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Organ Donation

So to have an opinion is ridiculous...

At what point did I say anyone should be banished from the NHS?? I merely said that certain people shouldn't be put before others that are more deserving.

And for your information I don't smoke, I very rarely drink the only medication I take is what is prescibed by my GP and although I am a little chubby I am not obese.

Like I've said people chose what they do and that does include smoking, drinking, over eating, drug use etc the list goes on.

Whilst I type my nanna is in hospital with lung cancer the probability she will return home is slim, yes she I think its her own fault...yes I do because if she hadn't have smoked then the chances of her getting it could have been so greatly reduced. Do I love my nanna...yes I do but I still have the same opinion. She is in hospital because she can longer look after herself and it was the choice of my mum and her 2 sisters to put her there as they could no longer give her the care she needs...This is the second time in 15 years that she's got this horrible disease and I do believe she's played a part in getting it as she chose to smoke.

Now this is why I don't often take part in such debates because people think its ridiculous to air their midlanderkeith and jessr123 put in the catorgory as me??

This is the last I'm going to say on this matter or take part in any other debate because to have an opinion that differs from the norm is so obviously wrong and here's me thinking we're all adults and are entitled to our opinions without been subjected to harsh comment.
hellybobs said:
So to have an opinion is ridiculous...
At what point did I say anyone should be banished from the NHS??  I merely said that certain people shouldn't be put before others that are more deserving.

And for your information I don't smoke, I very rarely drink the only medication I take is what is prescibed by my GP and although I am a little chubby I am not obese.

Like I've said people chose what they do and that does include smoking, drinking, over eating, drug use etc the list goes on.

Whilst I type my nanna is in hospital with lung cancer the probability she will return home is slim, yes she I think its her own fault...yes I do because if she hadn't have smoked then the chances of her getting it could have been so greatly reduced.  Do I love my nanna...yes I do but I still have the same opinion.    She is in hospital because she can longer look after herself and it was the choice of my mum and her 2 sisters to put her there as they could no longer give her the care she needs...This is the second time in 15 years that she's got this horrible disease and I do believe she's played a  part in getting it as she chose to smoke.

Now this is why I don't often take part in such debates because people think its ridiculous to air their midlanderkeith and jessr123 put in the catorgory as me??

This is the last I'm going to say on this matter or take part in any other debate because to have an opinion that differs from the norm is so obviously wrong and here's me thinking we're all adults and are entitled to our opinions without been subjected to harsh comment.

I hope you nan is ok. Tough time for you and your family. A healthy debate is good. People need to hear others opinions and their reasons for them even if they dont agree.
midlanderkeith said:
Notacolly said:
I have learned that there are no guarantees in this life, and equal opportunities means a lot to me. there is no blame to be apportioned to those suffering from or in recovery from addictions, alcoholism or mental health problems, they have rights, the same as everyone!! I would gladly give them one of my organs on my death, and therefore the opportunity of a new life.
If folks wanna drink em selves mental and into organ failure, let em get on with it

ive no sympathy with em whatsoever, i dont mind my organs going to a worthy cause, drunks, no thanks, scurge on society


well said keith..ive carried a card for almost 30yrs now and ive still got the same turn in my grave if i thought my organs were given to a smoker or an alcho or a lump of lard who cant stop gorbing !! id take my name of the donor list before id waste them on these "organ wasters"
hellybobs said:
So to have an opinion is ridiculous...
It is ridiculous to suggest that just because somebody may have end up needing transplant due to something they have done to themselves, they do not deserve it. Because that is exactly what you and some others are saying, your post was just the last , that is why I responded to it.

The fact is that organs are allocated on the bases of :

1- compatibility

2- urgency

So what exactly is the point you are trying to make ? :)

If your nanna could be saved by lung transplant would you say that she does not deserve it?
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as far as im concerned i'll be dead and they can do what they want with me...of course i'd rather my organs saved lives of people who i feel are "worthy" but i you cant pick n choose.

I have a donor card and i would encourage others to :)