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Organ Donation


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What do you all think about this new transplant/donor law they are

talking about.

We will all be considered as donors unless we carry a card saying

we do NOT want our organs to be used for transplants :unsure:
I think it's a good idea. I am registered as an organ donor. There is a critical shortage of organs and im sure we would all be more than happy to accept somebody elses organ if our lives depended on it (religious issues excluded).

Unfortunately many young people are killed each year without ever discussing their wishes with their family and hence their organs don't get used.

Im happy to be chopped up when im gone if it helps other people :thumbsup:
I think it's a good idea. It certainly takes the decision out of grieving relatives hands as it must be extremely difficult to decide so soon after loosing a loved one. I recon a lot of people would consider donating their organs but never get round to actually consenting to it. Those that are strongly against it, will have the motivation to opt out officially.
brilliant idea...i am already on the list...........they can have anything they want....after all ....i wont be needing it :thumbsup:
I carry a card that says they can everything (although most of it is useless :x ) but it does say that they can't have my eyes 8)
I think the principle is good,but I do think there may be some problems with it,for one what if the person is not carrying the card saying they do not want their organs to be donated, and so they are donated, I can see there being diputes with relatives over that, and what is the procedure for a child, does the parent have to carry a card saying they don't want their childs organs donated,god forbid.

I am all for donation just a couple of niggly things, I think they would get more people carrying a card if they posted one out to everyone, I personally can't think of anywhere I have seen any apart from my doctors and even then it was ages ago :unsure:
I hadn't heard about this...

I used to have a card many years ago but I have no idea where it went.

I think with such a shortage organs and many people dying everyday its a good idea and I would be more than happy to donate my organs, although I don't know how many of them would be of use.

But on the other hand I don't know if I could offer my daughters or my OH's organs...I know this must sound really strange cos I'm happy for mine to go but its the accepting that your loved ones would have gone in the first place to have to even contenplate having them chopped up even though it is for a very good reason.

Reading this back I know how very selfish I sound when others have lost or could loose loved ones.
You are already given the option to donate organs when you apply for a driving license - maybe they could link it to that on the card.

I'm not 100% happy about organ donation although I have said I will do it. I would like some kind of say on the kind of person who would receive my organs. I would want them to go to someone who had a genetic problem or who had not caused themselves to need a donation but I am not happy about donating my organs to someone who has made a personal decision to partake in an activity which is known to damage themselves eg drugs, alcohol abuse, smoking etc.
hellybobs said:
I hadn't heard about this...
I used to have a card many years ago but I have no idea where it went.

I think with such a shortage organs and many people dying everyday its a good idea and I would be more than happy to donate my organs, although I don't know how many of them would be of use.

But on the other hand I don't know if I could offer my daughters or my OH's organs...I know this must sound really strange cos I'm happy for mine to go but its the accepting that your loved ones would have gone in the first place to have to even contenplate having them chopped up even though it is for a very good reason.

Reading this back I know how very selfish I sound when others have lost or could loose loved ones.

I understand what you mean about that Hely thats what I was thinking about when I said about children,I commend people who make that decision if they need to but I can't bear to think about it :(
I know Lesley, its not something any parent wants to think about no matter how old their kids are.

And those parents who can do that for others are absolute stars.
its a great idea,and im already on the list :thumbsup:
although its the most awful thing in the world to think about donating your childs organs........i really think that i would do it (although it wont happen as i will be long gone before any of my angels o:) ) but to know that your child has helped and lives on in someone else......i imagine must be a small comfort to you...

thats all i can say on the subject or i will have myself in tears thinking about it :(
TC said:
I carry a card that says they can everything (although most of it is useless :x ) but it does say that they can't have my eyes 8)
Are you worried about being a blind ghost Tracy? :eek:
it's an excellent idea, a long time coming, it should be made public with a short tv advert every so often, then becomes like a sublime message....but oh, no that would mean losing out on a few million for a paying advert :- "

Anyone is welcome to my organs when i dont need them. Hope they make beter use of them and look after them better than I did.

I have a real problem with my kids though and being really selfish about it. If my children needed a transplant I would expect someone to donate their dead childrens organs. But I honestly dont know if I could do the same if it was my child that was dead. I cant even think about without getting tears in my eyes and a lump in my throut.

When my dad was dying and on a ventalator. There was no hope of him recovering and it was a case of if he hadnt slipped away by the morning he was being switched of. I wasnt able to be with him but I phoned the hospital and made sure they knew he wanted his organs donated and not to switch him off until they had someone who could take them. Gosh that sounds so callous but it is what he wanted and I was only following his wishes. It felt so right to do it and i know he did help a lot of people. I hope if god forbid it ever happens I will be the same with my kids. But I honestly dont know until I am faced with the situation.

What a cheery topic

talisman said:
Anyone is welcome to my organs when i dont need them. Hope they make beter use of them and look after them better than I did.

I have a real problem with my kids though and being really selfish about it. If my children needed a transplant I would expect someone to donate their dead childrens organs. But I honestly dont know if I could do the same if it was my child that was dead.  I cant even think about without getting tears in my eyes and a lump in my throut.

When my dad was dying and on a ventalator. There was no hope of him recovering and it was a case of if he hadnt slipped away by the morning he was being switched of. I wasnt able to be with him but I phoned the hospital and made sure they knew he wanted his organs donated and not to switch him off until they had someone who could take them. Gosh that sounds so callous but it is what he  wanted and I was only following his wishes. It felt so right to do it and i know he did help a lot of people. I hope if god forbid it ever happens I will be the same with my kids. But I honestly dont know until I am faced with the situation.

What a cheery topic


i think it was very brave of you to take his wishes into sure there are people that ignore their loved ones wishes.

well done :thumbsup:
I think the principle is good,but I do think there may be some problems with it,for one what if the person is not carrying the card saying they do not want their organs to be donated, and so they are donated, I can see there being diputes with relatives over that, and what is the procedure for a child, does the parent have to carry a card saying they don't want their childs organs donated,god forbid.
I think they'd probably put something in place like a national register because they'd be legally slaughtered if they took organs without consent. The whole issue of consent was completely reformed after the Alder Hey scandal, ironically many of the parents involved said they would have consented to organ donation, it was the fact they didn't know that their childrens organs had been used for 'research' purposes that caused them such distress. :(
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As children are not old enough to make these decisions it is up to the parents to say they forbid organ removal. But it would be legally OK for the hospital to remove the organs unless objection is lodged.

After I had cancer I was told I am not allowed to give blood or offer my organs for transplant, but I am firm believer in both. I have thought how I would feel if it was my child, and i decided I would say yes, and then just switched off. Once you are dead you are dead, the body gets burned or rots away, if bit can save someones life, great. And transplant or research, what does it matter, i have already told my daughter to offer what ever of my body if it can be of some use, considering the medical history, cremate the rest and scatter in the sea.

And there are thousands of people, some children, who will die without transplant.
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*Lesley* said:
rls22 said:
TC said:
I carry a card that says they can everything (although most of it is useless :x ) but it does say that they can't have my eyes 8)
Are you worried about being a blind ghost Tracy? :eek:

:lol: :lol: :lol:

No, it is sooo weird, I know :b

I know when you die you are dead, and that's it. At least that is what I believe...

I don't mind them cutting me open and taking out everything inside (first time for years I'd be a decent weight lol) but the outside sort of has to be complete, and in my head that includes my eyes :wacko: I am blind anyway, so they wouldn't be much use 8)

One thing I would say about organ donation about it! All my family know exactly how we each feel, so that when the time comes there is no debate, no difficult decisions at an already awful time.

It's not exactly the easiest thing to drop into conversation I know, but everyone should (imo) make their feelings very clear to anyone who might be involved. I think it would save a lot of heartache, and a lot of lives.

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