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Penny Has Been Attacked

Penny is doing lots better thanks. She is back to her usual self apart from a bit of discomfort if she tries to lay down on that side. She has met a few dogs out on walks and has been fine with them and is still happy to say hello. She has been getting fussed over with people coming to visit her and phoning to check how she is which she is loving! We have some aloe vera gel so will maybe try some on her wound to help, at the moment it is looking nice and clean :)
So glad to hear she is on the mend and has not had her confidence knocked with meeting other dogs :)

Lots of hugs and kisses sent her way :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
Penny is doing lots better thanks. She is back to her usual self apart from a bit of discomfort if she tries to lay down on that side. She has met a few dogs out on walks and has been fine with them and is still happy to say hello. She has been getting fussed over with people coming to visit her and phoning to check how she is which she is loving! We have some aloe vera gel so will maybe try some on her wound to help, at the moment it is looking nice and clean :)
Thats really good news Sarah... :huggles:
I'm glad to hear that Penny is doing so well - they're resilient wee critters aren't they :)
Penny is doing lots better thanks. She is back to her usual self apart from a bit of discomfort if she tries to lay down on that side. She has met a few dogs out on walks and has been fine with them and is still happy to say hello. She has been getting fussed over with people coming to visit her and phoning to check how she is which she is loving! We have some aloe vera gel so will maybe try some on her wound to help, at the moment it is looking nice and clean :)
Thats really good news Sarah... :huggles:
So sorry Sarah what you both have been through,so please Penny is on the mend :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles: :huggles:
i hope she gets better my little girl got attacked about two weeks ago by a bull mastiff. And cost me £100 in vet bills and she had two punchure wounds on her back leg as the dog tried to rip her from my arms! not a nice experience! get well soon penny xxx
dabroad I am so sorry to hear your girl got attacked, it must have been awful for you it trying to rip her from your arms. I hope she has recovered well :huggles:

Penny is back at the vets tomorrow to see if she has healed up well enough for her stitches to come out. She was to be kept on the lead while they are in and I think she is itching to get off her lead for a mooch and run around. She has been doing so well, you would never know what she has been through, she has met loads of friendly dogs since and has been her usual friendly self, which is such a relief. Here are a couple of pictures of her :wub:

having a wee sleep :huggles:


being cheeky :wub:

Glad to hear she is doing well . She is a gorgeous girlie :D
I'm so pleased that penny doesn't seem to have been affected by the attack, what a good girlie :D

Lots of :luck: at the vets tomorrow sarah.

Sending :huggles: to you all
so happy that she is back to herself, you have a beautiful and brave girl :wub:
Aw, lovely to see that photo of Penny rolling around looking so happy on the grass. I hope it goes well at the vets tomorrow :luck:
I'm glad Penny is well on the mend but just wanted to comment on what happened.

They wouldn't leave her and kept trying to get her again and she kept pulling on her lead trying to get away from them and was crying. Then the worst thing possible happened she slipped her collar and ran.
I think Penny slipping her collar may been the best possible thing - it may well have saved her life. A dog on a lead does not have access to either of it's defence mechanisms - fight OR flight. Outnumbered, most dogs will choose flight and I think Penny's slipping her collar may well have saved her from more serious injuries. Whippets are blessed with speed and its that speed that probably saved her. It's not easy to let go but it sure beats watching your dog be mauled.

My advice to anyone in this situation is drop the lead. Your dog cannot defend itself while you hang on to it. Unless you can keep yourself between the aggressing dogs and your own, hanging onto the lead makes your dog defenceless.
Really sorry to read this .

Ive had it happen too , and you always imagine the worst cinerio. Luckily my dog was fast enough to get away from his attackers , but he ran onto a main road and bus route, to this day Ive no idea how far he went , cos he was found nearer home than the direction hed run in

Poor Penny , sending `mulcair` hugs and licks to her and you

Jackie and the MULCAIR gang
The wound is looking SO well healed now :)

And it's lovely to see her rolling around in the sunshine!!

Well done Penny and Sarah :wub: