Hihi len tancy is 15.5 lb. she traps wears a muzzle and runs the full length of worcesters track . we tried to ease of with her but she loves it. we will be easing her a bit cos we dont want to push her. best of luck with paddy and with trailer tent well be doing a bit if travelling . remember m e to lin c u soon
Glad to hear Tanzy is keen to race, it is a beautiful litter Linda and Lennie have bred from Skye and I look forward to see them racing, but please do ease off with her no matter how keen she is or loves it, It is far to early for her to race from the traps to the line at such a young age (not yet six months) I would hate to see her seriously injured before her racing career gets started, I apologise if this is not the case and I have miss read your post, I hope tha the latter is true.
Best Wishes
With all due respect tanzy is now 6 months and we have been following the guidance of pauline wilsons book on rearing and racing of whippets which suggests running them from 4 and half to 5 months over a distance of 15 to 20 yds and gradually increasing that distance which we have done. We have realised that tanzy is not quite able to run full distance and will be dropping her back to 15 to 20 yds. We have been running her on her individual abillity as she has taken to it quite quickly.
Everyone has there own opinion of when is the best time to start them and it is difficult to know whos opinion is best to follow having not been in the sport long. So we are letting tanzy show us if she is ready or not and changing our pratices according to how well or not so well she does.
I am sorry if my last post offended you that was not my intention, I can see by your posts how much you care about your pups and are looking forward to the race season starting, as many are a round the country who only straight race or have young dogs coming on. but can I say Pauline's book though it is a very good guide it is a old book and many people in the sport today would not advocate running a dog so young, because of the risk of permanent injury But to be fair can I say it is even harder to judge when you have a pup which is a quick learner you hardly have to teach them a thing, they are that keen you put them in the trap and they are ready to race. the danger is puppies do not know what's good for them, they are that keen they will not stop if they have been over stretched or injured until it is to late. If you are new to the sport I am sure there are plenty people at your training club that will keep you right if asked,as would the breeders of your pups always a good source for advice, this is a friendly sport and on the whole people are very helpful, we all have to start some where and you have a head start with two smashing pups Best of luck with them.