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Northern Pwrc

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Don't mention tables Nigel?

That was the fist in the catalogue of things that went wronge Sunday, I had arranged to borrow a large aliminium fold up table (6ftx3ft) from the local church through a naibour.

he said he would have it for me Sunday morning but when I went before going to the track it wasn't there as you know several things happened after that :(

just shows even the Church was against us Sunday
Nigel said:
The club did see it through to the end though, traffic wasn't as bad as it often is for the 4hr+ drive home and the trophies were very good (shame you didn't have a table to put them on :oops: )
Can't comment as I was still packing away equipment whilst the presentation took place, and I've yet to see El Mundo's trophy! :b
Ah well, never mind, Northern opens are usually run well ......... things can only get better. It was just one of those disasterous meetings that happen now and then. It will make us all appreciate the next one more :D

Hope your dogs OK Carmel.
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I agree with every thing Hannah has said regarding this open.......How unusual that is for Hannah and myself to agree on things!!!! :thumbsup:

I for one as a non member gave up my day of languishing under a windblown gazeebo to dig in and spend the whole of the day doing the PA and filling in the race program to allow other people the time to go and sort things out.This i certainly didn't mind doing as we were given help when it was required at our open.It's a shame that people are saying that they won't be going back as the Northern opens are normally VERY well run and we all have been to opens in the past when things have gone wrong . :eek:

It goes to show the metal of your club when it is easier to give up and pack up in the face of adversity instead of facing up to the happenings on the day and getting stuck in and keep the event going!!

How many people would have moaned if they had have given up after everyone had travelled such long distances?? Quite a lot i would have thought Myself included.

So with that in mind does it really matter that it took so long to run the event from beginning to end as we were still running our dogs in daylight and if all we as racers are going to do is moan when things go wrong what does this really hold for the future of whippet racing as a whole !! :oops: :eek:
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I think many of you are missing the point - there was plenty of help on the day, people were more than happy to help - the problem was the lack of preparation and consideration of equipment. A motorbike could have been sourced for the day, but no-one bothered. To run an open with one inadequate lure, and hope for the best was not good enough. The Northern always prided itself on high standards, and Steve spent many hours servicing and maintaining equipment when we lived in the North - is it any wonder at his frustration to see an open totally unprepared for, using equipment which may be okay for weekly club racing, but was totally unfit for the speed of open class dogs.

Well done to those that helped - and yes the open was completed - but sorry your efforts could not make up for the lack of preparation before the event.
I was expressing my disappointment and shame as a long standing Northern member, and as much as you seem to dislike it Scott, I am entitled to my opinion.

The lure used on Sunday could not pull the skin off a rice pudding! At the May open it was used for the 120yds veteran straight - as we saw on Sunday it couldn't manage 170yds, let alone 240yd bend as you say! Perhaps you forgot that a new lure the club purchased in January was used for the bend - I wonder where was it on Sunday?

Lets just leave it that a very painful lesson has been learnt. I think you now realise that as Racing Manager it is your responsibility when holding an open, to ensure the equipment is more than adequate, with backup.

I hope the Northern can rebuild its previous reputation, as I still have fond memories of the club.
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Steve, I have no objection to you having an opinion, I'd think less of you if you didn't.

To clarify a point, the ultimate decision to disqualify the dog on Sunday was mine.

I'd also appreciate it if you edited your post. I do not think we have heard the last of the incident and I feel it's a matter for the WCRA. You have posted one side of a story, there is another and I think that this in not the place to discuss it.


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Oh dear.....Oh dear.......a time and a place for everything ;)
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Post edited as requested Scott. Perhaps after thinking about it, you might like to edit or retract your comments about me - I think it was a bit harsh!

I had to edit through Nigel and Judy, as you only get the opportunity for a short while after posting.
Nigel/Judy please could you delete line 6 of my post on this forum dated Aug 09 2004 10:02PM.

Steve, it is not my intention to fall out with either yourself or June as I've considered you friends for well over 5 years now. I was disappointed that you felt that you could not discuss this with me personally, as opposed to over the internet. :(

I've double checked with Mark, the new lure purchased in January has a blown motor, the lure used in Sunday was the lure used for the bend (had a new motor in March I believe). The lure used for the vets was my own lure (and I'll hold my hand up it should have been on site on Sunday!)

The Northern was spoilt when you were up here servicing the equipment, I'll be the first to admit that as a computer programmer I do not have your mechanical/electrical skills.

Hopefully going forward we can learn from this (only my second Open as RM, no excuse I admit). But for now the committee will meet and attempt to address the problems that exist.

I'd also hope that if (when/ever) the Northern were to hold another open that we'd see you and June here supporting us.


I agree with every thing Hannah has said regarding this open.......How unusual that is for Hannah and myself to agree on things!!!!  :thumbsup: I for one as a non member gave up my day of languishing under a windblown gazeebo to dig in and spend the whole of the day doing the PA
I am sorry but you did not do the PA my husband did you did fill in the race programs though. were not members or even have a ped whippet and after the comment I overheard from some woman that my dogs an evil looking mongral. I dont think i wont one. We both like going to the norther on a sunday and there a nice bunch of peopel there but the complaning and bitching off some of the people that came for the open was disgusting. The members all mucked in and tryed realy hard I am only sorry i couldnt do anything. but the ones that did the least did the most complaning. there were a few very very nice vistors there but the rest of you :angry: I was brought up that if someone needs your help or there is a problem you should try and help

fallenangel said:
I am sorry but you did not do the PA my husband did you did fill in the race programs though.
Well filling in the programs takes skill lol (and he is a man) :lol: he was 1/2 of the team at least :- " ......Chris ment that he helped all day "in" the PA tent with your hubbie instead of helping run 2 of his dogs and keeping his bestest Whippet girl hydrated every 1/2 to 1 hour (she has a blood disorder so this is VERY important :( ) ......

As for your evil looking mongrel, if i squinted hard enough with one eye closed, whilst not looking at Lacey then yes she could look quite evil (w00t) ........

Nice to meet you and your family by the way (and your evil looking mongrel) who Jacob liked alot :wub: (shame about Incas behaviour though :oops: )
I am very impressed with the way that you have expressed yourself Scott. Despite the criticism being levelled at you on this board you have kept a cool head and responded calmly and with dignity in a situation which is far from ideal.

As you all know I haven't been too many opens this year but ............. well from what's been reported back to me is that there has been a lot of moaning at well all of them so far. (w00t)

I've also read fallenangels post and it makes interesting reading. (Don't worry about the person who said that about your dogs they are clearly ignorant and no doubt reading this post so someone won't be speaking to me from now on. :- " )

>but the complaning and bitching off some of the people that came for the open was disgusting.

Is this really how the whippet racing people who do the open circuit want to be remembered as being like?

It seems to me that it's very easy to moan and find fault and that that can easily overshadow the fact that the races still happened, the dogs weren't seriously injured, trophies were awarded and nobody died! :thumbsup:

It also seems to me that if people keep on slagging off the clubs and their members who are putting on opens (at times in the face of adversity) then perhaps there simply won't be so many next year or the year after. And yes of course that'll just be something else to moan about. The lack of opens. I can think of one club that may not run one next year.

People have feelings. Even club officials so I'm told though of course not being one I couldn't possibly confirm for certain. ;)
You are correct as always Barbara :thumbsup: ..........Yes South Cotswolds are thinking of holding a "fun weekend" instead of an open due to the slagging we had from people and we thought it might actually be "FUN" :D
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I hope i havent offended any of the nice peoepl that were there I can understand why your thinking of having a fun day if the cackaling you had at your clud open was anything like i heard. Mid afternoon i took some strong painkillers (i have a rod in my spine so carnt do a lot) and started packing the stuff away myself It wasnt the open that was the problem it was the wining bitching and moaning. There were some brill races and some stuning looking dogs there and i thought thats what it was all about. So bloody well done scott and everyone else ther racer were all run the trophys were given out and it was all finished before the rain came

Every season one or more opens come "unstuck" often with serious injury to the dogs. I'm no friend of the "Northern" but from what has been written on this site it seems there were no serious injuries just some serious inconveniences. Once again it exposes the falsehood of WCRA racing being "fun". The last ped "open" I attended was the most enjoyable I've ever been to. It was the "bootleg open" the Independent staged during the f&m crisis. We phoned John Bishop up 2 days before the event to enter, turned up on the day, payed us money & raced. We won nowt as usual but we enjoyed ourselves & it was an easy laid back day. If you run something like that Hannah count on us turning up. If you want to be "serious" racers get a Greyhound!! How can you get serious about chasing rags & string across a football field?

Terry Smith
I just want to say that I agree with BJ......well done Scott.....I think you knew that anyway.......but it's said now. :D

I agree with much of what Terry+Sheila said.....this is my first season trying to attend more than just 1 or 2 opens......a bit more hand shaking and congratulating the winners wouldn't go amiss.......sportsmanship and's only a few dogs running round a field, at the end of the day, whether it's the W.C.R.A. or a fun day, people should be capable of behaving with dignity and humour....J.M.H.O.

After all....whatever happens on the field, we all know that we take the best dog home with us. 8)
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Well said John.

I have to say though that I think I have been going to different opens to the rest of you as I haven't heard that much moaning and certainly not much bitching at all - apart from a very few people who always moan about everything, but thats just their character. You should take on board what anybody says, good or bad, but its daft to take things personally. Also, whats all this about people not helping - there are always lots of people helping out at opens, some of whom are not even club members, as there were at the Northern. Seems to me that a lot of moaning about people moaning is going on :D Come on, things aren't that bad. Most of us really enjoy our racing and the majority of us get along just fine.
As Chairman of the NWPWRC I have, until now, purposely avoided getting involved in what, at times, has been achrimonious correspondence. I have no interest in in back biting or scoring points at the expense of others.

I have been encouraged by much of what has been said but saddened by the remarks and attitudes of a few.

As Chairman, the ultimate responsibility is mine. Not Scotts or Marks or any other individual member of the Northern. Although the Open was a disaster, I have no intention of resigning as my responsibility now is to make sure that we learn lessons so that the next Open that we run, whenever that might be, goes as smoothly as the Bend Open that we ran in May. To this end, a meeting is already being arranged for the NWPWRC members to address the problems and put remedial actions in place.

I would like to place on record my thanks to Mark, Scott and all Northern members for their unstinting efforts last Sunday to ensure that the programme was completed.

I would also like to thank most sincerely those members of other clubs who helped out in many ways. Your help and encouragement was most welcome.

I do not intend carrying out further correspondence via this medium but should anyone wish to contact me they can do so via e-mail

Dennis Green
Been reading with interest the comments. I am aware that to some people the taking part in this pastime is not a matter of life and death, it goes considerably deeper than that. I sympathise with these misguided individuals. Having listened to the discussion concerning what wasn't done and who should have done what etc it appears that some of you do need to lighten up a bit (I will avoid the use of the phrase get a life ) . Whippet racing as we all know is not an exact science, we do it for fun, yes fun. If you want something that is highly regulated, then buy a race horse or as has already been said, get a greyhound. The people who run these events are (yes) only human ( unlike some of you moaners) and do their very best. Sometimes it goes wrong and therefore some people were inconvenienced. It wasn't done on purpose and no it shouldn't have happened. Just remember, those of us who never made a mistake never made anything. To the person at the start of this thread who said that he will not be renewing his membership I would say that the club will possibly be the better for your absence. And for those of you who were travelling, you were not coming from Peru! To all those officials who clearly worked hard ( some of whom I know ) I would say very well done! Oh and to the moaners........ Well ,'nuf said
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