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Penny Has Been Attacked

I'm glad Penny is back from the vets but I was shocked at the size of the wound - it doesn't change things for you and Penny but I would want these dogs destroyed.
Hi sarah hope you had a good nights sleep without too many flash backs :(

hope penny had a comfortable night too :huggles:

Think a chilled out weekend will do you both good .
OMG, What a scary experience! I hope you are both on the mend!
glad shes back with you,

like whats already said im quite shoked at the size of the wond! :eek:

hope you both had a good night sleep,

try to get back out there as soon as possible, as the longer you leave it the harder it may be for you, even if you have to walk it a few times on your own before pennys better :thumbsup:

i was scared from going back out after star was attacted but quickly found this sort of thing doesnt happen all the time, like you said you have happily walked that way for 6years :)

good luck xxxx

:huggles: :huggles:
hugs and healing thoughts to both of you :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Glad you have her back from the vets now. Hope she had a comfortable night. That is a nasty wound she has, bless her :( Hugs to you both :huggles:
:eek: thats massive, omg. its a good plan youve thought of, about local friendly dogs to build up her confidence. poor poor girlie :(
I really feel for you both as probably most dog owners live in dread of something like this happening, I know I do as we do quite a bit of pavement walking. Thankfully it seems not to happen that often and as you say you have been walking that route for 6 years and will probably never happen again. Your confidence will be knocked for a while but will return in time.

It may be useful to have a discussion about what the best thing to do if this happens - I know someone suggested pepper spray but I think it is illegal in this country?? But to be quite honest if I thought it would save my dog I would have no hesitation in using something like that.

Hope you are both feeling better soon :luck:
Penny had a very unsettled night last night she didn't know what to be doing with herself she also had a little upset tummy. My dad has been up with her all night. She has been sleeping all morning now and seems to be more comfortable. The vet said it was ok to give her gentle exercise so my dad took her away in the car this morning to one of his usual walks where there are some regular dog walkers he often passes. She is to have the stitches in for 10-14 days and thought it wouldn't be a good idea keeping her isolated for this lenth of time. She met a calm collie that she has met before and was happy to have a wee sniff and let it approach her so im glad she wasn't frightened hopefully she will continue to be her usual self with all dogs she meets. She only went a short walk on her lead but is walking ok.

I still feel anxious over this, normally when I feel anxious I go a nice long walk with Penny but can't do that. I just feel relieved that she is ok as it could have been a lot worse. I still feel bad thinking how frightened she was. My dad did have a long chat with the man and by the sounds of it he is going to be doing all he can to prevent this happening again, im sure he doesn't want to be paying a £86 vet bill again.

The wound is bigger than I initially thought as before we went to the vet her fur was covering one of the wounds, by the looks of it I think its two bite wounds.

Thanks again for all the lovely messages :huggles:
Have you any arnica tablets you could give her ? They are really good for bruising.

My brindle boy was attacked in a similar way by a huge staffy when someone came to their front door to answer a knock and the wreched dog shot out and attacked my boy as we were passing by.

He is wary of some other dogs now but really hates any staffys, but all his wounds have healed up and I am sure your little girls will as well given time. :)
Oh my, that's such a nasty wound - poor Penny :( I'm glad she enjoyed her wee walk today though and wasn't afraid of the dog she met. I'm wondering if a panic alarm would scare off an attacking dog - you know the personal attack alarms you can get that make a loud noise - might that scare off a dog do you think??? I'm definitely thinking about carrying something when I'm out with Blue and Alfie after reading what's happened to Penny, just not sure what the best thing would be.

Hope Penny goes from strength to strength (and you too) :huggles:
Penny had a very unsettled night last night she didn't know what to be doing with herself she also had a little upset tummy. My dad has been up with her all night. She has been sleeping all morning now and seems to be more comfortable. The vet said it was ok to give her gentle exercise so my dad took her away in the car this morning to one of his usual walks where there are some regular dog walkers he often passes. She is to have the stitches in for 10-14 days and thought it wouldn't be a good idea keeping her isolated for this lenth of time. She met a calm collie that she has met before and was happy to have a wee sniff and let it approach her so im glad she wasn't frightened hopefully she will continue to be her usual self with all dogs she meets. She only went a short walk on her lead but is walking ok.
I still feel anxious over this, normally when I feel anxious I go a nice long walk with Penny but can't do that. I just feel relieved that she is ok as it could have been a lot worse. I still feel bad thinking how frightened she was. My dad did have a long chat with the man and by the sounds of it he is going to be doing all he can to prevent this happening again, im sure he doesn't want to be paying a £86 vet bill again.

The wound is bigger than I initially thought as before we went to the vet her fur was covering one of the wounds, by the looks of it I think its two bite wounds.

Thanks again for all the lovely messages :huggles:
Sorry to hear she had an unsettled night last night :( Hope she's more comfortable tonight. Maybe a mix of the drugs and the stress the whole thing has caused her will have upset her tummy, poor girl :huggles: You'll probably be stressed and anxious for a while when you take her out yourself, it's understandable. That was good she met that collie today with your dad though. I hope the wound heals nicely with no infections etc :luck: :luck: :luck: :huggles: :huggles:
I hope you & Penny are feeling a lot better now, poor little girl :(

Aloe Vera gel will help the would to heal up much quicker. My Scrumpy gashed her shoulder and had 12 staples in it. It healed in 2 weeks with this, it's great stuff although the dogs seem to like the taste of it so if the wound is reachable you may need to prevent Penny from licking the gel off. I put a T-shirt on Scrumpy so she couldn't get to it ;)

really hope Penny is feeling much happier very soon.
Ive only just seen this Sarah...havnt been on much since my holiday what with washing and ironing.

Im so very sorry about the attack on Penny... :( and know only too well what it feels like (Chips attack in 2000)

it is most traumatic.....I do hope she heals well, it does look a very nasty wound...but its amazing how these dogs

come back from the brink...

Sending hugs your way for you and Penny... :huggles: :huggles: :flowers:
How is Penny today Sarah? :huggles: hope she is more relaxed...
I hope you & Penny are feeling a lot better now, poor little girl :( Aloe Vera gel will help the would to heal up much quicker. My Scrumpy gashed her shoulder and had 12 staples in it. It healed in 2 weeks with this, it's great stuff although the dogs seem to like the taste of it so if the wound is reachable you may need to prevent Penny from licking the gel off. I put a T-shirt on Scrumpy so she couldn't get to it ;)

really hope Penny is feeling much happier very soon.
Funny you should say that - I've just ordered some Aloe Vera with bee propolis cream Aloe Propolis cream that is supposed to be very good for any skin healing problems. I got it to help when Grace has sore patches from her grass allergy/sensitivity but I expect it would be good for wounds too. Lots of hugs and love to Sarah & Penny, and I hope her recovery is fast and smooth :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Hi Sarah

I have only just read this. Poor you and poor Penny. At least the owner has the decency to take responsibility for his dogs behaviour. Hopefully this will be a lesson to him and he will improve his garden security. It is a pity he did not think to do it before this happened. That is however little comfort to you and Penny :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: to you both. I hope Penny continues to mend :wub:
Penny is doing lots better thanks. She is back to her usual self apart from a bit of discomfort if she tries to lay down on that side. She has met a few dogs out on walks and has been fine with them and is still happy to say hello. She has been getting fussed over with people coming to visit her and phoning to check how she is which she is loving! We have some aloe vera gel so will maybe try some on her wound to help, at the moment it is looking nice and clean :)