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Organ Donation

I can't donate organs due to health problems; but if any bit would be of use to someone once I'm gone they are welcome to it. I've finished with it, so let someone else benefit from it. ;)

If something was to ever happen my children I would donate their organs as well. The anguish people go through waiting for transplants is heartbreaking; particularly when the person in need of a transplant is a child. I would feel I was denying them life by refusing to donate.
We will all be considered as donors unless we carry a card sayingwe do NOT want our organs to be used for transplants
very bad idea what happens if your against it and you nip out 1 day leaving your wallet/purse at home and you have a crash and die? they take your organs against your wish's?.

another thing that worrys me is you hear of people being in comas ect for a long time then recovering, are doctors going to start cutting corners with care if they think they might save someone by borrowing a part from another who's very little chance of ever recovering?
you have to be alive and on life supprt with no chance of recovery (brain dead) for them to take your organs,if you die in a smash your organs have died too so they wouldnt be any good to use them.
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you have to be alive and on life supprt with no chance of recovery (brain dead) for them to take your organs
Thats my point, if the new law comes in it would give unscupuless doctors (Those looking for results) a chance to maybe declair a person clinicly dead in order to save another who will survive without giving the 1st a proper chance?.

nothing wronge with the system how it is if you ask me, if people want to donnate there should be a central register that people register themselves onto. (or maybe there already is?)
I recently joined the Organ Donor registar and although you do get a card to carry it doesn't matter anymore as it's on your medical file that you have joined and what Organ/s you wish to donate. I was also told that Doctors no longer need your families permission to take your Organ/s if you've joined - if you've joined then that's that. Obviously in reality I don't know how well either of these two changes actually work! :lol:

I don't agree with the proposed forced donor scheme though, it should still be completely voluntary.
I am sure many people would not really bother at all and just haven't thought about carrying a donor card. I understand why they want to change the law and in some respects it doesn't bother me but then I do think it is erroding a few more of our rights.

What do you think?
Mark Roberts said:
you have to be alive and on life supprt with no chance of recovery (brain dead) for them to take your organs
Thats my point, if the new law comes in it would give unscupuless doctors (Those looking for results) a chance to maybe declair a person clinicly dead in order to save another who will survive without giving the 1st a proper chance?.

nothing wronge with the system how it is if you ask me, if people want to donnate there should be a central register that people register themselves onto. (or maybe there already is?)

I'd never thought of that aspect Mark but then I don't suppose I would be the only one.
i think its bloody disgusting that this arse comes on tv and thinks its a good idea to "donate" unless instructed otherwise ! dont forget how many religions must be buried intact or atleast with all parts in the box too !!

jac mentioned previous about the "alderhey scandal"..that was toss-all compared to the "queens university disgace" over here. my cousins son was killed by so called joy riders (theiving scum) read below..

in my mind the word "harvesting" is what donation would infact be .

my cousins have had 4 separate funeral services for colin..each time intering more of his body with him. id like to add that thanks to "queens university belfast" colins parents are now divorced and some of the family are now "hollow images" of what they once were before all this.

Mark Roberts said:
you have to be alive and on life supprt with no chance of recovery (brain dead) for them to take your organs
Thats my point, if the new law comes in it would give unscupuless doctors (Those looking for results) a chance to maybe declair a person clinicly dead in order to save another who will survive without giving the 1st a proper chance?.

nothing wronge with the system how it is if you ask me, if people want to donnate there should be a central register that people register themselves onto. (or maybe there already is?)

There is a central register.

The thing is if someone's already on the organ register now, then the same could apply and it would probably have a greater likelihood of occuring in the present situation where organs are low in their donations.

Doctors are probably not allowed to persue this until a person has been confirmed clinically dead and I imagine once a name is accessed on a register it would be logged. If I even access an X-ray, a blood test or even the location of a patient's medical records it is always logged to ensure I'm not being unscrupulous.

I can see where your coming from though as if everyone was on the register it could be presumed that their organs could be donated, but that presumption could be their downfall sheerly for the fact that the person concerned may have opted out and there'd be no way of knowing that until the register was accessed.

Organs that are fit for donation are rare as they have to be disease free which usually means healthy people who've looked after themselves who the doctors would be wanting to save. What I'm trying to say is that the likes of the infirm elderly, alcoholics or drug abusers aren't going to recieve comprimised medical care because there organs are basically not good enough. I do hope people don't think I'm being derogatory to any of the above groups of individuals mentioned, it's just a fact that time and abuse do take their toll on the body.
The thing what gets me about Alder Hey and from what I've read about the Queen's university scandals is that I can't find any information about any of the organs actually being used in organ donation, they all seem to be used for medical research.

I think families having graves dug up for further funerals is ridiculous, I can understand the families doing it, I mean what else are they going to do? But if everyone's organs were harvested regardless, it would take this issue way.

Personally I think people lay too much thought on having a complete body and like's been said when your gone your gone and that's that. If you had a biopsy tomorrow, the bits taken out of you don't get re-united with you if you die. If you had an accident and lost a limb 10 years ago, would you really want it to accompany you in your grave? Where do you draw the line? we leave bits of ourselves about wherever we go - just look at DNA evidence. I know we may consent to these medical procedures but have any of you thought what happens to that bit of tissue you had took out years ago?

I believe we live on through our children, I think donating an organ spreads our life around a bit more and I'd sooner bit's of me did that, than got burned to ashes either in a crematorium or a medical incinerator.
I have been on the list for years - but I like the idea of it becoming opt out rather than opt in. I am sure there are suitable organs going to waste because hospital staff just can't bring themselves to bring the subject up ..... and people, including children, are dying every day because the right match doesn't come up in time.

As you basically need to die in hospital to be any use, I can't see that popping out without your opt out card would be a problem - they will always have access to your records and can keep you on life support until the checks have been made.

The medical team looking after you as as a patient is completely separate from the transplant team - and must always remain so. As has been previously stated, viable donors are the young and healthy - if you are, then your medical team will be fighting to save you not pull the plug

I'm happy for what's left of my body to be used for the good of others!!!!

However, was a bit disconcerted to hear that some people may like to choose who potentially gets their organs!!! I work with people who have dependency problems, they do not ask to be dependent on a substance. Often circumstances beyond their control leads them into a life that they did not choose, whether it be abuse, abandonment, bereavement, poverty, privelege, or maybe just getting in with the wrong crowd. I see people turning their lives around, but for some,not before their health has been irreparably impaired. Would you also choose not to donate an organ to someone because of their skin colour?

If addiction has not touched your lives, you are lucky, but please try to understand those which it has.

Notacolly said:
HiI'm happy for what's left of my body to be used for the good of others!!!!

However, was a bit disconcerted to hear that some people may like to choose who potentially gets their organs!!! I work with people who have dependency problems, they do not ask to be dependent on a substance. Often circumstances beyond their control leads them into a life that they did not choose, whether it be abuse, abandonment, bereavement, poverty, privelege, or maybe just getting in with the wrong crowd. I see people turning their lives around, but  for some,not before their health has been irreparably impaired. Would you also choose not to donate an organ to someone because of their skin colour?

If addiction has not touched your lives, you are lucky, but please try to understand those which it has.


I have worked with people wo are addicted and who have suffered mental health problems as a result of their addiction, but i still would not want them to have my organs as there would be no guarentee they would look after them properly. I would rather they went to someone who needed them through no fault of their own as they are more likely to look after their bodies properly. It sounds callous but when organs are in short supply you have to prioritise.
I have learned that there are no guarantees in this life, and equal opportunities means a lot to me. there is no blame to be apportioned to those suffering from or in recovery from addictions, alcoholism or mental health problems, they have rights, the same as everyone!! I would gladly give them one of my organs on my death, and therefore the opportunity of a new life.
Notacolly said:
I have learned that there are no guarantees in this life, and equal opportunities means a lot to me. there is no blame to be apportioned to those suffering from or in recovery from addictions, alcoholism or mental health problems, they have rights, the same as everyone!! I would gladly give them one of my organs on my death, and therefore the opportunity of a new life.
Yes they do have rights, but with rights come responsibilities. You cam't have one without the other and one responsibility is to look after yourself.
Notacolly said:
I have learned that there are no guarantees in this life, and equal opportunities means a lot to me. there is no blame to be apportioned to those suffering from or in recovery from addictions, alcoholism or mental health problems, they have rights, the same as everyone!! I would gladly give them one of my organs on my death, and therefore the opportunity of a new life.
If folks wanna drink em selves mental and into organ failure, let em get on with it

ive no sympathy with em whatsoever, i dont mind my organs going to a worthy cause, drunks, no thanks, scurge on society

and boy racers who have ruptured their kidneys in car crashes? and injured sports people who've damaged themselves being reckless? and organ failure brought on by type 2 diabetes induced by being overweight ? liver failure caused by complication of sepsis, following for example, a large untreated gash on the leg allowed to go untreated for several days? anyone? lol

Lots of people need organ transplants due to conditions that their own behaviour played a hand in! I do not sit in judgement, transplant teams prioritise people and determine the liklihood of the recipiant sticking to the strict regime necessary to keep the donated organ functioning..........when i added my name to the register I trusted that those who deal with transplants day in day out (or blummin wished they could) were better placed to decide who gets my bits and pieces when I've done with them
Notacolly said:
HiI'm happy for what's left of my body to be used for the good of others!!!!

However, was a bit disconcerted to hear that some people may like to choose who potentially gets their organs!!! I work with people who have dependency problems, they do not ask to be dependent on a substance. Often circumstances beyond their control leads them into a life that they did not choose, whether it be abuse, abandonment, bereavement, poverty, privelege, or maybe just getting in with the wrong crowd. I see people turning their lives around, but  for some,not before their health has been irreparably impaired. Would you also choose not to donate an organ to someone because of their skin colour?

If addiction has not touched your lives, you are lucky, but please try to understand those which it has.


I'm sorry but I have to agree with the other on this...

You say people don't chosse to be dependant on substances but they do...they have a choice whether or not to abuse substances.

There are hundreds of thousands of people world wide that suffer horrific things such as abuse and bereavement etc and they choose not to abuse substances.

I personally feel that their are more needy people who are ill through no fault of their own who are more deserving.

Call me harsh or uncaring but why offer the chance of a new life to someone who has abused themselves and shortened their own life, when they could quite possible go ahead and the self same thing once they have recieved a such a scarce comodity.
I think its a good idea so many people just dont get round to getting a card or cant be bothered. I think you might as well make use if your body all you can after death youll only rot other wise and think if the lives you could save :) even children it must be unbelievable hard but if a parent has lost a child then surly they can (to some extent)sympthies with the parents who are so desperatly trying to gove their child a chance :(

is their a age before you can register at the moment?
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hellybobs said:
You say people don't chosse to be dependant on substances but they do...they have a choice whether or not to abuse substances.
There are hundreds of thousands of people world wide that suffer horrific things such as abuse and bereavement etc and they choose not to abuse substances.

I personally feel that their are more needy people who are ill through no fault of their own who are more deserving.

Call me harsh or uncaring but why offer the chance of a new life to someone who has abused themselves and shortened their own life, when they could quite possible go ahead and the self same thing once they have recieved a such a scarce comodity.

this is just ridiculous. To start with why do you think that there are many drug addicts on the waiting list? As Urchin and Nottecoly already pointed out, as there is already long waiting list for scarce organs, the team has to choose people who are most likely to be able to receive the organ successfully. So it is very unlikely the recipient will be somebody who will abuse their body.

And what exactly do you call abusing ones body? Some may say that anybody who eats junk food, drinks soft drinks is abusing their body. And i suppose you never drink? Are you suggesting that people who used to smoke should also be ineligible? Why go further and banish all smokers, people who drink or are overweight from the national health Service system, after all they caused most of their problems themselves.