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Pics with results


a totally addicted
Reaction score
Is there any chance that any of you delightful folk who post results on here have a digital camera that you take some shots of the winners with and post pics as well as results?

That would be so helpful to us foreigners!
May try to get some at Crufts for you, class winners perhaps and the ticket winners. Wont be able to get the winners of my classes as its hard to show a dog with a camera in your hand. :D :D
When we attend Ch shows we try to get some photos but it does depend on where the show is held. Quite a few shows are in 'so called' Leisure Centres where the lighting is OK for kickball or hitball or chuckball. However the lighting is not usually that good for photographing whippets unless flash is used and that can be very distracting even at the end of a class as the next class is entering and getting setup. Some societies ban video cameras and the banning of photographs has been mentioned too!!!

Where we manage to get good quality and suitable photos we put them on our site along with the results from the Ch shows.

It is planned that the SYWC results book for 2003 will have photos of major winners, hopefully all CC & RCC winners and the critiques from the show. The current format will also be available and free to members whereas it is expected that a small charge will be made for the 'new' version - reduced rate for members.

The 2002 results book will be in its current format and 'hopefully' will be available at Crufts.


Aphrael Whippets
Hi Aslan, my "saint" bought a digital camera 2 wks ago, why do men never grow up, their toys just get more expensive? :D

I've looked at it, :D it is meant to be simple :D . The saint chose a simple one with me in mind, I wanted to take it on our common, to get action shots of our dogs for our web site :( , when I eventually get around to doing it. :b

I will ask him to, "ask people", if they mind him taking a photo. So we can post it on the board, I think most people won't mind, just need to check first. But bear with us, as of yet, he's the only one who can operate the thing, and he hasn't yet sussed, how to download the pictures to the computer :( . We will try though :b .

Lydia and Darkstars
Hi Aslan

I have a digital camera but as yet cannot get the picture small enough to fit on the site, i am using "adobe photoshop 5" if anyone knows how to reduce the the bit size of the photos PLEASE PLEASE let me know..

Dave ??? ( conway)
Hi Dave,

You should size the image to about 450 pixels wide and save it as a .jpg file. With jpg files you can vary the quality vs file size. When you save it in Photoshop there will be a setting somewhere which allows you to reduce the quality of the saved image and hence the file size. Typically you can save the file at about '50% quality' and the displayed picture on a monitor will be fine.

The limit is set at 75Kb for posting because if you allow anything bigger than that pages take just too long to load. You should have no problem with 75Kb - some people (mentioning no names ;) ) have even managed to post 1280x960 images (& that was only 53Kb).
Look for a button with Dimensions written on it, clic on this and it will show you how big the image is, and ask you if you want the image in inches or pixels or kbs and then keeping the aspect ratio (thats length to height) just make it small as Nigel wants it.

I am the worlds thickest pc person but have mastered my digital camera and down loading the images. Best advice dont rush, nothing will happen if you wait awhile and read whats on the screen.

Men always make it sound harder than it really is. Please God dont let Lydia and Debra read this last sentence. :b
Thanks Wendy, hes just starting to move now without flayling his limbs about, I dont know how these people get their dogs sorted out and get tickets at 9 months!!
Karen said:
Men always make it sound harder than it really is.  Please God dont let Lydia and Debra read this last sentence. :b
Hi Karen- :0 I found it :D .

In all seriousness, you can't be the thickest person :D , I'm still struggling with our video recorder and the "saints" D.V.D. player :D . I can use the T.V. though, and the microwave :D , so I think I'm doing o.k.

I will get the hang of his digital camera eventually, he showed me last night how to "view" the pic's he's taken. Then he started to explain "how to take a picture", my one brain cell siezed :0 , I asked him to stop :0 which luckily he did :D I shall have a play with the camera and work out what is what soon.

I think your photo is lovely.

I shan't repeat some of the rumours, I've heard about, re: tickets!Lets just say, the dogs who obtain them young @9 mths. are very early maturing. Yours, taking longer to mature, should have longer showing life, looking their best. :D

Lydia and Darkstars
Hi Aslan, peter Scott from Andover England I owned the top peddigree racing stud dog in the early 19 70 tees peddigree name Spotted Pepe racing name Flying Scott.

He matted a bitch from hastings called Apries Ski and the pups were very fast, one of the dogs went to Austrailia he was about 28lbs in weight and blue in colour, i heard that he raced down under with great results, have you any info on him.
HI Peter

If you can tell me the pedigree name of the dog that came to Australia - I might be able to help. I don't recall seeing the names of the parents in any of our top show pedigrees though.

I will ask around though.

Thanks to everyone for their input on the results and pics question. I look forward to seeing some pics of beautiful dogs!!!!
I know I've posted it before, but it is a good picture so I thought I might post it again - not sure if you saw it last time Aslan.

It's a picture of our Time Keeper at the last bend championships at Moreton in Marsh.

View attachment 260
fantastic photo Nigel, look at that pastern. If I painted it like that people would say it was wrong.
Hi Karen,

Just found you reply,

All i can say is No Comment, :D :p

Debra :D :p

P S the photo is lovely :D
Hi Peter & Lana

I think the dog Peter is talking about was Speedon Pal Joey. There was an article about him in a 1983 edition of Whippet Times. I think he must have arrived in Australia in April 1982 and belonged to David May who took him racing at Cranbourne nr. Melbourne. Hope that gives you some clues Lana :)
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I agree, brilliant photo! Interesting to see they have vetwrap on their pasterns ........... is it just vetwrap or do you pad it out as well?? I use leather stopper boots on my Whips at Lure Coursing if the ground is very hard.
Sorry, I also meant to say (tardily), Frodo is looking well, Karen. Strange isn't it how the girls seem to mature quicker than the boys???!!! Patsy's puppy always strikes me as very grown up but Frodo as very much a baby. My two are a bit like that, Aimee seems to have suddenly matured much more than Rupert .................. it is just that people notice him more because he is such a show-off brat!!!