thumbsup: We are down about the same amount if not more on this last litter BUT we bred for ourselves to have the particular lines from the Sire and it is our bitches 2nd and last litter,she will be speyed if I can finish her title off and retire her to the sofa!! :wub: so we never bred to make money we have kept a dog and two bitches back this time and only had five puppies,so hardly a huge money making scam! :lol: In fact I don't think I will bother to add up just how much "out of pocket" we are...I might frighten myself too much! (w00t) (w00t) (w00t)

i know what you mean (w00t)

we may be out of pocket in the £ stakes but no amount of £ can buy me the happiness these babies have given me :huggles:
phill said:
As i have said £300-£350 is ample for a PET whippet
I don't think you'll find too many breeders who will charge any differently for a whippet going to a pet home or a show home. And to be honest why should they. They haven't put any less care and cost into the rearing of the pet whippet, so why should they get less.

With the average litter sizes and everything else there aren't huge amounts of money to be made unless you are overbreeding. If you're talking breeds that are going for ridiculous sums like £800 plus - absolutely. But £450 a pup doesn't make the breeder a whole lot unless they have a remarkably large litter. And if they have less than 4 we're not even talking about breaking even - we're talking most likely losing - even if there are no additional medical needs or unforseen probelms. Add in to that the cost of a C-section if needed....

There's a lot more cost involved in breeding than a lot of people think if it's done properly.

But back to the original point - why do you believe that a whippet raised with exactly the same circumstances should be sold cheaper because it's going to a "pet home"?

A small part of me finds that insulting to the poor pup that someone would think his/her value was less because he's 'only a pet' (w00t) . IMO they should be 'pets/companions' FIRST, then show/working etc.....

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chelynnah said:
phill said:
As i have said £300-£350 is ample for a PET whippet
I don't think you'll find too many breeders who will charge any differently for a whippet going to a pet home or a show home. And to be honest why should they. They haven't put any less care and cost into the rearing of the pet whippet, so why should they get less.

With the average litter sizes and everything else there aren't huge amounts of money to be made unless you are overbreeding. If you're talking breeds that are going for ridiculous sums like £800 plus - absolutely. But £450 a pup doesn't make the breeder a whole lot unless they have a remarkably large litter. And if they have less than 4 we're not even talking about breaking even - we're talking most likely losing - even if there are no additional medical needs or unforseen probelms. Add in to that the cost of a C-section if needed....

There's a lot more cost involved in breeding than a lot of people think if it's done properly.

But back to the original point - why do you believe that a whippet raised with exactly the same circumstances should be sold cheaper because it's going to a "pet home"?

A small part of me finds that insulting to the poor pup that someone would think his/her value was less because he's 'only a pet' (w00t) . IMO they should be 'pets/companions' FIRST, then show/working etc.....


Hear, hear. I make no differential with my puppies. They are puppies and their price is their price, they have all cost the same to raise and any money for them goes straight back into caring for the dogs whether it is feeding them, Vet bills, buying coats/collars etc. I find it quite insulting too when people say "I only want a pet", that is what they should all be, first and foremost, your friend, companion & family member not a business venture or a tool for a hobby.
dessie said:
chelynnah said:
phill said:
As i have said £300-£350 is ample for a PET whippet
I don't think you'll find too many breeders who will charge any differently for a whippet going to a pet home or a show home. And to be honest why should they. They haven't put any less care and cost into the rearing of the pet whippet, so why should they get less.

With the average litter sizes and everything else there aren't huge amounts of money to be made unless you are overbreeding. If you're talking breeds that are going for ridiculous sums like £800 plus - absolutely. But £450 a pup doesn't make the breeder a whole lot unless they have a remarkably large litter. And if they have less than 4 we're not even talking about breaking even - we're talking most likely losing - even if there are no additional medical needs or unforseen probelms. Add in to that the cost of a C-section if needed....

There's a lot more cost involved in breeding than a lot of people think if it's done properly.

But back to the original point - why do you believe that a whippet raised with exactly the same circumstances should be sold cheaper because it's going to a "pet home"?

A small part of me finds that insulting to the poor pup that someone would think his/her value was less because he's 'only a pet' (w00t) . IMO they should be 'pets/companions' FIRST, then show/working etc.....


Hear, hear. I make no differential with my puppies. They are puppies and their price is their price, they have all cost the same to raise and any money for them goes straight back into caring for the dogs whether it is feeding them, Vet bills, buying coats/collars etc. I find it quite insulting too when people say "I only want a pet", that is what they should all be, first and foremost, your friend, companion & family member not a business venture or a tool for a hobby.

Spot on Dessie and Wendy :thumbsup:

Mine are `only pets ` who also happen to come to shows with me so I dont look too silly going around the ring without a dog on the end of my lead :eek: :lol:

As for using my own stud dog and `saving £` , as already said , we do have to feed him all his life , not just went we want him to `perform` ;)
Sorry if i've upset some of you out there :(

And the "just a pet" was'nt meant to be a put down on breeders.All i meant was our puppy will be first and foremost OUR WELL LOVED Pet :thumbsup: As you quite rightly all say should come first.I agree!!

Yes,I can understand why a breeder would not let it go"cheaper" because it is "just a pet".But i have had several persian cats in the past that have been sold to me at "various" prices because they did'nt reach the breed criteria,Hence some more expensive than others.

What can't be denied is there ARE breeders out there who are making a lot of money from over-breeding(we all know there are) and this then reflects bad on GOOD GENUINE Breeders/people.

If £350 is the price we have to pay we will pay it.....From a GOOD breeder.

As i said at the beginning of this post all your whippets are pets first and foremost! Some of you show them,Some don't.........

But to some people they are a nice earner,Don't deny it please.


I wish you luck in finding a puppy :luck: ......but just remember 1 Whippets never enough :thumbsup:
Thank -you :thumbsup:

That's the thing people have told us at show's.....we'll end up with a home full :lol:

Been offered a couple,But we need to wait a couple of month.....until our "ERIC" Whippet fund builds up :luck:

Well we will need photos when you get your Eric :wub: .........I have an Eric too ...and they are perfect :cheers: Hannah.
When we get him,The photo's will be here :D :cheers:

We both think "ERIC" IS A GREAT NAME....But our pup may look like something else....not a Eric,We'll have to see :luck: :D
Sorry to 'butt in' on this thread, but I was wondering why breeders dont insure their bitches if they are worried about the cost of a possible c-section. We bred one litter from our wonderful little bitch and she ended up needing a section after only being able to deliver her first pup naturally. We had the 'excess' to pay, but the balance was settled by the insurance company - within a week. We would have thought twice about breeding from her without insurance cover :eek:
Denise said:
Sorry to 'butt in' on this thread, but I was wondering why breeders dont insure their bitches if they are worried about the cost of a possible c-section.  We bred one litter from our wonderful little bitch and she ended up needing a section after only being able to deliver her first pup naturally.  We had the 'excess' to pay, but the balance was settled by the insurance company - within a week.  We would have thought twice about breeding from her without insurance cover :eek:
I thought that most insurance companies wouldn't pay for any complications arising from whelping??? Correct me if I'm wrong but that what my policy says, I know there are ways around the rules but on the whole I'd think that they wouldn't pay.
My dogs are insured with NFU and they cover any 'emergency' complications arising from whelping, which covered my bitch's c-section. Pet Plan also have this cover within their general policy. I didnt pay any extra for this cover - but I am not sure that people are aware they are covered for an emergency during whelping. Even my vet told me that I wouldnt have cover - he asked me if I wanted a quote before he went ahead and operated :wacko: As if I was going to say "no, let her suffer" :- "

I decided to telephone NFU to check and they assured me that the section was included as an emergency.

I had a similar situation when I bred a foal from my mare when she had complications - Pet Plan covered the vets bills as they were for an emergency too. Which is why I had an idea that my bitch would be covered.
Denise said:
My dogs are insured with NFU and they cover any 'emergency' complications arising from whelping, which covered my bitch's c-section.  Pet Plan also have this cover within their general policy.  I didnt pay any extra for this cover - but I am not sure that people are aware they are covered for an emergency during whelping.  Even my vet told me that I wouldnt have cover - he asked me if I wanted a quote before he went ahead and operated  :wacko:   As if I was going to say "no, let her suffer" :- "
I decided to telephone NFU to check and they assured me that the section was included as an emergency. 

I had a similar situation when I bred a foal from my mare when she had complications - Pet Plan covered the vets bills as they were for an emergency too.  Which is why I had an idea that my bitch would be covered.

Thats interesting to know. Doesn't affect me because I don't breed :p but may be helpful for others to be aware of.
I had been meaning to mention it on this forum for a while as I have read a number of times how expensive a section is and how it must be figured into the costs when planning a litter. And, as I said, even my vet (and his receptionist) advised me that my bitch would not be covered. I have put them right now and I hope that they will now tell clients to check their policy as they may well be covered, especially if they are with either NFU or PetPlan.
Do you mind if I ask where you got this figure of £300-£350 from?

Not being funny or anything but to my mind that would say Puppy Farmer. :(

I'm not a breeder just a Whippet lover who has just started doing a few shows this year & have no desire to breed in the future.

Personally speaking I think that £400-£450 is a fair amount to pay from a good breeder who feeds the pup's well etc & is there on the end of the phone for free advice going forward. This advice in it's self is well worth paying that little bit extra for but to know that you have a lovely healthy puppy with a good temperament etc is worth it's wait in gold.

Having said that I think paying £550-£600 is over the top. I'm sure that some of the Top breeders in the UK don't charge that much.

I know of Whippets that have come from a puppy farm who have skin problems etc & it costs you a fortune in vets bills going forward.

It's a real shame that there are still puppy farmers out there that bring the breed & breeders into question just because they want £££££'s :rant:

I wish you luck finding your new puppy :luck: :luck:
Boffy01 said:
Do you mind if I ask where you got this figure of £300-£350 from?

Not being funny or anything but to my mind that would say Puppy Farmer. :(

Sorry but I think that is a ridiculous statement,and the sort which causes bad feeling :angry:

A huge amount of people on here charge that amount for well bred puppies and would be offended by that comment :blink:
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