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Northern Pwrc

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(w00t) Whilst I agree with a lot of what you have said Lamping man - I must defend the person who who started this thread. He is not a moaner. in fact he is always helping out at clubs. I imagine he will be quite hurt by your comments and I feel they are very unjust. He (and June) did a lot of work for the Northern when they lived up there and they were better off for having him and they were pleased to have him. He also helped out on Sunday so he is entitled to his opinion of what went wrong.

I know you are all probably feeling a bit sensitive on the subject but there really wasn't as much moaning going on as you make out. Most of it was of the "not again, this is ridiculess" type of comment - more of a comment on the situation than anything meant personally. You cant expect people not to say anything. They didn't go around harrassing the officials or anything for heavens sake. I heard more fairly good natured jokes than anything else. The vast majority of people are a lot more patient and far nicer than you seem to think.
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As A Northern member i did feel that under the circumstances most of the racers were very patient . OK the day didn't go too well but we kept going and the open did get finished .
My personal opinion is that this thread should be drawn to a close. A lot of people have had their say. Lessons have been learnt and I hope that positive things can only come from it.


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We agree Scott - the sooner it's forgotten, the better. Perhaps Nigel would like to close it for us?

Thanks for your comments Judy - we both appreciated it :thumbsup:

See you on Sunday - we'll pay you then!! :teehee:
Good Idea June - the closing I mean. I'll do it.

Actually the paying idea wasn't bad either :D
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