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Please Pray For Tascha

Hope all is well with Tascha :luck: :luck: Thinking of you all :huggles: :huggles:

Caz x
Just read this Andrea -so sorryabout what has happenned - and wishing Tascha All the Luck in the World :luck: :luck: For a Speedy Recovery :luck: Come on Girl you can do it. :huggles:
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They do get themselves into some dreadful situations don't they?

I hope Tascha will pull through Andrea - the vets will do everything they can. And whippets can surprise you with their resilience.

:luck: :luck: :luck: :luck:
Poor Tasha :( ,,poor you :( ,,, Hope she is a lot better this morning and will keep everything crossed for a speedy recovery :luck: :luck:
Hi Andrea,

Thanks for the call last night, i'm sure bu now she's feeling better as it takes more than a few pain killers to stop a Parkstone puppy. :thumbsup:

Talk later.
:( how terrible!

:luck: thinking of you, and lots of love to little Tascha :huggles:
:luck: :luck: Weve all got our fingers and paws croseed for her :luck: :luck:
Keeping everything crossed for good news. :luck: :luck: :luck:
:huggles: Everything crossed for your little girl :huggles:
Poor Tascha :luck: :luck:

I know a whippet that did a similar thing too and spent the night on a drip - and he was just fine.

And, just for your peace of mind, sometimes these things are just accidents and accidents just sometimes happen.
:luck: Everything crossed here as well for Tascha :luck:
Have been thinking about you all day Andrea. How is Tascha... any news?
Been away and only just read this- lots and lots of luck Tascha :luck: :luck: :luck: hope you're feeling better this morning
oh how dreadful :( I hope your little one is felling better Andrea :huggles:
:luck: :luck: Good luck and thinking about you all :luck: :luck:

Tascha is in the best hand, so you muct look after yourself. :huggles:
Ok, first of all, thanks for all the well wishes and PMs, they helped me get through this I can tell you.

I've just come back from the vets, and brought my baby home with me, she does have to go back on Tuesday though, for another blood test, as apparently the amount of tablets she ate can damage her kidneys, so they just want to keep an eye on that. She's been given some black stuff that I have to put on her food for over the weekend, must be charcoal or something like that, I didn't think she'd eat it, but she has done, so it is true, whippets eat anything, even yukky stuff lol.

She's got 2 bald patches on her front legs, where they did bloods and drips, but I'm sure it won't be too long before it starts growing back again.

On the whole though, things are looking up, and she's one very lucky whippety pup, who's getting smothered in hugs and kisses right now.
That's great news :thumbsup: I am so relieved for you, give her :huggles: from me.

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:cheers: Great news :cheers:

Glad she is home again :huggles: