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:D Bored with telly, so here are some pics :D Looks like his markings are getting darker as he gets lighter, daughter said he looks like he has 666 written on his back o:) Resized_Paddy_Nov_8_005.jpg


max don,t look very happy (w00t) paddy looks great len :D
aww hes looking good :wub: :wub: ya shud ov called him damien with them markings lol :b
He is lovely, his dads blue in his coat has always got darker in the winter, but he has not got a blue leg len :) What does he weigh now, Millie was 9lb when she was last weighed , we will try and get some photos on fot you :)
:D He's over 11lb (w00t) fat little :oops: I hear Millie is a little cow lol just like her mam! Hurry up with pics Llol
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You'll have to get a close up of those markings, the last lot you took i was flumoxed at what colour he was, i couldn't work out if he was a lightly marked brindle or a blue fawn with loads of blue :lol: Looks lovely nonetheless :thumbsup:
I think he's been playing out in the mud and you just can't be bothered to give him a bath (w00t)
He looks lovely Lenny a right handful :luck:
paddy looks great, fat and happy :thumbsup: :luck:
:D More pics Vicky so you can decide what colour he is (w00t) 12 weeks tomorrow & he weighs 13lb, looks like we have a 26lb dog :- "Resized_Paddy_Nov_11_001.jpg


len said:
:D More pics Vicky so you can decide what colour he is  (w00t) 12 weeks tomorrow & he weighs 13lb, looks like we have a 26lb dog :- "
hi len wieghed tilly today she weighs 10/4oz and complet pain in the back side
Len his blue brindle markings seem to get darker every time i see him. Don't he going to loose them.
pauldear said:
len said:
:D More pics Vicky so you can decide what colour he is  (w00t) 12 weeks tomorrow & he weighs 13lb, looks like we have a 26lb dog :- "
hi len wieghed tilly today she weighs 10/4oz and complet pain in the back side

:D Sounds like Paddy & Millie are twins lol :- " no one can say they are short of spirit!
sharon whincop said:
Len his blue brindle markings seem to get darker every time i see him. Don't he going to loose them.
He seems to be getting more patches as he grows (w00t) you just watch when he gets a bath they will all come off :lol:
len said:
sharon whincop said:
Len his blue brindle markings seem to get darker every time i see him. Don't he going to loose them.
He seems to be getting more patches as he grows (w00t) you just watch when he gets a bath they will all come off :lol:

tancy has learnt she can jump and run everywhere but she also answers commands well sometimes . the pups fav trick is sliding down bare legs. still im glad ive got them.
Nowt like a bit of mothers discipline (w00t) At least Paddy takes notice of someone in the house :lol:

(w00t) You know were we live if you want to borrow her :lol: